A light at the end of the tunnel

First we flew over the city, but not before delivering the portable generator to the mayor, who received us with so much glee infact coincidentally or not the press and media were all over, taking random shots of us as we discussed. I think my father had something to do with it to give people something to talk about.

Heeding to my earlier instructions back at the palace, the staff I put in charge of each jet split up to cover more ground, each bearing the flag of the king and the royal family. So flying past Enjer as fast as we possibly can, we move on to visit Avalor, Sirion and Daesha.

''Next up is Wade.'' That is Cyryl's Province, Earendil announces. I have not been able to communicate or make any contact with my friends. I pray to the Light that they and their families are okay. Iston silently comes behind the pilot seat, that unsettling feeling of someone watching me lingers in my mind.

''What is it?'' I ask still keeping my eyes on the path.