WebNovelThe Room16.67%

The Room

"When you're free from the shackles of solitude you never get the sense any mountain is too high to scale, or any horizon is too far to conquer "

Saim .A. Cheeda

The Room

It was the beginning of November in Chicago city and the slight rain hadn't seemed to have stopped since the first morning hours this gloomy Friday evening.

It was not usually dark this hour but the heavy clouds made the city appeared more hazy and dim than normally this winter.

In a quiet road next to a flower shop a young red haired woman parked her small white car hastily.

As she walked with quick steps towards her apartment building a tall man with a black jacket kept politely the door open.

She hasn't seen this dark skinned man before around.

She gave him a quick sweat smile and continued entering the elevator.

A sigh of relief came suddenly from her.

"Almost home! "she thought cheerfully.

Her apartment was the last one on the top of the high building.

It was nearly six o clock in the evening now when Analia entered her apartment in Brook Street 43.

It was a busy day and her only thought was only to take a relaxing shower before slept in her worm bed. She has spent a long but pretty interesting day in the buzzy Chicago homicide investigation department until late in the afternoon.

And after that she didn't missed her swimming also in the Sheridan Park Poll.

There was her handsome trainer Mathieu every day this month also.

And this was a motive for her to go there regularly also...

Fortunately for her the afternoon hours was available for women's classes during winter.

But strangely Mathieu despite his appearance never seemed to like his job or his women trainees and avoided any further discussion with almost everyone there.

They said that he had a serious health issue lately.

She was wearing casual clothes now and few in her the apartment block knew that she was working for the police.

In fact she was not police officer but a crime scene investigator.

A pretty rare career path for a girl as rare as her own name ,her aunt often said to her.

Since she was little girl she was fascinated from the fictional crime stories that she red in her bed every night.

And she never regretted her choice.

It was her passion, a puzzle that she always felt excited to solve digging for the truth.

As soon as she took her degree, few months before she was accepted and now she was already involved in an important investigation.

From her appearance was difficult to guess her profession ... in fact she was more like the two twin girls from university that lived downstairs , often disturbed her sleep with their loud music and parties.

Not tall but athletic and slender in body with her long auburn hair loosen now in her white shoulders.

Her light brown eyes were slightly angled like cats and her eyelashes long and rich.

Despite her attractive appearance she was full of determination to prove herself in her new career.

Her supervisor Josh said often that she will have bright future there.

But she wasn't sure if she should believe this words from him.

She had the impression that the recently divorced man was over friendly to her from the beginning.

She left her keys in a small box next to the basket where her white cat Luna was sleeping.

When she heard her arrival Luna approached growling and rubbing her shiny fur to her calfs.

Analia sat in the sofa felling too exhausted to play as usual with her.

As she removed her white socks she walked barefoot inside, slightly limping from her right leg.

She had a small accident two nights before as she returned from her jogging late in the afternoon.

She sat lightly in her bed lifting her knee to reach her dainty feet.

Her ankle was in pain again.

She tried to relax her strained ankle massaged him with slow gentle movements as her doctor Mr Blair suggested.

Doctor Blair had very few patients because of his weird habits which one of them was to collect venomous snakes in his basements in Hegthon Street. Extracting their venom for hobby was an extremely time consuming process.

Most of his few patients didn't want to hear about his accomplishments with the deadly reptiles but he still boasted about them and the effect of their venom in the human body.

Fortunately the doctor was still in Europe this week for a medical convention and he uploaded regularly in his channel in YouTube all of his speeches as a proof of his "unlimited" knowledge as he usually said to his patients.

Her phone rang for a few seconds just when she wore her light night dress and stretched to reach her blankets...

"Who is this? "she whispered warily as she saw the unknown number.

"Is her again " ,she though.

She dumped her phone in the side of her bed with a sigh of boredom.

Her friend Esma has probably change number again to avoid some annoying admirer as few weeks ago...

Her friend was sometimes a little mysterious with her behaviour.

At least she said to her before moved in another address again not very far from hers by car.

Esma was older from her around twenty five and criminal phychologist working often with her colleges in the police department.

Then she remembered her hot chocolate milk that always enjoyed before bed.

As she enjoyed her cup watching from the window she saw something that catch her attention.

One grey car with half closed windows that parked in the corner next her own car.

It was not the first time which she remembered the same vehicle around her...

All of the sudden her cat jumped from the sofa next to her and ran towards the door.

" Luna what happen? "said softly with a little surprise.

Cats sometimes were as mysterious as the women she thought with a wry smile.

She lifted up her cup for a last sip when suddenly she felt very tired.

Her felling now was almost like she has just returned from a hang over night outside with Esma.

She left her cup and walked slowly towards her bedroom feeling dizzy.

Suddenly her vision darkened as if a heavy veil felt in her eyes.

She made few more steps and collapsed in the wooden floor gradually loosing almost all her senses...

She didn't remember many things from then.

But she sensed that something was different now.

She wasn't alone ... someone was there.

Somehow she could felt his eyes peering at her face.

She felt something touching her in her chick and then again.

Few moments after someone grabbed her slender ankles and drugged her silently in the smooth wooden floor.

Then she felt herself like someone carried her like a child in arms and gently placed her somewhere dark.

But she was not sure if this was dream or not.

The time seemed like he stopped for her then and she was lost in an unknown deep dark place helpless and unable to think or move.