Chapter 28

The Yog family and the Sanders family were having a leisurely breakfast, both teenagers were taken by taxi to school as Sally had been late.

They both got out of the taxi together. Ruben saw them from a not-so-far distance, but they didn't even notice. He continued walking slowly until he reached the classroom.

Mariely and Yahir were chatting very comfortably until her gaze fell on her ex.

-Ruben- She smiled a little.

-Hi- He said without the encouragement of anything and taking out a book.

-Are you OK? Yesterday you seemed very agitated, I worried and I went after you but I no longer found you.

-Yes, I'm fine- He said without looking at her and opening his book. I was practically ignoring her- Thanks for worrying.

-Something happens? - She noticed that I wasn't even looking at her- I tried to communicate with you, but you didn't answer me.

-I was busy, surely I didn´t check my cell phone. Forgiveness.