A grin appeared on my face as my eyes lit up. I couldn't contain my happiness when Ivy said that, but I was equally surprised. I had a clue in my hand the whole time, and I was searching everywhere, except, it was right in front of me! We called Damian earlier, asking him to come come quickly. While waiting, I stood beside Ivy inspecting the half of the triskelè. On each spiral of the triskelè there was a word.

"Creazione" on the first

"Preservazione" on the second

"Destruzione" on the third

Ivy's nose wrinkled in confusion.

"What language is this?" she asked, no one in particular

I took a moment looking at it.

"Its Italian" I said abruptly

Ivy looked at me like I've grown two heads.

"What? I learned Italian for like a solid 5 years" I reasoned

"Yeah, and you sucked at it, so you stopped" she said as a matter or fact.

I rolled my eyes

"Anyway, what does it mean?" she asked

"The cycle of the TRISKELION is...

