It's been 3 days since Damian came back from the dead. Wow! THAT sounded cliche. So, Damian came up to us a few days ago and said that he wanted to talk to Caroline about all these things. He explained about his past and I kinda felt sorry for him. No one should have gone through that. After he explained to Caroline about everything she accepted his apology and it was like old times again. Although I still don't feel comfortable with him speaking to Caroline, I promised myself to support whatever Caroline chooses and that's what I'm doing. Anywayyy... life of being in a relationship is sort of fun. Okay. REALLY FUN. Mike is not too sweet and cheesy like many other guys. He understands me and behaves to my liking. That's what all relationships are about, you know. Look at me being a LOVE GURU. And don't even get me started on Leo and Elly. They are the cheesiest couple that I've ever seen. The best part, it has only been a week. Well, at least they're happy! I mean, who am I to judge. You only live ones you know so we have to live it to the fullest. Why am being such a philosopher today. Whatever.

So, Elly, Caroline and I are currently at the library studying our asses of. It's a Sunday, and we are having are 1st semester exam tomorrow. So many things have been going that we've not been studying and it is our first exam in high school. We've always been A grade students in middle school so it would be really disappointing if we don't do well. However I do feel like Elly is ready always is. It's an annoying but great quality that she has.

"Hey Caroline, how did you solve this. I don't get it at all." I asked.

"That's because you slept through math class" she said hitting me with a pen.

"Hey! It's not my fault okay, I was doing finishing up our project all night. Just teach me will you." I said annoyed.

But I THINK I said that a little too loud because the librarian was standing in front of us.



"SERIOUSLY!" Elly screamed once we were kicked out.

"Don't look at me! Caroline's the one that annoyed me!" both of us turned to Caroline glaring at her.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. We can go to my place! Mom's visiting dad so we'll have the house to our selves." she suggested.

"You aren't visiting?" Elly asked.

"I visited earlier",

"Well, okay. I'm pretty sure your mom won't kick us out...Right?"

"Ummmm. I hope so" she said pulling both of us towards her house.

After about a 10 minutes walk we reached her house and entered. Went straight up to her room with some chips and started studying. We sound and look like nerds right now. I had my reading glasses on while Elly and Caroline were having pencils sticking around all over their messy bun.

"So to find the are of the circle you use the formula pir². So since the diameter is 10cm the radius will be half of it which is 5cm. So...22 over 7 × 5² and you'll get the answer" Caroline finished.

And by that time I was literally halucinating. I think there was some drug in that brownie I ate. I feel really HIGH.

"PHOEBE!" Elly cut me out of my halucination.

"Did you listen to anything?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Um...well...5km has to be divided by 22?" I blabbered while both of them looked at me in amusement.

"Where did you get that from?" Caroline asked.

"Umm. I don't know?" I answered sheepishly.

Elly sighed closed up all the books and stood up. Caroline and I just stared at her.

"Guys, we are not focusing. Phoebe, you're sleepy, Caroline you're tired and-

"YOU are busy dreaming about your boyfriend" Caroline cut her off with a smirk on her face.

"SHUT UP CAROLINE. I'm serious."

"So what do you wanna do about it Elly?" I asked sleepily.

"Let's get out of here and PARTY"

Caroline and I stared at Elly blankly. Say what now? ELIZABETH SMITH is asking us to PARTY? Is there a zombie apocalypse going on outside? In a split second she pulled both of us out of the room and before we knew it we were walking to Starbucks. Hah. Elly's version of partying. We reached Starbucks and that's when we saw Damian. He was working as...a barista? Never have I ever imagined THAT.

"Damian?" Caroline called out.

"Hey Cici" he replied with his signature smile.

"You're working here?" she asked in amusement


"Where are you living though?"


"Damian....NO. MORE. LIES. Remember?" Elly said taunting him while he rolled his eyes.

"I live in...the park?"

"You live WHERE?"

Caroline shouted. I'm pretty sure EVERYONE was staring at us now.

"Caroline...I will explain this later. I'm currently working." he said through gritted teeth.

Understanding his situation, the three of us just orders or drinks at sat at our table. And that's when Leo came in. Caroline and I turned to Elly and she was looking down.

"Party, huh?" Caroline asked mockingly

"Well, Caroline. I think we are not invited to this party. It's more of a party for 2." I replied

"Hey!" Leo said with extra energy.

Trust me, he usually sounds like a zombie. He would say the word "hey" like a robot. He reached out and gave Elly a peck on the cheek while Caroline and I made a disgusted face. Ew. Too cheesy to my liking.

"So Leo. How is studying going? Or are you too 'distracted'." Caroline asked, emphasising on the word distracted.

Leo shoved her in the shoulder as she winced in pain. Throughout the conversation I caught a glance at Damian an saw him staring at our table with a clenched jaw. He immediately averted his eyes away when he realised me watching. Is he jealous of Leo? Wow. He definitely is.

"NOW let's study." Elly chipped excitedly.

We studied till it was already 7pm. Leo left us in our respective houses. But Caroline stayed with Damian because she wanted an 'explanation' from him for the MILLIONTH TIME. Honestly I don't know what she sees in him. He always lies to her but she trust him. He was involved in bad things but she accepted him.

"You have to support her, remember?" my conscience scolded me.

Urghh. Whatever.


I waited until Damian's shift ended and he got changed. We walked out while talking.


"Okay, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to burden you. Your mom already told I can come stay at your guest room. But I didn't want that Caroline," he said

"But, why?"

"Because my life is still dark Caroline. Yes I changed and everything but if the gang finds out about YOU things will get dangerous."

I sighed

"Oh Damian. I get it that you're scared and that you care for me but I WANT you stay in a safe place. So you're following me back home okay?"


"No buts" I cut him of and he gave in

"What about that Starbucks job? My mom ALSO said she'll find you a good job?" I asked

"Now THAT'S what I seriously wanted to talk about!"

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked worried

"I don't know if you recognize but do you know the cashier?" he asked

Now that's an irrelevant question.

"Umm. He's new to town" I answered awkwardly

"I knew it!"


"He was in the gang, just like me. But he's younger so he didn't really know me. I just thought the face looked familiar. He went missing after stealing a pen drive. A really important one that belongs to the gang leader. All the details about the gang is in there. And I believe that it's still with him. So if we can confront him with the police, we might get to know about why they wanted Phoebe" he said in one breath.

"Wow. That's alot" I replied slightly worried

"I'm gonna see the sheriff tommorrow. You wanna come?"

"YES! Anything to crack this code about why they want Phoebe"

I'm gonna find these jerk heads and find out the why the hell they want my best friend.