It had been 10 years after Lilia's return from prison and Aims' marriage. Everyone lived happily with their normal life. Aimscious returned back to her duty with the BNI and Nina took care of their children and her café shop.

Prince was made the general manager of their father's company and finally got married to his long term fiancee, Leyla, two years ago .

Jasmine travelled out of Dreamland with Kingsley to visit his parents in Australia for their upcoming marriage.


It was a Monday morning, Aimscious was busily making breakfast in the kitchen while Mart got ready for work.

" Aims, honey...!! Have you seen the documents I brought home last night?", called Mart from the room.

" Check the drawer beside the bed.....", shouted Aims from the kitchen.

" Alright.... "

Mart's voice fainted away.

The whole house was quite chaotic with Rose, Rosita and Rosella running around the hall as they got ready for school. Rosita took Rose's bag and stormed off, running round the hall.

" Give it back, Rosi.....", shouted Rose, chasing after Rosita in the hall.

" Catch me if you can", she exclaimed, giggling.

" Here, Rosi.....throw it to me", called Rosella, sliding over the sofa to the entrance of the kitchen.

Rosita quickly passed the bag to Rosella chuckling." Got it..." ,said Rosella

Rose fell to the floor, trying to catch her bag in the air.

" Ouch.... mum!!!", she grinned in pain.

" Stop it, girls.....( moves over to the dinning table with their food) Come on, breakfast is ready. Hurry before grandma comes to pick you up for school. I'm also running late for work. "

" Okay, mum....we're coming", they chorused, racing to the kitchen.

They settled quietly behind the table while Aims served them. Mart approached from the stairs and kissed Aims at the cheek.

" Good morning , honey...and how are my little angels...."

" Fine, daddy....", responded Rose, Rosita and Rosella and turned back to their food.

Aims answered with a smile and kissed Mart.

" I'm fine, honey....How was your night?"

" Great... with you beside me.....", chuckled Mart with a lustful smile.

Aimscious drew closer to him and whispered, giggling.

" Stop it, the kids are here...."

" Oops, sorry... I almost forgot..."

They both laughed and sat with the kids for breakfast.

Just then, they heard a ring from the door.

" Oops, I think mum is already here for the kids....", Aims exclaimed, turning to the monitor at the kitchen.

" Grandma Nina....", the girls exclaimed happily when they saw Nina on the screen.

" Hi, mum.... I'm coming....", Aimscious answered and trod out of the kitchen towards the door.

Rosita , Rose and Rosella rose from their seat about to follow Aims.

" No, girls.....sit down and finish with your breakfast. Grandma will be with you shortly, you are already late for school."

" Dad.....", they cried with a pouted face, settling back in their chair.


Aims walked in with Nina behind, talking.

" How are you guys doing, Aims...?"

" Fine mum, just stressed with work and the nagging of these kids every morning... "

" Don't worry dear, you'll soon get used to it or if you like, they can stay with me to prevent me, coming here every morning to pick them for school."

"oh, no mum....don't worry about that. I love to have them around me as well...."

" Alright.... "

" Grandma.....!!! ", Rose, Rosita and Rosella shouted and rushed off to hug her.

" Easy girls....else you'll get hurt....", chuckled, Nina,hugging them.

" Come on, girls...let's go finish with our breakfast and go. We are almost late for school.."

" Okay, granny", they replied and sped back to their seat.

Mart, Aims and Nina chuckled.

" Welcome, mum....", Mart greeted.

" Thanks dear....How is work? "

Aims hurriedly moved over to the dinning table and settled down with another plate for Nina.

" Fine mum..."

" Good to know.... "

" Thanks mum, but I need to rush off now...."

" Oh so soon?"

" Yeah, I have a meeting at 9 and it's almost time...", answered Mart, raising from his chair.

" Okay, take care then...."

" Alright mum....( kisses Aims and the kids). See you later guys..."

" Alright, daddy...." the girls exclaimed with a wave.

" Take care dear, love you....."

" You too, love you, bye....", he waved and hastily dashed out of the house.