I came back from the hospital after visiting dad and I couldn't feel more relieved. ITS FREEZING OUTSIDE. I have like 10 layers of cloth surrounding my body and I still can't stop shivering. Winter was much better last year when I was fat. All the fat helped me stay warm. See. Being fat isn't bad. Its LITERALLY SURVIVAL. There were 5 more days for Christmas. But I kinda feel an emptiness. But I dont know what it is.

Okay that's a little bit too much. Anyway, I walked up to my room and on the way I heard muffle sobs coming from mom's room. A million questions came in my mind because of the latest incidents that have happened. I immediately took a vase and poured the water out. Right now I probably look really funny but this is my best chance at beating someone up. Carefully I entered the room....

Only to find my mom holding a picture of dad's and crying silently. Oh mom. I kept the ridiculous vase and walked up to her.


"Oh! Caroline. I didn't realise you were hear." she said as she wiped her tears hiding her red face away from me.

But well, I knew my mom too well.

"Why are you crying mom?" I asked

"Its just that...I just realised this will be our first Christmas without him" she said sniffed.

Then it just hit me. THAT was the emptiness I felt. My dad. I almost forgot about it. Tears were threatening to come out but I tried my best not to let it out.

"Its okay mom. You don't need to be strong for me. I get it. But, dad is always gonna be with us. Not physically but spiritually, yes. We are always in his mind and heart as he is always in ours. So, we can still celebrate. Okay?"

"Yeah, we can" she sighed "thanks Caroline. Dad would be so proud of you for being so brave"

"Of course he'd be proud, mom. I'm like the best daughter a person could have" I said making her laugh.

She leaned on my shoulder as I placed my head on hers. We stayed like that for sometime. Enjoying the silence.


*Christmas Eve*

"WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR" I was currently watching the video of my 5 year old self singing with my friends.

What? Did you think I'll be doing that now? Puh-lease. I'm 14 not 4....... okay maybe I would've done it but I didn't.

"Come down kids dinner is gonna start" I heard Elly's mom calling out.

The Smiths, Jones, and Williams have always been friends and this is an annual tradition. Each year one of the family will host Christmas Eve's dinner and we will spend the night at the church with the others. This year is the Smith's turn to host. Our parents decided to come earlier to help out while we were getting dressed up in Elly's room. We went down in our Christmas dresses with our Christmas hats of course. We walked down and showed everyone our dresses

"HERE WE ARE!" we said enthusiastically.

"Aw, you girls look beautiful! Come on sit down" Aunt Crystal AKA Elly's mom said.

"Oh my god, it smells awesome here. I'm gonna dig in" I said practically salivating.

"Hey, tone down there. No one is eating without me" Uncle Jason AKA Elly's dad teased me.

We took our seats and dig into our meals. Stuffed turkey with mash potatoes. The roasted veggies. OH MY GOD. DELICIOUS. After DEVOURING the meal we all waited for our secret Santa gifts.

"I'm first." Uncle Elijah said standing up.

"I got Caroline"

My eyes widened. I couldn't be myself around him these days. It feels like I am being held at gunpoint whenever I'm with him. I gulped and waited for the gift.

"What if it's a bomb" my inner voice asked me.

I ignored it and stood up. As much as I'm afraid I also know that he cares for me. Come on, things wont change that quickly... Right?

"Here you go" he said handing me a wrapped gift.

"Don't open it now! It's a secretive gift" he said

"Hey! No fair, we wanna know too" Phoebe whined

"Nope. This is a little secret between Caroline and I" he said and everyone agreed.

Everyone were giving presents one by one but I didn't notice anything. My mind was disturbed. What could possibly be in the gift box. I didn't realise I was staring until my mom called me.

"Caroline, it's your turn"

"Um sorry. I got... Uncle Jason"

"You better get me something good"

"You'll love it" I said as I gave him the gigantic wrapped present

He opened it and a gasp left his mouth

"A GOLF SET?" he asked in awe

"Mhm" I answered smiling. "I know you like golfing and your set got stolen so, I got you a new one"

"Thank you so much Caroline. I can go golfing again" he practically danced as we all stared at him.

"What?" he asked once he

realized he was being stared.

"Um. Nothing. Just that you're screaming at the top of your voice" Aunt Crystal said as we tried to stifle our laughs.

He was warm and welcoming but we've never seen him this happy. Well, I'm glad that I was a part of his happiness. Anyway. I'm saying a lot of anyways. My mind is out of words. I have no vocabulary right now. Coming back to the story! We went to the church after dinner for the mass. When it was finally 12 AM...

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" everyone almost screamed.

We were wishing each other and our other church member. And by church members I mean THE WHOLE DISTRICT. Its always so crowded on Christmas in the church. I mean I think the whole population of Berry, Alabama comes here.

"Hey, Care. I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Phoebe said to me as she went.

LITERALLY 2 seconds later... I got a phone call. I didn't recognize the number though.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello, Caroline" a woman replied from the other side.

"Um. Who is this?"

"Ouh come on Caroline. Don't you know me?"

"I think it's a wrong num-"

"Caroline Eleni Williams. Do you think I'll know your full name if it's a wrong number?" the woman taunted.

"Wh-who is this?" I stammered

"Ouh you're stammering?

Caroline, honey. I thought you were much braver than that. And you know who I am. Think Caroline, think"

My head was about to explode when the voice striked my mind.

"Leona" I said

"Ding, ding, ding. You are correct my dear" she teased

"How do you know me?"

"Well, Caroline. If I want a person, I will search about every single other person in her life"

"Why do you want Phoebe?" I asked her bravely.

"What's the fun if I say it? You need to find out, Cici" she taunted emphasising on 'Cici'.

She definitely know about me and Damian. In detail.

"Ouh, actually. Talking about Phoebe. Isn't she gone for a little too long?" she asked.

That's when I realised. I totally forgot about Phoebe. I ran to the toilet only to find it empty. There was nobody in there. I searched through the crowd. I could spot every single person except Phoebe. No, no, no. Where is she? I went to the back of the church in hope of finding her. And I did. She was with Mike. I couldn't explain the relief I felt when I saw her. I pulled her and asked.

"What the hell, Phoebe? Where did you go?" I asked her angrily

"I just came to see Mike" she answered innocently

"Can you both please get inside? Mike?"

"Okay, okay. We'll go Caroline. Calm down" Mike said

"What happened Caroline?"

"No it's nothing. Just got a little worried"

"Ouh dont worry. Nobody's gonna kidnap me" she said mockingly as she walked back inside with Mike.

Only I knew how much of a lie that line actually is. Not one but two people are trying to kidnap my friend. I put the phone back on my ears only to hear a taunting laugh coming from Leona.

"Ouh Caroline, you should have looked at your face." she said in between laughters.

Wait. MY FACE.

"You can see me?"

"Ouh darling. I always see you. I have eyes everywhere. Your school, the church, malls. Even your house." she said calmly and coldly.

Gosh, this woman is terrifying. SHE'S GOT NO FREAKING FEELINGS.

"Now, Caroline honey. Listen carefully. You are gonna tell Damian to stop searching about the gang and you have to go back to your normal teenage life. Forget about Phoebe. She's just a childhood friend. The deal is; you stay out of this and I stay out of your life" she said,


I paused for probably a whole minute.

"Hell, no!" I replied

"You think I'm gonna stop finding you, huh? No way, Leona. Damian and I are gonna find you and we are gonna put you in jail. I know I'm a kid, but I'll tell you one thing. You will not even touch my friends or family" I said and hung up

Wow. That was pretty badass. The only problem is I feel like fainting right now because of the adrenaline. I called Damian.


"DAMIAN TIMOTHY BROWN. COME TO THE BACK OF THE CHURCH NOW" I screamed as I hung up, waiting for him.