I roll the glass down and rest my arm on the handle of the door using my palm to support my face and the speed of the car made air flow inside the car blowing my tears dry to my face, I watched as we passed buildings, the street was so quiet, so was the car, sometimes I could feel Justin gaze on me before he looks back at the road, it clicks my brain that Clara and min hadn't known that I left the party, I brought my phone out and texted them, about me leaving the party and that I was fine, I felt my phone been snatched from my hand and cocked my head toward Justin and stared at him In a demanding way and brought my palm out requesting for my phone, he chuckled and rolled my palm, putting my palm back on my lap

“ Chill princess,” he says smiling, he held the wheel with one hand, using the second to operate my phone, and then gave it to me displaying his white set of teeth, I looked at my phone to know what he did with it, I noticed he saved his number in my phone as my sexy hot friend, I snort at the choice of name and rolled my eyes

“I'm deleting your number, what do I have to do with my number,” I say as I rolled my eyes and hissed,

“Ouch princess, I thought we just became friends " he fake grasp putting his hand on this chest " you just broke my heart”, I snort at his statement, friends? Early this week, we couldn't even stay together in the same hall without fighting, here he is talking about my becoming friend, I looked at him to know if his nuts are still intact, I don't even make friends easily, it was too much of friends that turned my mom to a monster, and if I'm going to be sincere he has been acting weird especially when he hit the friend shit,

“ We are not friends Justin,” I say looking back at the window, I felt his gaze on me,

“ We were always friends but right now we are on a long break, " he says staring intensively at me, as I turn I looked at him confused about what he is talking about, and now I just confirmed that his nuts are all gone, I rolled my eyes what a perfect way to be annoying to someone you want to make as your friend

“ Which friends “I snort, " we can't even stay in the same hallway together,” I say opening my notepad on my phone and started writing my lyrics, and this boy just gave me a perfect title, he chuckles

“ So are there criteria for becoming your friends,” he says beaming at me

“Hmm,” I say using my thumb and my index finger to hold my chin, while tapping my chin with my index finger, acting like I was trying to think of the criteria, then I removed my hand from my chin waving my index finger front and back, trying to indicate the end of reasoning session

“ Like stop being a jerk,” I say fake smiling at him

“ Ouch princess that is part of my reputation,” he says smirking at me

“ Well don't bring it near me,” I say uninterested in his reputation

“Yeah and beg Clara for what you did, " I say looking back at my phone

“ I can just make it up to her,” he says looking at the road, I nodded,

Since today, I haven't written a song, I started putting words together, and was concentrating on my songwriting, one of these days I am going to come out and start to sing covers of songs or just go straight to a studio, min is quite influential on IG he could help me with marketing my song, finally, the car stop and I cocked my head to Justin direction

“ What happens,” I said turning my head back to the road trying to study the environment, I noticed we were outside an ice cream shop

“ Are you trying to lick ice cream by 1:35 am? “ I say looking at my phone time.

“ Yeah what's bad,” he smirks, I rolled my eyes, must he always smirk " besides I'm trying to know my new friend " he winked at me and removed his seat belt, I opened my mouth looking at him like he was growing weeds on his hair, he looked at my expression and lightly hit my head with one of his fingers, and chuckle

I unbuckled my seat belt, then we came out of the car,

“ And yeah princess make sure you write sexy lyrics about me, those lyrics are harsh, " he pouted, and I rolled my eyes at least he saw it, he shouldn't be surprised when I release the song

He held my hand and pulled me inside the ice cream shop, and walked towards a lady

“ Aunt, I'm here” he grinned widely at the lady

“ Another boring party ?” She asked and smile.

“ All high school party are mostly boring, I just brought a company,” he said and smiled looking at me

Then he came closer to her and whispered in her ears, she looked at me and widened her eyes and rushed to me

“ My dear you so beautiful,” she says rubbing her hand on my face with a smile written all over her face, I stood there with a confused expression written on my face I forced a smile, so it wasn't going to appear like I was rude

“ Wow, you should keep coming here,” she said smiling, I could tell her smile was almost entering her eyes, it's no doubt she is beautiful, she was probably in her late thirties, and was sweet, but I still don't know why Justin was putting me in a confused state,

She turned to Justin said " Justin dear, you should bring her with you now, okay no her, no free ice cream " she turned to me and smile and left entering inside a storeroom, I turned to Justin

“ That was so awkward,” I say biting my lips, he chuckled and shakes his head,” what did you tell her that made her emm, you know hyper like that, " I asked leaning on a stool close to the counter

“ I don't know, that you are my girlfriend,” he asks, and smirked,

“ Are you okay " I widened my eyes and groan

“ What,” he said, holding his laughter

“ I don't date, I hate it, and you don't use it to joke with me,” I said as my eyebrow furrowed and my lips tighten, I glare at him

“ I'm just kidding,” he said laughing, I glare at him again, and he tried forcing himself to control his laughter

The door of the storeroom opened, and I turned and saw a pretty brunette, walked out lazily, rubbing her eyes as she yawns and looks in our direction, and lazily walked towards Justin like her legs weigh 23590 kg, and hit him on his head with her hand

“ Hey cousin, no free ice cream for you,” she said yawning and still hitting him on his head

“ Stop Sarah,” he said holding her hand as she was about to hit him again and then released it

“ God you're too violent” he groans rubbing his head in pain, while Sarah stuck her tongue out mockingly

“ Where is she,” she asked Justin,

“ There,” he said pointing in my direction with one of his hands on his head still in pain, she turned towards my direction and came closer

“ Hey dear, Sarah,” she said pulling out a chair and waving at me

“ Hey, nyinna, " I say, waving back

“You're gorgeous,” she said, and turned to Justin who was looking at us and winked at him, he rolled his eyes

“Emm I'm not his girlfriend, we were enemies till like 20 minutes again,” I said rubbing the nape of my neck, not trying to make it awkward, but it still ended up awkward, Sarah laughed

“ Yea I know " she smiled

“ My cousin has been an asshole right,” she said picking a container and aiming it at Justin, but he dodges it, and let out a laugh

“ You understand, a big one, but he can't mess with me,” I said smirking at Justin, he snorted and rolled his eyes, leaving me and Sarah laughing

The store opened again, and his aunt, Sarah's mom came out holding two bowls of ice cream

“Here sweetie, it's your favorite” she smiled and gave me mine and passed the other to Justin

“ Thanks, Mrs.....”.

“ Just call me rose dear "

“ Thank you rose " I smiled, before I could look at the ice cream container, Justin drag me toward the back door, and I turned and waved to Sarah and rose as he dragged me out to the shop through the back door, opening an old burglary gate, revealing a beautiful park-like kind of area we walked towards a bench and sat down,

I looked at my ice cream I discovered it was in a white small bowl without a label and I checked Justin's own too it was the same, I caught him staring at me and I looked up meeting his eye

“ If all this your kindness and ice cream is an act of seduction, sorry sweetheart I'm too hard to be seduced, " I said half-joking and be serious as I curl one of my legs up making the heel touch my thigh and raise one leg with my feet matching the bench and I rest my arms on my knee

“ Ouch princess I can't believe you think I want to seduce you,” he said in a fake grasp, cleaning his fake tears, I looked at him and shake my head, he is never serious, I looked at the surrounding it looked quiet and peaceful, I looked up and saw many stars in the sky, I was beginning to love this place, to be truthful, I'm enjoying my time with Justin, maybe he will be a good friend, time will tell

I opened my ice cream and saw moose tracks with cashew pieces my eyes widened at the sight and my mouth obeyed the command of my eyes I closed it and look at Justin who quickly diverts his eye from me and looked at his ice cream, I looked at his bowl and saw cookies and cream

“ How did your aunt know this ice cream is my favorite,” I asked him, feeling something is weird