Chapter 12
Dani -
She walked in a few minutes late but the sight of her made me not care about the time.
‘Close the door, you look awful.’
I hissed getting up.
Pale complexion, puffy eyes, red nose, and the unmistakable look of feeling like shit.
She hung her head as I got to her.
‘Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t feel well?! What all is wrong?!’
I guided her to the love seat and we sat as I touched her forehead.
Brooke: ‘I’m sorry Ma’am. You said you had that contract to review yesterday and my mom said I was being a drama queen like always, so I didn’t want to worry you.’
I sighed.
Brooke: ‘I woke up yesterday feeling icky, my head hurts, my throat is sore...’
‘How is your tummy? Don’t be shy.’
Brooke: ‘Not awful, but doesn’t feel great.’
I went to my purse to get my card and key ring, removing my house key.
I returned to the love seat and handed her the key and card.
‘I have two meetings I can’t miss, but I can check on you at lunch and still call it an early day. You’ll get a car to take you to the pharmacy down the street, they have a minute clinic, so we can make sure this isn’t something major. You can get ginger ale or whatever you want, no junk though, I’m talking canned soup or frozen lemonade. Go to my house and just lay down. I’ll be there on my lunch break to bring you something to eat and put some chicken soup to slow cook for dinner. You can play on your phone, read, watch TV, or color, but I want you resting. Do you understand?’
She nodded.
‘Are you ok to do that by yourself? Be honest with me.’
Brooke: ‘Yes Ma’am I am. I just want to get into my jammies and lay down. I was up all night coughing.’
I kissed her warm forehead.
‘At the minute clinic ask if Advil cold and flu will help. If they say yes, get some and take ONE dose.’
Brooke: ‘Yes Ma’am.’
She sounded miserable.
‘If it helps you can get anything from RedBox you’d like, even if you want to pick a movie for us to watch together, anything you want pretty girl.’
She smiled softly.
‘I’m sorry I can’t just go take care of you sweetie, but like I said I’ll be there at lunch, then I’ll be home right after my last meeting.’
Brooke: ‘No Dani, you have work, I’m just sorry I’m sick. I think the worst part is knowing I can’t have kisses.’
‘You don’t dare be sorry for being sick, but you sure as hell better tell me next time.’
I grabbed her face and rapidly began playfully kissing her cheek.
She giggled until it turned into a cough and I just wrapped around her.
‘I’m sorry sweet girl, I didn’t mean to get you coughing.’
She nuzzled into me as the coughing stopped.
‘Can you eat something for me? I know you don’t feel good, but even just a little something would be feel better, even fast food breakfast.’
Brooke: ‘You have fast food. I can do an egg or two when I get to your house though if you want.’
‘There’s all kinds of cheese you could add. Are you sure you can cook like this?’
Brooke: ‘I’m Brooke rightnow Dani, I have some control. I knew I had to drive and planned to work all day, so I’m ok I promise. Once I know all I need to do is lay down, well, you might find Brookey or even Baby Brookey waiting on you at lunch. Until then, I’m ok, I can take care of myself, or at least enough to be ok until you get to me.’
‘Good girl. Get a car set up on your phone, I’ll grab my tablet so I can be with you while I work.’
I placed a few pecks on her forehead and went to my desk.
She yawned which turned into a cough as I sat beside her.
Brooke: ‘A car should be here in twenty, and the clinic is clear so I shouldn’t have to wait.’
‘Very good, you just lay your head in my lap and try to rest until you car arrives.’