“What " I said almost in shock, I tried to block all the thought flowing into my mind, that couldn’t be possible.

“your father had an accident” caller said

“Oh my God, " I said shaking with my hands trembling, this was praying hard that this was just a dream and I want to wake up now

“Wha what is the name of the hospital,” I said with tears flowing freely from my eyes, if anything happens to my dad I don't think I could survive this world alone, probably my mom will come and take custody of me and my life will become hell. There was a moment of silence from the other end, I almost thought the caller had cut the call, but then I heard murmurs in the background and sound of engine that sounds like the one used to sharpen knife, I stopped crying and was about to say something when the caller spoke

“Haaahaaaa, this feels so good,” the caller from the other line said, I felt slightly scared, I shake my head to wade it off, everything started feeling weird, something was wrong, and I swear if this was a prank I promise to burn down the person's house, I really do mean it, even if I can’t do it

“who the fuck is you” I gritted through my teeth, almost getting angry

“Sweetheart ahh,” the caller said trying to grasp for breath from laughing, was any of this funny? and the thought of the caller laughing made my blood boil

“I swear if you don't tell me who the fuck is you why...”

“Princess you don't need to shout, chill your ass,” the caller said cutting me short

“you see princess I just wanted to catch some fun,” he said laughing again, I thumped my fist and snarled

Seriously, since when did I start making myself to psychopath?

“Is this some sort of joke to you?” I shouted, “you call someone and prank her saying her dad had an accident” by this time I was already losing my temper, only if I could see the person and smash my fist in the person's face then I will be fine, I promise.

“Aww princess I'm happy that you're in pain “he chuckled “I’m not a fan of people messing with me, don’t worry you don’t me yet " with that he cut the line, I sat down on the couch thinking who could be the person, who could play that kind of trick on me, but my mind couldn't picture anyone.

I went upstairs and locked the door, the caller just spoiled my mood, even more, my day already went bad, and here I was trying to make it nice as my counselor said

“Overcome your emotion don't let them oppress you”, here comes an idiotic human being to spoil it, so I brought out my laptop and do what I always do when I'm so down, depressed, I couldn’t even hide the fact that I was scared a bit. I logged into my Netflix account started watching “dance of the sky empire "

Since recently, I haven't been able to control my obsession with Chinese movies. I walked to my drawer and picked my jar of Nutella I stored there and went back to my bed to continue my movie.


“honey the food is ready” my dad called out,

I tried to stand up, but it's felt like the bed and I had this magnetic attraction, it was hard for me stand up of the bed, so I stop trying and acted like I didn’t hear

“Get your ass down here, or I will come drag out of the bed myself " my dad shouted from downstairs

I widened my eye and got up instantly, when my dad says he will pull you out of the bed himself it means torture, I entered my bathroom, washed my face and put on some dry clothes, I went downstairs

“dad you know I learned how to curse from you, I said while trying to pull out the dining chair and my mouth watered at the sight of the pasta and sauce, my dad’s pasta sauce is the best

“UMM, this looks so good " I beam at him and looked at me like I've loosened another brain cell and chuckled

“I'm glad you like it,” he says smiling at me, he looks at me for a minutes

“So are you going to tell me why you're a little moodier today than usual?” he asked

I opened my mouth to talk, but I thought I might hurt him if I tell him about the caller, I hate it when he is too concerned, so I kept quiet and continue eating

“you're not saying anything,” he said dropping his spoon

“I’m a fine dad "I said still concentrating on my food

“bullshit Nyinna, bullshit you can't fool me, I’m your father you have to tell how you are feeling or when something goes wrong or-“I cut him before he gets to me or start a long lecture talk

“Nothing okay, nothing, " I said way too chirpily, and he's brows furrow in confusion, I dropped my spoon and I stood up and went upstairs and now the day went worst, I closed the door as I snuggle into my pillow and pull the duvet over my head, I tried to calm myself down. few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, I knew it was my dad

“Honey” the room door opened and my dad enter inside, I didn’t respond he came closer and sat at the edge of the bed

“Honey are you okay,” he asked carefully, he raised the duvet over my head revealing my face, he began to rub my hair

“yea dad I'm fine seriously " I said, looking at him

“Okay then, I didn't just want us to be keeping secrets you know”


“Okay, let me just go clean the table, okay?” I nodded as he kissed my forehead

He left the room, and I sat up and open my laptop to continue watching my Chinese movie

“play with my pussy but don't play with my motion " Doja cat's rules blast from my phone, I stretched my hand to pick my phone from the side table near my bed, check the time 9:58pm who would be calling me by now? I pick the call

“ Hello?” I said hoping it wasn’t the psychopath from earlier

“Hey babe,” the caller said, and I Immediately recognize the caller's voice

“Oh hey Clara, what’s up”

“Nothing I just felt bored,” she said dryly

“Oh I get " I replied trying to relate to the feeling

“Are you okay? Since morning, you've been quite dull " she says as her voice is filled with concern.

“Yea, at least it is better than before, " I said yawning

“Okay b, you need to be fine, okay?”

I laugh, “sure, now hit the reason why you called "

She giggles " okay so there is a party on Saturday, and it's a football jock that is hosting it, I was wondering if we should go, I mean if you don't want, it's fine "

“I got no vibe for party babe, it’s not my thing”. I frown and bit my lip.

“Oh come on, forget that I said if you not coming is fine, it's not fine, you're going to have fun, trust me " she squealed, there have to be a reason while she is so excited to go, there definitely

“I don't want to spoil it for you babe " I said

“Shhh, I'm going to make it fun for you " she said

“Okay,” I say giving up

“Yippee” she screamed happily, I chuckle

“Whatever bye, " I say and hang up

I closed my laptop crawl out of my bed to go check if my dad has slept, I entered the room, sat by his bed, admiring him a bit, even if I don't have a nice mom, I can't trade my dad for anything in the world, I stood up to switch the light off, close the door and went to sleep


“The equations above can be expanded in many ways” slowly the voice around me began to fade


“ Nyinna”, A whispering voice pulled me out of my sleep, I looked up and saw min

“Go away min, the class is boring,” I said reluctantly,

“you got to be kidding me " he laughed, and pick a strand of my curls, playing with it, I slapped his hands away from my hair

“what do you want,” I said still trying to sleep back

“I thought you have a session with the counselor” he said

I groan and raise my head, stretched it while yawning, I rubbed my eye and looked around for Clara

“Where is Clara, min?” I asked

“I don't know, the toilet I guess she was sleeping also” he said walking away

“hey, come on wait for me” I said

“how long have I been sleeping,” I said packing my books

“2 hours I guess,” he said trying to think

“What?” I blurted out

“that is impossible" I say in total shock, " the class must be very boring then” I carried my bag, set to leave.

“Really?” He smirks, with that I knew he was lying, we just finished the class.

We head to the door as we left the class

“Min don't pull those kinds of jokes on me, I might have to break your bones,” I say trying to be serious

“Wow I'm honored " he grasps in fake hurt and I smirk at him

We reached the counselor’s office, I waved bye to min, and I knocked on the door

“come in dear,” she said from inside, I opened the door and I entered the office

In case you don't know Mrs. white she's the school counselor

Having a session with Mrs. white isn't bad though, I haven't told her much about my mom, not like I can't tell her, it's just that talking about the issues is just weird I feel she is not going to understand me and stuff, and I don't know where to start from, each time I open my mouth to talk about my mom its always end in tears, I haven’t been so good at hiding my feelings when it’s comes to my mom, but I told her few things about my mom, she wants me to forget my mom and build a love life, the problem is that issues about love tends to irritate me, I know my dad must have told her how I vowed not to fall in love, when she start talking about love life, I get this feeling like my dad told her to get me to the mindset of love and marrying at 23,

Honestly, that's my dad's dream, to sit in the front row, using a white handkerchief to wipe his tears and be like

“Honey I will miss you " and crying, it's always funny when he demonstrates that on the kitchen counter mostly on Saturdays when he is most at home

but Mrs. white isn't bad, she always see through me, each time she always has one or two words to pass to me, and its work

“What happened dear, you're late, and we just have 20 minutes more,” she said looking at her wristwatch

“I slept of in class ,” I say sheepishly

“Oh " she smiled and looked at me “still not ready to talk in full,” she said referring to my mom's issue

I nodded,” I don't feel like it " she just frowns and smiled trying to keep me at peace

“so any gist, I told you I love gist” she said smiling

“ I'm going to a party?” I asking mumming quietly but of course she heard

“Oh darling” squeaked like a small child

“Was it a boy that invites you?, oh my God!, your coming out of your shell, your dad told me before for depression became worse you were a party freak, so tell me who is the boy " she kept on rambling, and I rest my palm on my face in embarrassment

“ oh my God, please don't do that Mrs. White, it's awkward " I laughed “it's no guy, it's my friends,” I said trying to convince her

“Oh " she smacks her head with her palm and flushed " I was just happy you know,” she said and cleared her throat and I smiled

“I will get going " I stood up and walk to the door

“ nyinna” she called me, I looked back

“Yea” I answered

“You need to be fine, be loose, when you get to the party,” she said winkling at me

And with that, I smiled and left the office, shaking my head, isn't she supposed to be advising me to be careful and not attend the party isn’t that what all grown-ups, rush down to my next class to catch up with Clara and min