TRMJ Chapter 5

Jane's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night when I suddenly felt hungry ..

I went to the kitchen while still drowsy ...

while I was walking unconsciously ... I suddenly stopped when I heard a crack ..

I took a paddle next to it ... it was right to be hit by ..

"WAAAAAAHHHH !! ! " I cried out in shock when I saw my brother bent over and hiding in the refrigerator and carrying a basin full of dishes while his mouth was also full of food ..

"HEY KUBOKS !!! What are you doing there?! .. My, My! You really are! If I hadn't seen your back right away I might have thrown the paddle at you!" I shout at him

"Why do you care? I'm eating because I'm hungryyyyy!!!" he shouted back at me while still chewing ..


"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH ..." we both shouted at the same time when we heard crashes outside the house ...

"Jane, look what that is ..." Kuboks ordered me.