"You?" I asked in shock

"The one and only!"


Well, I didn't actually murder her. Instead I engulfed her in a bear hug. Ivy Miller is my aunt, my mom's sister to be precise. Just for your information, my mom's name is Eliza Amelia Miller-Williams. Even though Ivy is an aunt to me, she's like a sister to me since she's only 22 years old. And I call her by her name. I didn't see her for 3 whole years since she, lives in Canada for higher education and decided not to visit since she is a bi-.

Never mind.

"My God Caroline. What happened to you. I'm out for 3 years and you become a supermodel?" she asked sarcastically.

"That is what you get for not visiting for years" I retorted.

She rolled her eyes and walked in rolling her bag.

"I heard about Rick. You okay?" she asked, concerned.

"Its fine. He's improving alot." I answered trying to cut the tension in the room.

"Well, where is my sister"

"She went to meet a client"

"Ugh. Teach your mom to have fun, will ya'?"

"What is she? A teenager. She has stuff to do Ivy." I rolled my eyes.

Just as I finished my sentence I heard two squeals and it belonged to my best friends. They ran and hugged Ivy as tight as possible. They knew her to and they are pretty close with her.

"Gosh kiddos, how have you two been"

"Don't call me kiddo" Phoebe retorted

After a fair amount of bickering I stopped them.

"So, Caroline. Fill me in." she said and as she looked up her eyes bulged out.


"Um. Hi?" Damian said sheepishly

"Um. Well, Ivy. I have a lot of things to fill you in on" I said nervously.


"WOW!" Ivy sighed after I finished 'filling her in'

"I know. It's a lot to take in"

"No! I'm just thinking how it must've been to you! Friend coming back from the dead. Dad going into a coma. THAT JERK-"

"LANGUAGE" a voice boomed from the front door.

"HEY LIZA!" Ivy got up and hugged her.

"You curse in my house one more time, and I'm kicking you out!" my mom warned her

Leo came down in a while looking as shocked as possible because he has no idea of the things that happened here. Where was he anyway?

"Ooh. Who's this cutie?" Ivy in her oh so seductive voice.

"Hey! He's MY boyfriend. Go hit on some other guy" Elly said moving towards Leo as he blushed.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Even I have a boyfriend Ivy" Phoebe said

"WOW! PHOEBE JONES HAS A BOYFRIEND? Now that's news. What about you Care?"

"Nah. I'm still single"

"Ugh. Boring"

"Um. RUDE. I'm offended. Anyway, let's get you in. You'll be sharing a room with me"

"What happened to the guest bedroom?"

"Damian's there now"

"I can move out for n-" he started

"Shut up Damian. You're still staying here" I cut him of.

"Come on Ivy." I dragged her in my room.

As everyone went back home, Ivy and I were catching up a little bit.

"So what's up with you and Damian?"

"What's up with us?"

"Oh, come on, Caroline. You can be dumb but you're not blind, are you?"

I threw a pillow at her

"WHAT is THAT supposed to mean?"

"He's definitely into you. Don't tell me you don't see that"

"Ew Ivy. I've told you so many times. He's like a brother to me."

"Maybe to you. But he does not see you like a sister. Maybe friend but NOT sister."

"How about a change of scenery? Wanna go out?"

"Like where?"



We were out now at Starbucks near my school.

"So you literally got drunk and accidentally bumped into the cop's car but you didn't get caught because the cop was a perv who was checking you out? " I asked amused

"Yeah. Sick right"

"How did you get into law school? Mom is so gonna murder you"

"Only if she knows and don't you dare tell her Caroline"

"Okay, okay"

As we were talking pointlessly in the coffee shop a loud group of boys entered the shop. And that group of boys included Nick. God, is he stalking me? He noticed me and came to my table immediately but instead of having an apologetic look on his face he more of a...positive look?

"Hello beautiful" he said flirtatiously

Hah. NOW I know what he's doing. This is what he does. After he says his fair amount of sorry he tries to be as fun as possible to make them laugh and forgive him. Let me share a secret. This trick of his used to work on me. Key word: used to. Not anymore baby!

"Hey Nick. Oh sorry, did you think I'm was gonna reply Hey Handsome? Sorry dude, not happening."

Ivy was trying to stifle a laugh as her eyes went wide at my remark. And Nick, well he was still smiling.

"Oh it's okay Caroline. You'll call me that one day" he replied pulling a chair from the table across.

He sat and that's when he realised Ivy sitting there. Ouch for her.

"Oh Ivy. Still so hot, huh?"

"Oh Nick. Still a jerk, huh?"

Hah. Serves you right.

"Anyway, what are two beautiful girls doing alone here" he asked with a smug smirk.

"Um. Do we look alone. Buzz of IDIOT"

"Okay, then. I've got some things to do too!" he said and left but not before whispering in my ears, "You looked so hot in that cute little skirt".

NOW he left. After leaving me in utter confusion.

"Wow, he's really trying" Ivy said.

"Ugh. I just lost my mood. Can we go back?"

"Okay, I've got some stuff to do too"

"Like what?"

"Like going to a club"

"You're going to a club?"

"Yeah, wanna come?"

"Mom will murder me"

"Oh whatever. I'll bring the cute boy in my house"

"Ew Ivy." I chuckled as we walked back home.