Urggghhhh. THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING. I walked in the cafeteria and stood there watching Leo and Caroline laughing. I didn't like it when Caroline was with Leo. He is dangerous. He's definitely a part of the gang...
Everyone must be thinking I got crazy after going to jail. But only I know why I'm acting like this.
"What are you doing? Eat the freaking food" Daniel shouted at me. Daniel was 3 years younger than me but he was the boss's son. And I couldn't do much but shut up when he's around. Eventhough he was young he was the best fighter among all of us. And he was CRUEL. He was the biggest mastermind. He was the HACKER of this gang.
End of flashback
Now. You must be thinking what does this have to do with Leo. Well...Leo looked EXACTLY like Daniel. The first time I saw him was when I reached out to Elly and Phoebe. I wanted to immediately tell Elly about him but then I realized a thing. Unlike Leo, Daniel had 6 fingers on his right hand. When I realized that I decided to investigate further. BUT. They look exactly alike. I had to feel worried about Caroline being so attached to him. There MUST be something he knows about this gang. But I dont have proof. And I won't stop until I find one. Caroline and I had a small conversation and now we're headed to the sheriff's office.
"You're mad" I stated to her
"No shit Sherlock" she replied
"I said I'm sorry"
"And I said I'll talk about this later"
Soon enough we reached Mr. David's office and saw the boy sitting with handcuffs.
"Uncle David?" Caroline asked looking at the terrified boy.
"Caroline, OUT" he said
"WHAT? No!" she answered defensively
"Its not safe Caroline"
"I need to know what's happening" she said crossing her arms over her chest.
He sighed in defeat.
"We have the pen drive"
Caroline and I both had wide eyes
"Where is it? Is there anything in there?"
"We haven't checked it but Matt..." he stopped pointing to the boy, "has something to say..."
Matt coughed painfully
"There is nothing in there about Phoebe" he admitted
"How can we believe you?" Caroline asked.
"You can check it...but you'll just be wasting time. I want to help you. Phoebe's in BIG danger." Matt said nervously
"And what will that be?" I asked.
"I know why the leader wants her. She's *cough* she's *cough*..."
Suddenly he started coughing blood.
"Hey, are you okay" Caroline asked concern filled her face.
"She...she...her father...father" he fell on the floor
Mr. David shouted to his officers to get the ambulance but it was too late...
Matt stopped breathing.
"No! Nononono!" Caroline kneels beside him her eyes filled with tears
"Uncle David do something" he shouted to him
He kneeled besides her putting a comforting arm around her.
"Come on, Caroline. Let's go" he said bringing her while she stared blankly.
An hour later...
We were now seated in the bench. Caroline was looking traumatised. Well, I don't blame her. That would've been really bad for her. She's sensitive in that type of things.
"Hey, Cici, you okay" I asked concerned..
"He didn't have to die. He was about to help. What happened" she asked confused.
And as if on cue, an officer came up to Mr. David handing him paper. His eyes was serious and almost frightened when he saw it.
"What is it, Mr. David?" I asked
"Its the postmortem report" he said
Caroline immediately stood
"What does it say?" Caroline asked
he sighed "He was poisoned".
Both of our eyes widened
"What type of poisoning is it, specifically?" I asked
"Arsenic poisoning" he stated
I knew it.
"They found out"
Both of them looked at me in confusion
"That is a way of poisoning that the gang leader always uses against traitors. He definitely found out about Matt and what he knows...So he killed him." I finished
"Shit" Mr. David cussed
Caroline was staring at me
"Damian, bring Caroline back home"
"Take the pen drive let's check it" I suggested
We opened with but then...
"EMPTY?" Mr David asked in confusion
"They are definitely close to us Mr. David. We need to hurry" I said worried taking glances at Caroline who was flustered.
Mr. David looked at her with a troubled expression.
"Take her home Damian" he said and I did as I was told.
We reached Caroline's house, Mrs. Williams wasn't there. U brought her to her room and she sat on her bed, worry clearly being seen on her face.
"Cici...what's wrong?" I asked
"They are deadly" I looked at her in confusion
"They are deadly Damian. Such monsters want PHOEBE. My BEST FRIEND. Why would they want her. And did you realise Matt said something to do with her father before he.....he died" she said, hurt flashing in her eyes,
"what does her father has to so with any of this?"
"I don't know Caroline, but right now you need rest. It's late and you're drained out."
"I'm scared about Phoebe, Damian"
"Hey," I said cupping her cheek "I won't let anything happen to you or your friends okay. As much as they hate me" I said making her laugh
"They don't hate you" she said shoving me
"They definitely do" I said putting an arm around her shoulder while she placed her head on mine
"But I dont care"
With that she slept of, snuggled on my shoulder. I tucked her in and went to my own bedroom. I opened my laptop and started searching about the gang's whereabouts with the little details that I have.
The next day...
"CAROLIIINNNEEEE!!!" I screeched through my phone.
"WHAT THE HECK ELLY!" they both screamed in unison.
"What happened to 'Haloween is Boring' huh?" Caroline asked sounding rather tired or...disturbed?
"What happened was...now I have a boyfriend and I wanna look like a fun girlfriend" I said
"I'm pretty sure Leo doesn't mind. He hate parties" Caroline said again sounding tired.
But one thing Caroline didn't like is when someone asks her if she is okay. She doesn't like that pity. She just likes to be the ball of positive energy in the room. So I ignored her tired voice.
"I wanna go okay. And Phoebe you can also find time with Mike and you know ..."
"Well, you do have a point" Phoebe said.
"SERIOUSLY?" Caroline shouted
"Yup. Seriously. Find a date Caroline" I said making a time ticking sound
"Well, I can go as a friend date with Damian" she suggested and I could hear hope in her voice.
"Whatever. As long as he doesn't screw up my night" I said.
"I'm sorry on his behalf okay"
"Yeah, yeah. We're not mad Care" Phoebe soothed her.
"All we want you to do is get ready and get your ass here.
Okay bye!" I said without waiting for either of their response.
Tonight is gonna be a HUGE NIGHT.