Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Katie -

I got things for dinner planned out.

I didn't know why it was making me so happy that she was letting me cook for her but it did

The blood would be her answer, but I still felt like there was more to it.

It didn't take any excitement away, no matter the reason.

She wanted to relax in her study after I had a light lunch.

It was nearly dark when I had it, but it was my second meal of the day.

She sat in one of the large chairs and opened a black leather book as I browsed the shelves to see what looked appealing.

Dani: 'Red jacket, upper left hand corner. You'll like that one.'

'Alice in Wonderland?'

Dani: 'Yeah have you heard of it?'

'Yeah. As a movie though, my ex took Cinema of Centuries Past. He told me it was a book, but they watched a cartoon, then like 4 remakes of live action films.'

Dani: 'Give it a try.'


Dani: 'Stiff.'

She didn't look up from her book the entire she spoke.

I went to the bar and prepared her a glass of burbon.

The book was propped on one arm of the chair while she sat with her body diagonal.

I sat the drink on the table beside her and she didn't flinch.

I took a slow breath and carefully slipped onto her lap then opened my book casually.

Her book closed suddenly with a loud snap, causing me to jump.

She grabbed me by my jaw forcing me to look at her.

Dani: 'You think because I let you get close in bed, you can just hop on my lap like I'm the Santa Claus at the mall?'

All I could do was chew my bottom lip from the panic she sparked inside me.

That growl.

Dani: 'You're just going to sit there, chewing on that lip?'


She pulled my face forward, maybe a half inch from hers.

Dani: 'Just remember, you get to chew on it because I haven't decided to stop you.'

She put her lips over mine fiercely, then pulled my bottom lip to her teeth.

With just enough pressure to hold it between her teeth, she started pulling away slowly.

Whimpers escaped my mouth as my head followed hers.

My body rolled slightly, so I was flatter on her chest.

She released my lip but quickly pressed hers back into mine.

I was in a little bit of a haze when she pulled away.

'So, do I tell you what I want for Christmas now?'


She slapped the side of my ass causing me to gasp.

She kissed the side of my cheek and opened her book.

I just laid my head on her shoulder and got comfortable.

Dani: 'Are you not reading?'

'I'm now.'

Dani: 'Here?'

'Yeah. I like it here.'

She chuckled lightly and reached for her drink.

After taking a sip she put the glass near my face.

'I don't think that's really my speed.'

She sighed.

Dani: 'So much to learn.'

She put the glass back and returned to her book.

We stayed in there for a few hours and I came close to dozing off a few times, but she would periodically run her hand from my thigh to my knee, bringing me out of it.

'I should go start dinner.'

Dani: 'What are you making to go with the steaks?'

'Fresh rolls, grilled zucchini, baked tomatoes topped with Italian seasoning and cheese.'

Dani: 'I suppose I should go with you so you don't forget to turn the fan on for the grill and poison yourself, or blow up my house.'

'I can handle making dinner.'

Dani: 'Ha! Like you can handle shaving your legs? We both know how that turned out.'

She closed her book and sat it on the table.

'If anything did happen you can take care of me.'

I pressed my face into her neck and moved around gently.

She put her arms around me and squeezed.

Her head rested on mine a moment, then she released me, and started pushing me from her lap.

Dani: 'You mean let you get hurt so you need more blood and then have to be coddled even longer? I think not.'

She got up and we started towards the kitchen.

'I think maybe you like coddling me.'

I regretted my words almost instantly.

Before I knew it, we had gone from half way down the stairs, to the couch in the living room.

She had me firmly pinned down.

Dani: 'Hey, don't you go making assumptions. Keep in mind there's plenty of cages downstairs I could lock you in if I wanted and I could keep you tied down so I don't have to worry about you hurting yourself. I'm being nice by letting you have your little clingy phase.'

'Ya-yes ma'am. I'm sorry'

I swallowed as she started to lift herself.

We continued to the kitchen, and when we got there she just casually turned back to me.

Dani: 'You think I like the fact that you're going to need a chaperone in the shower now?'