...The boy felt jealous, relieved, and angry at the same time -Who am I kidding? I couldn't be away from you that long- He said to himself.
He regretted a few minutes later and went to fighting practice his expression and his aura turned dark as he saw how everyone congratulated Yog dodging the blows of one of the most professional ...
-Hi, Ruben- He greeted with his fists several friends- You came late today.
-What's that guy doing here? - He was still motionless and with the same dark expression.
-Yahir is looking for activities to do, it is his last and he wants to enjoy it to the fullest. He had nothing important to do, we invited him to practice- He said animatedly- He is very strong.
-What do you have? - He asked when he saw how he was restraining himself not to explode.