The Trail II

Father looks absolutely furious. His eyes tell me to sit down and my brother's question me, asking me what are you doing? I've got this. But it's too late now, the tape is already rolling and the camera's have already zoomed in on my face. There's no way I can sit down without looking like a total idiot so I decide to address the public and say something that's been in my heart all this while.

"I know what Lord Baron did wasn't the right thing to do." I start with that, unsure of what to say next. "And I should be offended by his decisions and actions, he basically had people abduct and take me from my home." My mind takes me back to that night. The explosions, dangerous masked Elves, Uncle Balin's death. "Everyone does what they believe to be right, we all act on our own convictions. But don't get me wrong, all convictions may not always be right or we may not properly approach or handle such issues and what we believe to be true might not always be the case."