


Aris left without saying anything and I had someone to inform him

-Adam, if you'll excuse me I have to make a call- I say and wink at what he just turns and walks to go to his car, I go to a place where there are no students and I make sure no one follows me

-Something to report- says the other person on the phone

-YES, Miss Aris has already met with Mr. Alan and I think they have some relationship, but I don't know what kind of relationship- I inform him as I see Adam walk towards where I am

-well, contact me if you have more information- he sighed when he hangs up the call, I look up, and it shows that he is angry with me

-What did he tell you?- he asks with his arms crossed, looking at me in a way that warms me up, I bite my lip

- that we notify him if something else happens- he nods and leaves. Adam and I are not brothers, but we were raised together in an orphanage

I walk behind him saying to wait for me


It's been ten minutes since I've been in the car, and he doesn't say anything, every time he goes to speak he regrets it and keeps quiet

-you have money? - He shoots me a fleeting glance and then looks back at the road - I say why to have this car that seems very expensive you have to have a lot of money-

He parks the car on the sidewalk and turns his body to look at me

- My family every time I came to this planet, they invested something, and that something became a very prestigious company that is directed by Steve - I look at him in amazement and stay silent, he drives again and since he says nothing I close my eyes thinking how did I get into this whole situation before I fell asleep I ask you something else

- You told me the first day I was at your house that you were going to tell me about the mark on my shoulder- he looks at me again and stops the car to get out and then he opens the door for me, I go out and we are at the entrance of the forest where I met him

-On my planet it is said that when you find the person with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life, a mark is created with a symbol that means Love - he says while looking at the sky that is a bit cloudy, but they reach for see some stars, gave nothing and keep talking

-That is just a story that someone special knew how to tell me- you can notice a little sadness in his voice, I look back and a tear slides down his cheek- but you are the proof that this story is true- he wipes away tears and me look straight into my eyes, i look at them and this time they're brighter than normal

He slowly approaches until he is a few inches from me, looks at my lips and then looks at my eyes.

Are you asking for my permission?

I give a slight nod with my head, I take one more step and pass one of his hands to go around my waist joining his body

-This time you are not going to escape- she smiled at what she says

-no, this time I'm not going to escape- I whisper against her lips, she shortens the small space that was left joining her lips to mine, first it is just a small touch and then it becomes a kiss, it rises as if she needed to savor the taste of my lips, he bites my lower lip pulling a little, I give a little moan, he smiles and I continued with the kiss, with his tongue he opens the way to my mouth where our tongues get tangled

We split up due to lack of air, he won't let me bite when he kisses me again and it's not that I don't like it, just that I feel like I'm going to fall at some point

My legs are like jelly

After a few more minutes we get in the car and I'm with a silly smile on my face, this I have to tell Sam

Alan leaves me at the door of the building where I live and before he leaves I invite him to come in, but he refuses saying that he has to get up early because he has a meeting the next day.

All the magical moment was broken in that instant, I go up the stairs thinking if it was very easy and if he did not like the kiss

By God, why did he behave like this?

I thought I had illusions, I open the door and put the keys on the table, have a glass of water and go to the room where I have a closet and the bed that my friends gave me when I moved.

I take off my clothes and put my pajamas on ready to go to sleep.


I bring you another chapter and it is no longer a promise that I will upload the chapters every week, since I forget, but I will also upload chapters

I don't know if I understood you, but I hope you enjoy the chapter. and I forgot this is a short chapter, the next chapter will be longer

Chocolate kisses