
After staying a few days in the clinic and taking endless amount of drugs, the physician finally discharged me.

Trust me, it was torture.

So here I am, recuperating in my room and prepping myself for the dreaded "family dinner".

My father had gone off to another country on the day of the accident and had just returned. I had hoped he'd stay just a bit longer. A couple weeks or so wouldn't hurt anyone, right? At least just enough time till this whole "blowing up the training room" thing died down. Now I'll have to face him and explain for the one hundredth time how I unintentionally almost killed the trainer he got me barely a week ago.

I walk out to my balcony, gently placing my arms and resting them on the railing and stare at the mauve coloured sky. It's always so beautiful in Elanor, my home planet by this time of the day. It's almost sunset.

I see a flock of Phoenix fly by. Such majestic creatures.

The Phoenix are large, grand bird like creatures that are covered in scales and feathers which are usually red, orange and an almost gold like yellow colour. These colours are associated with the sun and fire, that is why you only see them flying during sunrise or sunset.

A male Phoenix lands on the branch of a tree nearby. It looks at me with its eyes that are strikingly blue like sapphires. As soon as the sun sets, it dies in a show of flames.

I pout, kind of disappointed cause I would have loved to look at it a bit longer but I know that as soon as the sun rises it'll rise from its ashes once more.

I hear a knock on the door which snaps me back to reality.

"Come in." I turn to see who it is.

"Karina what are you doing standing around like that? It's almost dinner time and you're not even dressed." Elva says.

"What do you mean I'm not even dressed?" I look down at my dress.

"Don't tell me you want to go like...like that." She gestures to all of me.

Should I be offended?

"Your hair's fine, I'll just have to tweak it up a bit but you have to change into something more suitable for dinner. I'm not letting you go to dinner looking like that."

Again she gestures to all of me.

I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong with you anyway?" You used to love dressing up. Is this about your father? She frowns and puts a hand on her hip.

"No, it's not." I reply, looking away from her.

She cocks her brow and gives me that look that says I don't believe you.

"Okay yes, maybe. You know what, I don't know." I raise my hands up in frustration.

"I've told you many times not to get worked up about this." She reaches for me and moves me to my large vanity.

"I know... I know." I nod my head and sit on the chair facing it.

"You'll still get to have that one on one talk, so I don't see how fussing about it now is going to make it any better." Elva brushes and straightens out my black hair. After that she curls it, adds a few decorations and jewels then lets it fall freely down my shoulders to my waist.

"What you should do at dinner is try to lay low, say as little as possible, don't try to argue with him, apologize and pray that he's in the best of moods". She says as she plays with my hair, a proud look on her face telling me she's satisfied with her work.

"Now why don't you go in your closet and change." She pats my head.

"Fine." I get up and head to my closet. After browsing through a series of outfits I choose a simple crimson shalwar suit with red and silver coloured floral patterns and designs. To complete the look, I lazily drape a long red lace shawl over my shoulders and neck.

"How do I look KARIS?" I call out.

An automated male voice responds. "Like royalty.''

"That's good enough for me." I smile.

It turns the numerous screens that are enclosed in my closet on, so I can get a better look at myself.

KARIS is a voice controlled virtual assistant that is an acronym for Karina Abraxas's Really Intelligent System. Cool right? It can pretty much do almost anything. It can't make everyone in the palace forget about the little accident. So yeah, almost.

When I walk out Elva takes a glance at me. "You see I was right to tell you to change." She smirks.

"Yeah...yeah whatever." I refuse to admit it, even though I know she's right.

"Oh my!" She looks at the time. "You're running late for dinner."

"Oh no." I look wide eyed. "I've done it again." Father would be furious.

"Quick, here are your shoes." She hands them over.

I hurriedly put them on.

"Don't forget your earrings." She reminds me.

Elva helps me put on my black diamond studded earnings while I wear my royal rings. Father is always particular about me wearing them. I really don't need him pointing out any more flaws in me tonight.

"You look perfect. Now hurry." Elva hugs me.

Two palace guards escort me to the dinning room.

This is it. I pause and take a deep breath.

The door opens.

My father's eyes meet mine.

Kaedan snickers. "Well if it isn't ''Da bomb."

I mentally smack myself. He's never going to let this go is he?

"We were beginning to think you were going to bail on us. Mother won't let us start eating without you and I'm starving. Anyway, so kind of you to join us for dinner."

"That's enough Kaedan." Father speaks.

"I'm sorry I'm..."

"Sit." He cuts me off. His voice is stern.

Father sits at the head of the table. And I take my place at his left side.

"Father I'm really sorry I'm late." I say with pleading eyes.

"I think we are all familiar with that statement. You're always late Karina." Father turns his gaze to me.

My shoulders slouch.

"No slouching dear. A princess doesn't slouch." Mother perks.

I quickly sit upright.

Father shakes his head and rubs his temple. "What are we going to do with you? You never keep to time, you are always late. When you become Queen, is this the behaviour you'll keep putting up? Or if you have important foreign dignitaries come over I'm sure the whole kingdom will probably still be searching for the Queen. Maybe she'll still be in bed, snoring."

P.S I don't snore.

Kaedan picks at his finger nails.

Kalon looks uncomfortable.

He continues, flailing his arms in the air. "The Light help us that you won't be late for your own wedding."

Kaedan bursts into laughter. "Now that would be a sight to see."

''SHUT. IT.'' Kalon says through clenched teeth, eyes glaring at my brother.

"Sweetheart please let's just eat dinner. Let's not escalate this." Mother places a hand on father's. I'm guessing it's an attempt to calm him down.

This night is already going horribly wrong.

"No let's." He removes his hand from under hers. "What happened during your first day of training?"

Well, now it just got worse.

"It was an accident." I mumble quietly.

"Or maybe you were just being careless." He replies. "You almost got yourself killed and the trainer that just barely started work on the first day."

"I didn't mean for it to happen." Tears brimming in my eyes.

"Did you do this just to prove a point? Well maybe you should step up a bit, take responsibility and start meaning for things to happen." Father says sternly.

"Why do you keep blaming me for everything that happens in this place." I push my chair back. Tears threatening to spill at any moment.

"Now look, she's about to cry." He says to no one in the particular. "I've told you a good leader should keep their feelings in check and stop being so emotional all the time.''

"You mean to be like you, cold and heartless?" The tears fall free now.

"Enough." He bangs his fist on the table causing everyone to flinch.

"He wanted me to get aquatinted with the weapons and since I'm really good at archery I chose a bow and arrow. How was I supposed to know it'll blow up?" I raise my voice still crying.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me young lady?" He's standing up now, a finger pointed to my face. "And I thought I told you to stop crying." His voice loud and clearly annoyed.

"You always criticize me, always yell at me, always blame me for everything, always point out how I'm not good enough. Now you don't even want me to express myself by crying anymore. But guess what? I'm not like you and I'll never be like you." I say with defiance in my eyes.

"Must every dinner that includes both of you always end up with yelling?" Kalon shakes her head and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Dad, Karina. Please both of you need to calm down." Kaedan has this worried look on his face.

Mother looks speechless. Eyes wide in horror, like she's going to break down at any moment.

"You know what Kalon, I was just leaving." The chair which runs on the principle of electromagnetism moves out off my way as I walk out wiping the tears off my face.

No one stops me.

So much for a family dinner. I didn't even get to eat anything.

I walk back to my room, angry. Tears freely rolling down my face. I ignore the looks of surprise and confusion the guards and staff give me.

"You're back early." Elva says. "Oh my. Are you alright Karina?" She spots my tear stained face.

"I'm fine. Can you please leave?"

"Alright." She doesn't argue with me seeing I'm not in a good mood and she walks out.

I move to my bed, tired, angry, exhausted from the heated argument my father and I just had.

Shortly after I hear the door open.

"I thought I told you to leave." Frustration evident in my voice.

"I just wanted to check if you're okay." Kaedan walks in. His voice solem.

"So now you care huh?" I start to cry again.

He doesn't say anything, only sits besides me on my bed, puts my head on his lap.

We stay there in silence.

Kaedan doesn't need to say a word because his presence alone is comforting. He just holds me as I sob, patting my head and rubbing it softly in a soothing repetitive motion until I drift off to sleep.