But I really like wearing your big shirts to sleep.



"You have a call. Should I accept it?"

Is that KARIS's voice I hear?

"What?" I wake abruptly.

I must have dozed off.

"Who is it?" I try to get up from the pool of water I'm in, only to slip, causing a huge splash because I'm still disoriented from my abrupt wake.

"Cyryl, your grace."

"Oh, pick up please." I succeed in my second attempt to get out of the pool and start to dry myself.

"Karinaaa" Cyryl's voice echoes in the air.

"Hey Cyryl." I slip on a loose fitting satin dress robe. "What's up"?

"Well since you practically ran off yesterday, we didn't have the time to talk about my party."

"Oh yes, your party." I completely forgot about it.

"You didn't forget did you? "


"You did didn't you?" Cyryl says in an accusing tone.

"Cyryl I've had a lot going on lately." I fiddle with the belt of my dress robe.

He whines. "But you promised to help me plan it."

"I know I did and that was because you didn't stop pestering me about it. You have so many friends Cyryl, can't you just ask Kaedan or someone else? He's your best friend after all."

"Kaedan isn't good at carefully planning parties, like you aren't good at riding a hoverbike."

"Who says I'm not good at riding hoverbikes?" I can see him giving me one of his looks.

"Hush hush, everyone knows you suck at it". He says simply. "Kaedan is only good at throwing and hosting parties, not carefully planning them. That's why you're the better twin for the job. Besides who wouldn't want to help me plan my party."

Not me apparently.

I smirk as I sit on the chair of my vanity. "You egotistical narcissist. But Cyryl, what's the difference between throwing a party and planning them". A laugh threatening to burst through my throat at any moment.

I hear laughter ring through the phone. "The difference my lady, is that you'll be helping me."

"Fine fine, I'll help you. Anyway I've got to go now, I'll talk to you later. I've got some things to do."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so happy I could kiss you." An excited Cyryl says.

"Don't push your luck and pull yourself together, you're a prince."

With that KARIS hangs up the call.

I dry my long black hair, puting it up in a loose messy bun, as I stroll down to my sister's floor.

"Kalon, you up?" I knock and enter, not bothering to wait for a reply.

Kalon sits cross-legged watching her favorite cooking show. If only she could whip up something amazing with the amount of hours she spends on that channel. It's not that she's a total bust. Her meals just lack something essential. Hmmm let me think? Ah yes, I think I've got it. MEAT.

"Oh hey Karina, what's up?"

I crash on her bed.

"Kalon we really need to get everything planned for Prince Iston's arrival, we should have started months ago."

"By "we" you mean you and Kaedan yeah?" She presses a button to increase the volume of the show she's watching.

"Kalonnn." I whine.

"Alright alright I'll help but we need to get Kaedan first."

"Yippeeeee, what are we waiting for then." I drag my younger sister off her bed and out of her room.

We use the teleporter on her floor to get to Kaedan's.

We knock but there's no reply. After a few minutes Kalon and I enter.

The room is pitch black.

"Don't you know how to use a light switch or something." I mutter.

I yell at Kaedan's virtual assistant. "KIA turn the lights on."

Kaedan is asleep, unaffected by the bright lights that just came on. His entire body is sprawled on the bed and blankets cover the lower part of his shirtless body.

"Kaedan wake up."

No response.


Still no reply.

I sigh. "This boy sleeps like the dead sometimes."

"Wake up sleepy head." I climb his bed, start jumping and throwing pillows at him.

"Urghhhh my head. Don't you know what time it is with all the racket you're making. Some of us are trying to get some sleep. I had a busy day."

"I had nothing to do with it. She dragged me here as well". Kalon says uninterestingly as she takes a sniff at his numerous colognes that are lined up on his huge dresser.

"Well you've gotten enough sleep. Time to wake up." A look of satisfaction that I got him to wake up crosses my face.

"Now what do you want?" He snaps.

"Easy there, don't get your panties in a twist."

"Fine. I'm up. Now what do you want?"

I grin widely. "Now that you've asked. First of all please put a shirt on. I really don't want to be looking at those huge biceps of yours all day."

"Oh really?" Kaedan sits up and smirks. "What if I don't? I like it this way. Both of you should be grateful you have a dashingly handsome and well built brother. Just admit it." He perks his muscles.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Kalon throws a hand to her mouth.

"I agree. Just put on a shirt for goodness sake."

"I'm not the one prancing around with her bath robe on." He rests an arm on the headrest of his bed, his muscles flexes as he does.

"Prancing around?" I say dumbfounded.

"He does have a point." Kalon retorts.

"Whose side are you on?" I can't believe she's taking his side.

"Whoa calm down. It was just an observation". She holds her hand in the air defensively.

"Just put a shirt on Kaedan." I say stoically.

"Fine fine, whatever." He gets up and throws on a loose fitting shirt. "Now what do you guys want?"

Kalon's still busy raiding his drawer and closet.

I take a sit on the couch closest to his bed.

"Well I wanted us to make arrangements for the arrival of Prince Iston. You know father left it in our hands."

"Correction, he left it in your hands. He only said we could help." Kalon pops her head from the closet to the main room.

"The Light bless you Kalon. Karina, you know she's right, dad only said we could help. The bulk of the work lies on your shoulders." He combs his fingers through his straight long black hair and ties it up in a bun.

"Then help me." I say with pleading eyes.

"I have no idea what to do when it comes to dealing with the Sylphvian elves. They are so different from us and don't forget how important this visit is. We've not had a Sylphvian King come over in many centuries."

"What we need to is to do some research. We'll go to my personal library on my floor and study about them. If we still need more information we can go to the great Hall or meet Master Haleth for help. We could also ask KIA or KARIS to search out information about them. Don't worry everything will be fine. We've got your back." Says Kaedan.

"It really has to be." I sigh.

"Speak for yourself Kaedan." Kalon holds on to a pile of what appears to be Kaedan's clothes.

"Kalonnn." I whine.

"Are those my clothes?" Kaedan asks. "No no, not this time Kalon."

"But... but I really like wearing your big shirts to sleep." She gives him the cutest pout ever know to elf kind.

"Oh fine you can have them but this is the last time." At this rate I'll be walking around shirtless." He groans in frustration.

"You already do Kaedan." She deadpans.

He gives her a sour look.

Kalon tries to make away with her looted treasure.

"Guys guys, focus. We were talking about the Prince." I try to stop their bickering.

They both look at me.

"What about him?" Kalon asks.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "What about him?Unbelievable." I say flailing my arms in the air.

Now I know how Father feels.

"How would you know what we're talking about when you were too busy stealing my clothes." Kaedan frowns.

"Move on, they're mine now." She holds the soft fluffy materials close to her chest and hugs them.

Oh brother. I mentally smack myself.

"I don't think we're getting anywhere tonight so here's what we are going to do. We'll all take a break tonight, get some sleep, revel over our new spoils of war." I look at Kalon clutching the clothes like a mother Phoenix will do her young. "Then wake up early in the morning and regroup. How does that sound?"

"Perfect." Kaedan says. "Now both of you leave, bother someone else, I want to go back to bed."

Kalon happily skips out of the room and I turn off the lights. Just as I'm about to close the door. Kaedan calls out to me in the dark.

"Oh and Karina."


"Don't be late."