
Chapter Twenty

"Your daddy won't want you doing this." A court maid told Anthonia who was dressing up to go out of the palace." Why is that? I am a Princess. I need to see what this city is all about. I am tired of staying here all my life, Cerene" Anthonia told her favorite maid. Cerene was black but her father's debt made her a second class citizen and so became a direct slave to the royal family. Cerene sighed. " You will end up in trouble and I will be disciplined. Please consider my life, My princess"Cerene said trying to convince Anthonia. "Ever since Philippe, my parents have turned their focus to him and neglected me. I am bored. I need to go out" Anthonia explained and picked up a gown. " This looks good. Nobody will recognise me that much here" she said and undressed. " I hope so" Cerene responded. " It's noon. We will need a veil for your face" she added. " That will show a lot. I will wear a hat and change my hairstyle. Don't worry. I got this" Anthonia said and patted Cerene.