CH 03|| Engaged to who?

I spent the rest of my days sulking and withdrawing myself away from my family except my siblings. People always say, never stop loving your parents because they know what is best for you but I on the other hand am scared to think my parents indeed loved me. Despite the fact that they are stuck with no way out, they should at least have consulted me. At least sat me down and straightened things out but they did not.

I shifted on the bed, my mind far off in thought. For the first time, I delved into my perception of my future husband. At the sound of it, it didn't sound far any longer as I long imagined it to be. In fact, we were getting hitched in no less than two weeks.

Out of impulse, I fisted my palm beneath my cheek in extreme annoyance. Imagine getting married but not to who you know. You have been stripped of your right to plan your wedding and you're totally voiceless.

Nevertheless I really was afraid and curious of the kind of guy I was to marry. What was in my mind was that the man would be ten years older than me and would be ugly and terrible. I was so ashamed to tell anyone at school that I was getting married, not even to my closest friends.

It's darn because of this marriage I didn't celebrate my 19th birthday that just passed few weeks ago. I hated everything that was happening and I bet the man I am to marry was happy. I felt like strangling someone. It was true, I was a small looking person by figure, easily disrespected although l was average in height but slim.

Suddenly the lights were switched on, causing me to squint in reflex. I geared my head towards the door to see my mum with her eyes fixed on me.

"You'll be meeting your husband this evening. Hope you are ready?" She asked, her voice a bit shy, giving away her old demeanor of a stern woman.

Husband? How strange that sounds in my ears.

"I know. I just don't want to get caught up in the plans towards the engagement. I am tired. I told you about my class project this morning, didn't I?" I replied in a crooked voice.

She heaved, rather exasperatedly. "I've heard that more than a hundred times. What I'm requesting of you is to please try to accept this circumstance. It might turn out for the best. Before all of this, the O'Neil family has always been good to us. They're good set of people-"

"Then what stopped them from being good people now?" I injected, sitting up.

"Isn't it just great that early marriage is being preached against but a modern family like theirs don't mind practicing it on someone's nineteen year old daughter who has barely started college?"

My mother crossed her arms and squeezed her face. "I got pregnant with you at the baby age of 17. At that time, I wasn't even married to your father but we both thrived to raise you up as broke as we were. You.. You should be grateful that you aren't getting married below a legal age. You wouldn't have to suffer in poverty as we did. Be grateful Eddy." She said and left.

My mouth fell apart in consternation by the revelation. She got pregnant out of wedlock? And she's been forcing me to stay away from boys. Now I know why.


Hours past noon, we were already at the booked hotel. There, I met with Mrs Gracia who's my groom's mother. As of what I heard, she is an assiduous woman especially when ceremonies are involved.

After testing many dresses on me, I ended up with a beautiful red gown that felt silk-like to the touch but a little heavy, decorated with small diamonds at the waistline. It was a flowing gown that fitted me pretty well, even I was stunned by it, I must admit.

I didn't have big boobs, just normal sized bust which suited the outfit perfectly. And I wasn't heavily ornamented but a few expensive jewelries did it. When it came to applying makeup, I know I would look stupid because I'd never applied one before. When it was done, I looked neutral but more beautiful than my original look. I sighed, relieving myself of the impending fear.


When I was led by Mrs Gracia to the engagement hall, I almost tripped because I wasn't used to heels but thank God no one noticed. I walked on a trail of rose petals to the center of the room which was filled with more petals. The hall wasn't bright but one could still see. I looked around looking for my said groom but got confused by the sight of many guys on suits. At last he came out of the rear. I was caught off guard and so nervous than never before as I saw him walk towards me. I was expecting to see someone ugly or neutral looking but what I saw amazed me that I had to stare at the floor not his face, I was too shy to look up at him. But just like me, he too was not smiling, I felt like he too did not want this.

Ironically, as much as I did not want this marriage, I felt oppressed by his expressionless face. How was he able to mask his feelings that well? I wanted at least a smile but nothing was offered.

Suddenly the lights were off and a light beamed over both our heads. The spotlight was meant for only both of us. That's when my heart started pounding. We both turned on your feet to face each other but my eyes were no way near his.

When I decided to look up as soon as he took my left hand, I melted under his gaze. His eyes were dark and piercing; not the least encouraging and when I meant melting, I was scared by how squeezed his eyebrows were.

He looked young – maybe just a few years older than me by age but his height and body mass made me feel insecure. He wasn't much weighty but compared with my slender figure and average height, he looked big.

"This is going to be weird." He muttered to himself, going down on one knee.

No doubt.

He got a small velvet box out of his pocket, and opened it, revealing an encased crystal in the middle of a silver ring.

"Eddy… I have thought severally, about how my life would be beautiful if I get to spend it with the right woman…" He hesitated, looking to his left before resuming.

"I have realized that you're the girl for me and hopefully I'm meant for you. I guess we're compatible and would make a great couple if only you would say ``Yes?"

Am I supposed to say yes?

I got chills running down my bones, hesitating to say yes as it didn't even seem right. Making a wrong move, I turned my gaze towards the awaiting crowd to catch glaring eyes from my father.

Immediately, I responded with the right reply and that was how a real ring got slipped into my finger as an engagement proof.

As we sat together on a detailed seat meant for us, we never said a word to each other until the occasion ended. I felt so awkward at the whole thing. So far, I'm partly grateful he didn't want this whole thing if not he would have done the wanting alone.

At school, I usually removed my ring so nobody would know. My friends never noticed a thing about me. I mean what was I supposed to tell them. That I was getting married to a guy that wished I was never conceived into this life.


There was nothing pretty about an afternoon which burned off your skin like you were in a furnace. The sun was not friendly, the rays biting at my skin so I was afraid I would hear a soft crack or smoke going off my body.

As usual, school had a rare vibe to it but today was just plain bad but not until I saw someone whose appearance made my heart flutter.

"What's up baby." He called out to me while moving towards the shade I was moving in to as well.

He had never called me that before.

"Fine as always." I said with a smile. And yes I knew him, who didn't?

" always look so cute " he said as he intentionally pressed his lips against my cheeks, kissing me. I sat there stunned as I watched him sit on the bench under the aluminum shade.

Did he just kiss me? I seriously blushed but since I am dark skinned he didn't see but I'm sure it was obvious.

I felt like kissing him on the lips because I knew once I was married, I would never get a chance to do so again, so unfortunate. Still, I got no courage to do so because my conscience won't just let me do it so I eschewed it.