Dear readers, I'm sorry to say that the novel, [悪魔少年の物語: ナイトメアフォンルシファーの台頭] Nightmare Von Lucifer's Rise, will be cancelled because of story writing reasons. The story itself is not entertaining enough for me to continue writing, however, before January 1st of the year 2022, the reboot will be released, I cannot assure that the story will be the same, however, the story will be yours to read, and not mine, as I would have taken a little bit more time to write the first volume of the reboot... as for the characters, the characters didn't have anything that made them develop themselves, as the only thing that happened is that Shiro awoke two dragons that made them as their host and the first demon king to support his power, and nothing else. Please forgive me, as I would cancel the release of the fourth and final volume. The reboot however will have the same number of volumes [4] but the story will be told more graphically.
Thank you for reading the third volume of [悪魔少年の物語: ナイトメアフォンルシファーの台頭] Nightmare Von Lucifer's Rise, and sorry for the inconvenience,