Chapter 2: Mrs Bennett's Riddle

Andrew gripped the stirring wheel, James whining in his head as Aria turned and disappeared into the woods.

‘Go back, Drew,’ he whined, and Andrew clenched his teeth.

‘I know, James but we can’t. They will hurt her to teach us a lesson, remember last time?’ Andrew paused briefly as his wolf’s whimper before continuing, ‘Aria nearly died that day. Not only did she receive a beating, but pack members also raped her. We were lucky enough to get to her in time before she bled to death.’

‘I know, but I wish we were strong enough to help her. I hate having to submit to my brothers, so they don’t hurt us,’ he said. Andrew nodded as he pulled into a parking space. He wanted to take a moment for himself, but he spotted Justin and Chase walking over in his side-view mirror. Despite what was happening, Andrew still loved them unconditionally. He just wished they wake up from their power trip to see what damage they’re causing.

Glaring at their growing reflections, he took a deep breath before opening the door, thoroughly composed and non-chantant as he held up the half-finished assignment.

‘See, got the fucking thing. I couldn’t find it,’ Andrew answered their unasked questioned.

‘Then you should clean up your room, it’s always a mess,’ Justin said with a smirk, and Andrew rolled his eyes.

‘If things transpire the way we think they will, then you will have a heart attack, dear brother,’ James growled before Andrew replied, ‘Yes, Mother.’ His brother growled and moved to swipe at him, but a short growl from Chase stopped him in his tracks.

‘Don’t start, either of you,’ he warned before returning his attention to Andrew. ‘Did you see Aria?’ Andrew carefully studied the man; his tone and expression were suspiciously neutral, but his eyes held a mess of emotions he couldn’t decipher.

‘Maybe we should have showered as well?’ James said.

‘No, I want them to know they don’t own us,’ Andrew said before answering Chase, ‘Yes, but only to tell her to hurry her ass along or she’ll receive another beating.’

‘Good, she was already late this morning. If she’s late to school, she will live to regret it,’ Chase growled with a deadly promise before pivoting on his heel and entering school grounds. Andrew held in his refusing growl and followed after Justin, feeling sick to his stomach he had to say that.

‘Ready for another day in hell?’

‘Not even close,’ Andrew replied, and Justin laughed.

‘Me neither.’

‘You have no idea,’ he angrily said, and James growled in response. They followed Chase to his locker and waited for him to get his books before he followed them to theirs. Andrew had just grabbed his math book when a terrible screech came from down the hall.

‘Chasey,’ Kara yelled. Andrew groaned as James rubbed his paws over his ears.

‘She’s got to be half banshee,’ he growled, and Andrew mentally nodded. He glared at the woman as she jumped onto Chase’s back, causing him to lose his balance and stumble into the lockers.

‘Kara, get off and how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that,’ he growled. Andrew and Justin both flinch at the power behind the words.

‘This woman is nuts. Chase is still in transition; he could seriously harm her for that,’ James huffed.

‘Goddess, please, let him,’ Andrew prayed, and his wolf huffed. The transition was something all werewolf pups experience, typically when they’re allegeable to find their soulmates. Depending on the child, the change has a rough estimation of six months to a year. It was a period they discovered where they fit in the pack. It takes to time understand and settle into their role. However, in some cases where a pup shifted early, the transition can be early as well. The twins were such pups.

Andrew can remember the year they turned fourteen and Aria started showing signs of being an alpha. There was no telling of what Alpha Jack would have done if she had stayed on his territory, so Andrew took her to neutral territory or nomad’s land as it was called correctly. Fortunately, her transition only took her a day to settle into, but the amount of power Aria emitted had him shifting on the spot. He can still vividly see her in her wolf form, and despite Sapphire’s malnourishment, she stood tall and regal. Both Andrew and James were both surprised at how drastic her personality changed that day. From meek and timid to confident and dominant, her growl vibrated through them. Aria deemed Andrew right then and there that he was her beta wolf. Although, the position wasn’t official until he transitioned a year later. Unfortunately, Justin transitioned that year as well. He believed he’s also a beta rank and frequently fought each other, Chase had to order Andrew from the house for both of them to settle. Aria brought him to the same place he took her, which was the start of their small pack. Yet, for whatever reason, Chase still hasn’t settled into his position. None of the pack doctors could figure out why, but they did warn his parents he shouldn’t be provoked until he settled.

‘Oh, shut up,’ Andrew growled after she began whining at Chase. ‘It too early to hear your annoying voice.’

‘Fuck off, Delta mutt,’ she sneered, and Andrew tensed. His eyes narrowed as he lunged at her. She screamed before Justin managed to pull his brother back into his chest. Andrew struggled against him as Kara hid behind Chase, mocking him with a smirk of triumph.

‘This bitch,’ James growled as Andrew bared his canines at her.

‘Drew, stop. Calm down,’ Justin whispered. Andrew struggled harder as Kara put on her innocent act.

‘Call me that again, Subordinate and I’ll rip your throat out,’ he snarled, emphasising on her lack of rank. Subordinates or non-ranks, hold no particular standing. They do help on hunts and fights, but they had no power of their own. So, for Kara to be reminded of that, she glared so hatefully to curdle milk.

‘Enough,’ Chase yelled, and Andrew stopped struggling. ‘Kara, apologise to him…now.’ Kara’s glare quickly changed to pouting and shimmering tears, stomping her foot like a toddler.

‘But he lunged at me, baby.’

‘And you antagonised him by calling him a mutt. Apologise, I will not ask again,’ Chase ordered, and she clenched her jaw.

‘I’m sorry.’

‘For what?’

‘For calling you a mutt.’

‘To whom?’

‘Andrew,’ Kara practically growled his name as she crossed her arms and looked away. Andrew rolled his eyes and scoffed when Chase gave him a look to accept.

‘It’s supposed to be whom, isn’t it?’

‘I’m trapped in Justin’s arms with an alpha glaring at me, and you’re worried about his English?’ Andrew asked.

‘You can handle them,’ James replied.

‘Accept the apology, Andrew and apologise for what you said to her,’ Chase ordered.

Andrew scoffed, ‘No.’

‘What?’ Chase asked, shocked and Justin loosened his hold in surprise. Andrew took the opportunity to shrug him off and collect his books. Since Aria was Andrew’s alpha, Chase held no power over him, at least until he accepts and mates with her.

‘No, I will not accept her apology, and I certainly won’t apologise for what I said. This whore needs to learn her place, and it’s not beside you, Chase. She isn’t Luna material, and you’re stupid for thinking that she is,’ Andrew replied. ‘You have a mate out there, Chase but Goddess forbid you to take her as your mate because I will not submit to someone who spreads her legs to anyone in the pack. She doesn’t possess one quality relating to a position of authority or evening caring for others for that matter.’ The three of them stared at Andrew with hanging jaws, shock and surprise blatant, but Kara also held growing hatred in her eyes.

‘Andrew, apologise right now. Both to Kara and me,’ Chase growled. Andrew moved closer until they were centimetres away from being nose to nose.

‘Drew,’ James whispered nervously, but Andrew was too fired up to listen.

‘No offence but fuck you. I will never apologise for speaking the truth, and you know I’m right. If we were attacked right now, this bitch would ditch you and push her way through every woman, elderly and child to reach the safe room and lock it behind her,’ Andrew replied. He shouldered his way past him and knocked Kara on her ass as he went. Justin called out after him, but he ignored his brother, silently stewing in his anger.

‘I know I shouldn’t have done that but fuck that felt awesome.’

‘You may need to apologise to them, to Chase anyway. If he does reject Aria, do you think he will let us anywhere near her?’ James said.

‘Didn’t think about that.’

‘It did feel good to tell them off, though.’

‘Ah, ha! There’s the truth.’

‘Oh, shut up,’ James grumbled, and Andrew chuckled as he took a seat in homeroom. He stiffened when someone approached his haven and sighed in relief when Aria’s voice drifted through their pack link.

‘I’m here.’

‘Thank you. Let’s eat together today.’

‘You know I eat in the boiler room; you hate that place.’

‘I know, but I rather stay as close to you as possible.’

‘…Okay. See you later,’ Aria said before closing the link. Andrew still sighed with relief and rubbed his eyes. He looked up when the classroom door opened and watched as his brothers sat near him.

‘Andrew, what was that?’ Chase asked as he pointed outside. Andrew sighed and ran a handle through his hair.

‘I’m sorry, guys. I’m on edge this morning because of that assignment; I didn’t mean to yell at you.’

‘I’m telling you, Drew, you’ll be able to feel more relaxed if you just cruise your way through,’ Justin said, and Andrew glared at him.

‘Nothing wrong with wanting a good education,’ Andrew mumbled. Before either of them could respond, the teacher cleared his throat. Chase glanced at him, wanting to push the issue but left it alone when the teacher started chattering. He noticed Chase kept glancing at him throughout the rest of class and throughout their following subjects. In return, Andrew began to watch him, trying to figure him out. He got so invested, he nearly jumped out of his seat when the bell rang for morning tea. He packed his things and paused when the teacher, Mrs Bennett, asked him to stay. Chase and Justin waited at the door with confusion. Andrew nodded and waved them off. They nodded, leaving him be as he faced Mrs Bennett with a frown.

‘What’s up, Teach?’

‘Is the young alpha trying to link you?’ she asked, and he frowned.

‘No, ma’am,’ Andrew replied. Mrs Bennett frowned before checking no one was outside and locking the door. ‘Is something wrong?’

‘Maybe. I saw what happened this morning between Chase and Aria. Tell me, are they mates?’ Andrew was stunned into silence, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to figure out how she knew that. ‘He is, isn’t he?’ He still couldn’t answer her, and a sad realisation pulled at her features.

‘Well, crap.’

‘How do you know that?’ he exclaimed. Mrs Bennett looked at him and hurried over, taking hold of his shoulders. There was a desperation in her grip, her tone turned pleading, worried and fearful.

‘Listen to me very carefully, Andrew, I’m sure you and Aria know what Chase could do if he finds out. If that does happen, you have to protect her at all cost. She cannot, under any circumstances, be harmed. Do you understand me?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She can’t be harm, physically or mentally. She has to survive.’

‘Survive? Survive what?’ Andrew shouted as his fear started to rise.

What the fuck is she talking about? he thought.

‘Your parents told me what she is.’

‘What do mean told you? Told you what? Why would they tell you anything? What is she?’

‘Because I did them a favour getting into this pack and in payment, they told me the reason they moved. Andrew, your sister, is extraordinary—beyond that; she is everything. She is of the land and sea, of wind and fire, earth and water. She is the key.’

‘What do you mean? Stop speaking in riddles!’ Andrew yelled in frustration.

‘She must be kept safe until she can protect herself, can you do that?’

‘Of course, I can, but tell me why you—’

‘And you cannot tell her about this conversation; she has to learn on her own.’

‘Learn what?’

‘You’ll see.’

‘I don’t understand any of this,’ he whispered, and her gaze softened.

‘I know, but you’ll understand when the time matters,’ Mrs Bennett said released his shoulders and retrieved her bag. ‘Don’t tell anyone of this conversation.’ She gave him a warning look before leaving the classroom. Andrew stood there for a few minutes, utterly perplexed.

‘Hey, you still coming?’ Andrew jumped at Aria’s voice and placed a hand over his thumping heart.

‘Yeah, on the way. Mrs Bennett wanted to talk about an assignment,’ he replied automatically.

‘Okay, see you shortly then?’

‘See you soon,’ Andrew confirmed and left with a frown on his face. He had every intension on telling Aria about that conversation, but he couldn’t get the words out. Shaking his head, he decided to inform her in person and detoured away from the cafeteria to the boiler room. Upon entering the overheated room, Andrew called for Aria, and she whistled her location. He smiled at her when he finally spotted her.

‘There you are.’

‘It’s not like I hide from you on purpose.’

‘Sometimes I wonder,’ he joked. Aria laughed, poking his side in retaliation.

‘How’s your day so far?’

‘…I kind of blew up on Chase, Justin and Kara,’ Andrew whispered, a little afraid he may have overstepped his bounds by speaking to him the way he did. He avoided eye contact with her, but he could feel her gaze on his skin.

‘Tell me what happened?’ she asked gently and he recounted everything that happened that morning. When he finished, Aria sat back against the wall, deep in thought. Andrew relaxed as she started laughing, slowly laughing himself.

‘You’re not mad then?’

‘No, she called you a mutt, and you reacted as any werewolf would. She and Chase only escalated things, but thank you for indirectly defending me, even if you went a touch overboard about it,’ she replied, and he beamed at her.

‘You’re welcome. How is that feeling?’ Andrew asked hesitantly.

‘…Getting more noticeable as the hours’ pass.’

‘I don’t know what I’ll do if he does reject you, Ari.’

‘It’s our brother and my mate; I don’t want to hurt them any more than I want to hurt you,’ she said, reminding him of what he said in her room. Andrew’s eyes filled with tears as his conflicted emotions bubbled to the surface. His predicament was like a coin; one side held his love, respect and loyalty to his big sister and alpha. On the other side was Chase and Justin, who he loved to a fault, but his admiration and loyalty fell short. If or when Chase rejects Aria, he’ll be forced to make a choice, but he knew he’ll always choose his sister over them any day of the week.

Aria sighed and moved to sit next to him, guiding his head to her bony shoulder. Even though her body couldn’t possibly take his weight, Andrew leaned against her. He held onto her thin waist, his anger brewing the longer she comforted him. Eventually, Aria shushed him; his emotions overflowing into their sibling bond.

‘We’ll get through this, Drew,’ she whispered. She stroked the back of his head as he sighed, sitting up and looking at her in the eye.

‘None of this should be happening in the first place,’ he said. Aria gazed at him, exhausted. She went to answer, but the warning bell rang for the next class. Both sighed and stood, collecting their rubbish and coming to the door.

‘Let’s pick this up at lunch; I’ll even do you the favour of sneaking onto the new complex, in the new art room?’ Aria said, and Andrew smiled.

‘You don’t have too.’

‘I know you hate this room and with good reason,’ she said as she eyed the poorly kept area. ‘Besides, I escape there whenever this room becomes too much.’

‘If you’re sure?’

‘I am.’

‘All right,’ Andrew conceded. He tried telling her about the conversation with Mrs Bennett again, but all he said, ‘I’ll see you at lunch.’

‘See you then,’ she smiled and kissed his cheek. She left first, rushing to her class as Andrew took a moment for himself. He frowned at his hands, confused by his lack of communication with something so simple. He groaned as the bell rang again and he rushed to his own class.

‘Andrew, thank you for joining us,’ the teacher said when he entered.

‘Sorry, sir, but I was—’

‘I know, Mrs Bennett already gave me a note so take a seat,’ he said gruffly and returned to teaching the class. Andrew frowned before turned to take his usual seat by Justin. His brother flexed his hand in a silent question, Andrew waved it away. He ignored Justin for the rest of the lesson, hoping and praying nothing would happen between now and to the end of lunch.

‘Goddess, please, don’t let Chase hurt our sister.’