'' what the hell” I place my hands in my belle, with my knee slightly bent, laughing hard that I couldn't stop, everybody in the hallway was laughing, some brought out their phones to take pictures of a girl, wearing a crazy color combination, a blue top, a green skirt that barely covered her ass, the girl wore red lipstick, yellow eyeshadow, pink boot. She was the cause of the commotion this, what would make someone dress like this, I shake my head and turned to leave when I heard a voice.

“Wow! It looks like Clara decided to dress for me,”

I turned back as the smile in my face slowly turned into confusion, I saw a well-built blonde guy with black jet hair and green eyes, he stood in the middle of the hallway as people made the way for him and two other guys, while still laughing, they were really attractive guys, I pondered within me,

Who were these guys,

They looked quiet influential, with all the I got cash aura around them, I looked around and saw the dazed expression on almost all the face of the girls there, I rolled my eyes, what was dazzling about three normal handsome guys with your boy next door look

“Oh my Gosh these guys are always hot,” a girl beside me said jumping up with excitement as she almost uses her side elbow to push me out of my place, smiling at them, they weren’t even celebrities, I tried as possible not to think of the reactions they will have if they see a celebrity, even the boys around had this look that says,

Whoa they are so awesome

with the surrounding behaviors, it meant they were important people around here, I tapped the excited girl beside me

“Hey, “I said putting a fake smile and waving to her, I had to be nice, she looked at me and smile

“Who are these guy,” I asked pointing to the three guys, she opened her jaw wide with her eyes scanning me from head to toe, I was forced to look at myself from head to toe too, wondering what was wrong with me, with a confused expression on my face

“Are you new or what, who don't know these guys?” she finally asked with her mouth still open, so that was why I was scanned like I was wearing a torn cloth, within me I wanted to waste a bottle of water on her head, but it was within me

“Yea, I'm a new student, “I said still fake smiling with cheek hurting me, she gave me a look I had no idea for and pointed towards the guys

“Well the fair guy in the middle with black jet hair and the green eye is Justin, and the light-skinned guy over there with curly black hair is Solomon,” she said pointing at them, while I kept nodding,

“the fair guy with brown hair and blue eyes is Noah, they are all best friends,” she said smiling, with her eyes shining bright, it's no doubt that she has a crush on them

“Aren't they hot? “She asked hitting me lightly with her elbow on my arm, still smiling at them, I rubbed my arm, I was already tried of the dramatic behavior around.

“They are, but it's not a big deal, I'm not interested,” I said honestly, folding my arm, as I watch the scene unfold

“what? you are so boring” she snorts, muttering words under her breath, I rolled my eyes

Fucking pathetic.

I watched as they kept on teasing the girl and everyone made fun of her, she kept her head down, watching as she raises the tip of her right foot, tapping it on the floor as she made effort to keeps her tears at Bay, she kept on biting and releasing her lips, all this was oblivious she was nervous and scared, I began to feel bad for laughing at her the first time, looking at what is going on, it is obvious that she was being bullied by the three guys, I watched as Solomon and Justin kept on giggling at her as they watched her trembling, the show seems to be giving everyone joy , they seems to be enjoying hurting her, Noah seems to be uninterested in whatever was going on, he was busy pressing his phone showing no interest at all

“She actually dressed just the way you told her dude, “Solomon said smiling and looking at her

“I know Solomon you don't need to tell me, I can see it” he said smirking at Clara, she clenched her hand unable to control the tears that fell from her eyes

“Justin please I beg you I wouldn't look for your trouble please let me go, the whole school has seen my embarrassing state please “she knelt down

“can I wash it off” she pleaded

I Got pissed at how harsh they are to put her in such a condition, and they weren’t ready to give up, with anger I pushed through the crowd and stop in front of Justin, and pulled Clara up, Justin turned and faced me,

“wow “he chuckled then looked down and looked at me, smiling mischievously

“who are you” he brought his face closer to my face, squinting his eyes, trying to studying me, I glared at him

“don’t try, you don’t know me “I said closing up the gap between us

“ohh so you’re new, hmm you look familiar though” he said touching his chin, pouting like a baby, what was his problem, I grabbed Clara arm with the intent of dragging her out of this place

“well looks like a new student have something interesting to say,” he said turning around pulling people's attention towards me,

“Justin all what the fuck you call yourself, I’m not interested in your sick drama, so keep whining like an idiot “, I snort,

but he seems unaffected, he laughed, then I moved close to him and whispered in his ear

“dude I’m a mess when I get angry, I mean crazy mess “, I gritted through my teeth, not knowing any better thing to say, I dragged Clara out of there took her to the toilet

“Sorry for what happened in the hallway,” I said, she smiled and nodded her head, I knew it must have been hard for her to dress like this to school looking so horrible

“hmm can you, you know to tell me what you did that made those jerk force you into dressing like this,” I said not trying to hurt she just smiled

“I have a crush on Noah” she said biting her lips

“then I got drunk and called Justin by mistake and said some shitty things, I mean I was drunk,” she said, she smiled briefly and shakes her head, I had nothing to say, I could say something annoying, and wasn’t Noah the uninterested guy among the three, wow wrong choice Clara, you could do better

“I'm nyinna”, I said stretching my hand, she smiled and shook my hands

“I just guess you already know my name I'm Clara,” she said rubbing her face and gave a weak smile, revealing how pretty she is, I studied her face for a while, she had a full pouty lip, hazel color eyes, and was definitely a blonde

“I'm a new student, I haven't even reached the administrative building, to collect my schedule, so I will just go, bye “, I turned to leave

“em nyinna, “she said stopping me from leaving. “Yea”, I turned.

She bit her lips and said” thank you for what you did back there”

“that wasn’t necessary, you’re welcome” I said smiling

“I Know we just meet but can we be friends, I don't have friends, I just have one, and he's not in school, but he is really nice “Clara said

“Clara you seem like a nice person, but emm I'm very boring, and I have a lot of problems now, we can be on good terms, but I don't think we can be friends, “I said, being friends with her wasn't bad, I'm just scared that I might ruin things between us

She smiled and stand up, then locked her arm with mine, “let get you to the administrative building new friend “, I just smiled, I mean a real smile this time

It seems like I already got myself a real friend, a real one