The Royal Varsity

"So nice of you to join us today, Princess Karina." Professor Legolas greets me.

I'm a bit nervous, slightly avoiding his gaze.

"And look at that... you're right on time." The middle aged elf gives me a wry smile.

I avert my gaze completely.

"I trust you're in good health now?"

"Yes professor."

"Good. Please get seated, the class is about to begin." The professor motions for Arlene and I to sit.

Arlene and I quickly sit down, choosing the empty row in the middle and setting our bags beside us.

I don't see Kaedan anywhere. Guess he didn't show up after all.

Once the class is filled up with young royals, the professor starts his class.

"So in our Diplomacy class today, we are going to be talking about the concept of diplomacy. How each and every one seated here today will be a good representative when sent to other nations."

"What did the professor mean when he asked if you were in good health?" Arlene questions me with a puzzled look on her face.

The professor moves around while the virtual assistant records and displays what he says on the screen.

"Ummm, well... I was sort of involved in an accident." I run a hand through my hair. "Actually my trainer and I."

"Diplomacy is a very vital skill you all should learn, not just as royals but in dealing with people on a daily basis. This is the skill, art or practice of conducting negotiations between nations without arousing hostility." Professor Legolas continues.

"What?" There's a look of shock on Arlene's face.

"You have to be sensitive when being a diplomat and you also have to be tact."

Arlene turns to face me. "You're kidding, right?"

I wish I was.

"I'm afraid not." I deadpan.

Professor Legolas moves to our row. "Diplomacy is the main instrument of foreign policy, which represents the broader goals and strategies that guide a state or nation's interactions with the rest of the world. International treaties agreements, alliances, and other manifestations of foreign policy are usually the result of diplomatic negotiations and processes."

"After I got back from that busy trip. You know the one I told you about.''

"Yeah I remember. How'd it go anyway?" I try to sound as quiet as possible, not to attract the professor's attention."

"I tried calling and sending you messages, but you never returned them. I was starting to think you broke KARIS or something." She picks at her finger nails. "Oh and my trip went well, it was just a bit busy. You know the order your father gave to all lower ruling houses in Yavanna.'' She whispers. ''And since I'm old enough now and the only child and heir, my dad had me go with him so I can learn a few things."

"Well that's good,'' Is all I say. ''I hope you achieved everything you set out to do?"

"Mhmmm, we did." She says cheerily.

I give Arlene a warm smile. "I'm glad."

The huge screen at the front of the class displays images and short videos of how people use diplomatic skills both in everyday life and when going abroad to foreign countries. The professor points at something I'm not quite sure of.

"Anyway about the accident, I was training with my trainer and using a new bow and arrow-" I continue.

"Oh a new bow and arrow"? It can't be that bad, can it"? Arlene redirects her gaze from the screen to me.

"Trust me it was". I look at her while rubbing my temple.

"Poor old Master Barun," She sighs.

"No no he's not my trainer anymore, dad replaced him".

Surprise written all over her face. "What? He did? Why?"

"Yes yes but that's not the point. Anyway I accidentally blew up the training room, with myself and Erlan included. Turns out the arrow had an explosive embedded in it".

"Oh my goodness," Arlene's still in shock.

"Mhmmm. Spent like a week in the hospital, but I'm fine now."

"What did you father say? What did he do?" Arlene looks horrified.

The video ends and professor Legolas goes on again about the functions of diplomatic leaders.

"You know how he is. He was furious, I don't really want to talk about it." I unconsciously purse my lips.

Arlene places a hand on mine and gives it a gentle squeeze. I know it's supposed to be reassuring but then,



I'm deep in thought when I feel Arlene give me a gentle nudge.

"What? What is it"? I look around then locking eyes with the professor who is standing in front of me.

"Karina I asked you what the functions of royal diplomats are."

"Umm functions..." The whole class turns to look at me, maybe hoping I'll be Professor Legolas's patsy and in dire need of any source of entertainment.

I don't think so. Not today guys.

I sit upright raising my head high like a proper royal should. "Yes functions... Well it's simple, I think you earlier mentioned-"

"You think?" The professor interrupts.

"I mean you earlier mentioned that diplomacy is about conducting negotiations between nations. So the first function is negotiations between nations". I indicate with my fingers ''and then we have representation, protection of national interests, reporting, promotion and fortifying friendly relations and preventing war and violence. The list goes on honestly. Should I continue?''

The professor looks unhappy. I wonder why, after all I completely destroyed his question.

"Listen Karina, I saw you and your friend here chatting away while the class was in session and the only reason I didn't call you out is because you're one of the smartest student I have in my class. Who am I kidding? You're my best student, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to my lectures." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry professor." A solemn look on my face.

"Anyway our time's up. Class is over". The students start to pack their bags. "I'll see you all in our next class, make sure to read ahead cause our next lecture will be an interactive one."

When is it never. I think to myself.

He bows as I take my leave. "Your highness."

We follow the crowd of students out the door. Some make way knowing I'm their superior.

"We weren't that loud, were we?" Arlene giggles.

I chuckle. "No I don't think so. Do you have any other classes today?"

"Yes I do." Arlene replies. "I have just two classes today."

"Alright then. I guess I'll see you later cause I'm done for the day." I wave and smile politely at people who wave at me.

"Hmm later..." Arlene eyes me suspiciously. "Make sure you come to class when you're supposed to."

I laugh at her. "I'll think about it. Arlene I've got to go, I want to visit my trainer. I haven't seen him or properly apologized since the accident."

"All right all right you're free to go." She hugs me.

Just as I'm about to leave I bump into Cyryl, another friend of mine. This one is just a real flirt.

"What's up Karina." He says in a cheery voice.

"Can't talk right now. You'll have to text or call me later." I don't stop moving.

"But my party." He whines.

"Call me." I yell as enter the teleporter.

The teleporter rematerializes me to the parking area.

I walk out of the sliding door and tap on the wireless communication device that is imprinted behind my ear. "KARIS. Where's my car?"

I'm not waiting for the guard to get it for me.

After a few minutes the car drives up to me, "Here your highness."

I get in, "Thank you KARIS."

"Should I put the car on auto drive or you'll drive home manually?" My virtual assistant asks.

"Actually, we're not going home just yet. I want to go see Erlan, my trainer but I don't know where he lives. Can you please run the royal database for that information."

"Alright Karina. You say his name is Erlan...yes? Any last name?"

"Hmm..." Rubbing a hand on my chin. "I'm afraid I don't know his last name."

"No worries I'll run a facial recognition scan, that should identify him and give us the information we need." There's a beeping sound in the car.

"Got it. Erlan Arod Eragon, hazel brown eyes, long light brown hair and of course very tall."

"Silly you KARIS, you know we have no short elves." They simply don't exist, some might just be a tad taller than the others but relatively we are a race of tall people. "Anyway where does he live?" I peer at the screen.

"How about I just take you there."

KARIS puts the car on auto drive and thankfully we get to his house in no time because he lives in an estate very close to the school. How convenient is that?

A huge lazer wall prevents us from driving in but after saying my name through the monitor, it parts.

Once inside, I get down and allow KARIS to park the car. This place is huge, obviously not bigger than the castle and it's nothing I'm not used to already. I ring the bell.

A shirtless and very sweaty Erlan opens the door. "Karina! What are you doing here?"

"I hope I'm not intruding. Your security system let me in." I say as I try to focus on his face and not anywhere else. I'm sure he just finished some workouts.

"Oh. Right. I didn't know it was you."

"Anyway don't let me keep you standing outside, please come in." He opens the door wider for me to enter."

We walk into his living room. I look around, nicely decorated if I do say so myself. He sure has good taste. The room and everything in it is a blend of black, grey and white colours.

He motions for me to sit while using a towel to dry himself up.

"I won't stay long." I take my sit. "I came here to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry it took so long to do so. I should have come to see you the second I felt better, I feel really terrible about what happened. I endangered your life, almost got you killed. I didn't even ask if you're feeling better now." I move closer to him tilting his face to the side and checking for any visible injuries.

"Karina relax. Just breathe." He holds both of my wrists to prevent me from inspecting his body further.

"I am fine. I wasn't seriously hurt, just blacked out and I had a mild concussion besides what happened was not your fault." He releases his hold on me and looks deeply into my eyes. "I should have known what the weapon could do. I should have warned you about the impending danger but I didn't know. I take full responsibility for that as your trainer."

"You mean you still want to be my trainer after what happened?"

"Of course. It'll take a little more than bombs or explosives to keep me away." Erlan laughs softly.

Before I know what I'm doing I wrap my arms around him. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you."

He pats my back. "So don't be too hard on yourself now."

I quickly release my hold of him as soon as I realize what I'm doing.

"I'm sorry for jumping on you like that, it wasn't proper. I was just a little excited." I nervously tuck my hair behind my ear .

"It's alright Karina. Even royals are allowed to have feelings and express them."

"Anyway I should get going now." I rise from the couch.

"Thank you for coming." He does the same. "So I'll see you tomorrow morning yeah?"

I smile. "Definitely."