Chapter 13: An Alpha

Chase’s heart was pounding; his body trembled with desire and arousal. A sensation he hadn’t felt since Aria left and never to this extent. He didn’t know what else to do except pant as his bewilderment fought with his excitement. He couldn’t understand why he was feeling this for Evelyn. Aria was his mate, Chase could still feel the bond, but Evelyn wasn’t her. It felt like cheating, and he didn’t want to disappoint Aria any more than what he already had. He needed a cold shower.

Chase hissed as he removed his bedsheet, even the barest of grazes caused a spark of pleasure to go through him.

‘Chase,’ Levi whined. The wolf wasn’t faring much better. Both Evelyn’s display of authority last night, and their dream this morning had thrown them for a loop.

‘How are we so sensitive, Levi? No wet dream we’ve had before ever felt so…?’


‘I can still feel her holding me down, playing with me,’ Chase shivered as the phantom feeling of pressure on his wrists intensified again, fingernails scratched down from his neck to his chest and waist. He couldn’t stop the whimper as the sensation never reach where he needed it most. He quickly turned on his shower, making the water as cold as possible.

‘I wonder if she is a tease.’


‘Sorry, sorry, but there’s something familiar about Evelyn. I didn’t notice when she first arrived, but throughout the night, I’ve been noticing similarities.’

‘What? Between who?’

‘Evelyn and Aria.’

‘Levi, don’t be ridiculous. Aria is safe and away from here. She wouldn’t return of her own free will anyway,’ Chase said, hissing as the freezing water touched against his burning skin.

‘You never know, Chase, she could—’

‘She won’t…I wouldn’t,’ Chase replied miserably. Levi whimpered in response. Chase moped under the water a while longer, removing himself when his fingers started turning cold. He changed into his training gear; he had just shrugged on his shirt when Justin walked in.

‘Hey, are you re—what happened to you?’ he asked.

‘Dream, a weird one,’ Chase replied.

‘…should I ask?’

‘Please, don’t. It’s embarrassing.’

‘Okay. Are you ready?’

‘As I’ll ever be. You?’ Chase asked.

Justin nodded, sighing as he said, ‘This is going to be embarrassing. I’ve checked in the thirty-four members who are loyal to us; they’re ready.’

Chase rolled eyes. ‘Of course, the rest are asleep.’

‘Evelyn did say she and others would drag them out. Maybe we could enjoy the show,’ Justin said with an uncertain shrug.

‘Well, it’ll be enjoyable for a moment,’ Chase said just as uncertain.

‘Yeah, only a moment. But we need this; everyone will have to survive the embarrassment.’

‘You know wolves hate embarrassment; they prefer death than be embarrassed.’

‘Oh, I know. I meant our lot would be fine, they’ll get over it; the rest will survive,’ Justin said, and Chase laughed.

‘Until they take it out on me.’

‘I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.’

Chase smiled sadly and said, ‘For a while, maybe.’ Justin gave him a miserable look, coming to gently his head against Chase. The two nuzzled for a bit, offering and soaking as much comfort and affection as possible.

‘I’m sorry I can’t do more,’ Justin whispered.

‘You’re still here, that’s enough,’ Chase replied.

‘We should get out there, we don’t want to be dragged out too,’ Justin said after a while.

‘Let’s go,’ Chase said.

‘Uh, just one moment,’ Nari said, and Chase and Justin paused.

‘What is it, Nari?’ Justin asked.

‘Levi and I were talking and agreed that there’s something to Evelyn that’s off.’

‘Dear Goddess, not this,’ Chase grumbled, and Justin frowned at him.

‘There are distinct similarities between Aria and Evelyn,’ Levi repeated, exasperated.

‘Oh, brother,’ Justin groaned.

‘We’re telling you, there’s something about Evelyn that reminds Levi of Aria.’

‘Such as?’ Chase asked.

‘When we were pups, Aria had the same authoritative figure Evelyn displayed last night. She used to manipulate you two a lot with it, remember?’ Levi said. Chase’s and Justin’s mind immediately went back before Sierra and Killian deaths. The games they played, someone was always the alpha: Aria was constantly that person. Neither Chase nor Justin couldn’t remember a time she wasn’t the alpha.

‘But their scents are different,’ Justin pointed out.

‘True, but we know there are ways in changing or nullifying your scent,’ Levi said.

‘Both have the same little quirks too,’ Nari said. ‘Aria would always lift her right eyebrow when she hears something new, something she doesn’t like. Evelyn constantly watched us last night; I lost count how many times her eyebrow rose. Especially if it involved Kara.’

‘There are several more quirks we could list, but the clincher is several of her packmates started Evelyn’s name with either an “a” or an “ar”. Those that did it in her present, she would give them a specific look. Did neither of you picked up on that?’ Levi said. Chase thought about that last one and realised his wolf had a point.

‘He’s onto something there,’ Justin mutter aloud.

‘But it can’t be. As pups Aria never left Andrew’s side, that wouldn’t have changed when they left.’

‘True, but that goes to show Seth might not be who he says he is either,’ Nari said.

‘This is ridiculous,’ Chase muttered. ‘I’m going to go to training, you coming?’


‘We literally live inside you guys, do you expect the conversion to end because you’re leaving the room suddenly?’ Levi said, and Nari barked in amusement.

‘Shut up the pair of you,’ Justin muttered. Both wolves barked in laughter, rolling on their backs in pure delight.

‘Glad you’re finding it funny,’ Chase’s sour tone had them freezing in seconds.

‘Sorry,’ they whispered. Levi and Nari were quite the rest of the way to the training field, their hosts making small talk along the way. As they walked around the last bend, Chase stood frozen at the view.

‘Sweet Goddess, help me,’ he mumbled. Evelyn was standing before him wearing plain, black tights that stopped just above her ankle. They clung to her legs and waist like a second skin. They had mesh pockets at her upper thigh, the mesh extending down passed her and showing off the toned muscle from her midthighs to below her knee. Chase swallowed as he managed to left his eyes from her lower half and instantly regretted it. A floral sports bra was the only thing Evelyn wore, exposing her firm abs and lean shoulders. Under her breasts, the brand name ‘Rockwear’ was unfamiliar to him, but he greatly appreciated their fit.

‘…that dream, it wasn’t a wet dream by any chance?’ Justin asked with narrowed eyes.

‘Shut up. I know I how it looks,’ Chase muttered.

‘There you are,’ Seth said as his muscular arms crossed over his bare chest.

‘Geez, don’t we look like wet noodles,’ Justin said.

‘Stop exaggerating, asshole. We’re fine,’ Chase said as he walked towards them and as expected, only thirty-four members were present. He briefly nodded to them before focusing his attention on Evelyn’s unique eyes.

‘We’re not late,’ Chase said. It was only touching five to six.

‘No, but only thirty-four people have shown up,’ Evelyn said.

‘She knows the numbers of members we have?’ Nari said.

‘Another point to suspicion,’ Levi added.

‘It’s not exactly a secret to how many members an alpha has,’ Justin said, and the wolves huffed in annoyance.

‘Yes, and I sincerely apologise for that,’ Chase said. Evelyn licked her top lip before pursing them, nodding. She didn’t look impressed.

‘Aria did that too,’ Justin said, peaking at Chase. ‘I hate saying this, Chase, but I think our wolves are onto something.’

Chase watched as Evelyn turned to Amy and Max, enjoying how her muscles twitched with irritation.

‘Wake them up,’ she ordered. The level of anger and frustration in her tone struck a chord in Chase; he had heard that tone before. The day of the rejection came to mind, but he shook the thought off at the impossibility.

‘Oh, gladly,’ Amy said with a fearsome smirk. She rubbed her hands together and turned to her mate. He had the same smirk on his lips, but with more hostile intent.

‘Seth, go with them,’ Evelyn said.

‘You’re not coming,’ Seth asked.

‘Better if I don’t,’ she said, her voice seething.

‘Where is this coming from?’ Chase asked as Seth jogged to catch up to Amy and Max. Justin could only shrug in answer.

‘Ar—Evelyn,’ Declan warned with a slight shake of his head. Both Chase and Justin glanced at him before each other.

‘There it is again,’ Justin said.

‘It can’t be, it’s impossible,’ Chase said.

‘…is it, though?’ Nari asked.

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Evelyn waved Declan off. All eyes widened at the blatant disrespect she showed him, their jaws dropped when Delcan did nothing but roll his eyes.

‘…she didn’t ask the reason why the rest of the pack is absent,’ Levi said.

‘Didn’t she?’ Justin asked.

‘She didn’t,’ Chase confirmed, and frowned as he watched her stew some meters away, ‘but it can’t be. She’s not a warrior, but she wouldn’t leave Andrew’s side.’

‘…unless he’s here,’ Navi said. Justin and Chase turned at a loud commotion behind them, the rest of the pack slowly filtering into the field. He was about to turn back to get a better look at Evelyn when a familiar screech pierced the ear. Chase groaned audibly, watching as Amy accurately dragged her out by her hair.

‘God, that is beautiful,’ Justin snickered. Chase bit his lip to keep from laughing. He went to turn away again when Seth walked out, and time seemed to have slowed down. He slowly walked passed Kara, giving her an apathetic look before looking toward Chase and Justin. Chase froze as those sapphire and emerald eyes stared past them to Evelyn. He turned to stare at her, Evelyn nodding to her brother and her friends before turning to Declan.

‘J-Justin,’ he muttered. He gazed into his brother’s eyes, his throat suddenly becoming dry as the same irises stared at him worriedly.

‘What? What is it?’ Justin asked. Chase looked at the twins and back at Justin, the facial features are too similar to be coincidental. His gaze settled on Evelyn's back, his body vibrating, and his heart thumping with fear and excitement. Torn between believing what he saw or falling back on denial: neither felt acceptable currently.

‘I-It—It can’t be,’ Chase said. Justin frowned, glancing between Chase and Evelyn. He used the mind link to peer further in his mind, freezing at the troubling realisation he found. Justin looked back at the twins, now seeing what Chase was saw.

‘It is them,’ he whispered. Fear and fragile hope filled him as Chase gripped on his arm for support. Justin grabbed onto his wrist to keep himself grounded also.

‘Aria? Andrew?’ Chase whispered as Levi howled. His heart jumped into his throat as both stiffened, Andrew and the White Warriors face them in astonishment.

‘I’ll be damned,’ Amy said. Aria peered over her shoulder, stunned to see fear and apprehension in their expressions along with the expected hope and denial.

‘What? Chasey, what are you on about?’ Kara grumbled. The rest of Blood Moon stared between the two of sides in confusion, unsure where to look.

Aria paid no attention to them as she turned to Andrew, addressing him with a smile, ‘Looks like we’re both wrong; he managed to work it out in a day.’ Everyone faced her now; she was still smiling as she twisted her ring. The magic lowering enough for them to recognise her but left her mark invisible.

Chase and Justin watched in bewilderment as magic pulsed around her. It slowed to a stop, and everyone could fully comprehend her features. Gasps, exclamation and startled cries rang out like a broken record. Even though Chase and Justin figure out it was them, recognising Aria and Andrew for real was still a punch to the stomach.

Aria watched them all with grim satisfaction, smiling as Andrew groaned. He rested his head on his shoulders as he lowered the ring’s magic to the same level.

‘You couldn’t have waited a week, could you, Chase?’ Andrew asked. Aria touched her fingers to her lips as Chase stood there, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

‘I win,’ Declan suddenly announced. Aria frowned as she faced them, her eyes rolling as everyone handed over two fifty-dollar bills.

‘Seriously?’ she asked. ‘Ian, I said my fun. I didn’t say you could turn it into a bet yourself.’

‘Sorry, A, couldn’t resist,’ Ian replied.

‘You lost, jackass,’ Andrew pointed out.

‘And I regret opening my mouth.’

Chase and Justin watched in growing confusion as Andrew laughed. Neither seems to care about the people surrounding them.

‘What are they doing back? She could get killed if Kara finds out,’ Chase said.

‘After last night’s display, I doubt it. Besides, she and Andrew got the top rating for pack trainers. She couldn’t have done that without the necessary skills,’ Justin said.

‘Who cares? They’re back, they’re back,’ Nari barked.

‘What is going on?’ Kara screeched. The Knight siblings shook their heads at it, Andrew and Justin rubbing their ears in irritation.

‘I haven’t missed that voice,’ Aria muttered, and Andrew snorted.

‘You can’t be Aria. The slut was as skinny as bones and a runt,’ Kara said.

‘Oh, so you notice my malnutrition?’


‘You’re still the same damn bitch we left behind,’ Andrew muttered. He turned away to talk to Declan; Kara’s eyes were narrowing after him.

‘Hey, if you want to glare at anybody, glare at me,’ Aria said as she stood behind his back. A chill travelled over Chase’s spine as she smirked, a twisted gleam in her eyes.

‘I bet you can’t fit fight. You’re here to pleasure your alpha pair, probably,’ Kara said, and the pack laughed. Declan, Winter and Andrew tensed. They growled almost simultaneously, Winter taking a threatening step forward in defence of her mate and her friend. Jaws dropped when she paused at Aria’s raised hand, and the growling ceased with a flick of her hand.

‘Do you want to bet on that?’ Aria asked as she walked towards her. Chase swallowed at her amused expression, his throat drying as she walked passed him. Levi and Nari were deliriously happy when she glanced at Chase and Justin, howling in encouragement.

‘Are you challenging me?’ Kara snarled.

‘I don’t see a reason why I would challenge a subordinate when I’m already an alpha,’ she replied. Gasps and murmurs filled the field immediately. Chase looked at Andrew, and he nodded once. He tilted his chin to his right shoulder, and Andrew nodded again.

‘She’s not just an alpha,’ Chase said as he turned to Justin. ‘She’s a warrior.’ Justin’s eyes widened, watching as steam practically came out of Kara’s ears.

‘She’s screwed,’ Justin said and paused, turning to Chase again. ‘Then again, so are we.’ Chase nodded, apprehension filling him again. He quickly put it on the back burner when Kara bared her teeth.

‘You lie.’

‘Why would I lie about something so important?’ Aria asked. Kara snarled as she stepped forward. The two women started circling, Aria turning back when she was nearing the bulk of the pack. There was an exhilarating sparkle in her eyes; Chase could see the thrill of the hunt rising in her.

‘Oh, this will be great,’ Amy said.

‘Wish there was time to get popcorn,’ Max added.

‘Will you two shut up? We’re watching the game,’ Winter said.

‘You think this as a game?’ Justin asked.

‘When it involves Aria, yes,’ Max said, and Declan rolled her eyes.

‘Alphas fear her and with good reason,’ he said with a sigh, turning to Andrew. ‘Keep an eye her.’ Andrew nodded, not taking his eyes off Aria. Chase frowned at him, trying to spy what he was searching for but couldn’t. He was about to ask when Justin placed a hand on his shoulder.

‘Wait and see. Andrew’s clearly concerned about something,’ he said. Chase nodded and watched as Aria brought Kara further and further away from the pack. Her followers smirked, believing Aria was bluffing and Kara will show her place.

Aria saw all of this; neither she nor Sapphire could be more thrilled. Aria always enjoyed having one advantage on her opponents; in this situation, she had several.

‘Let me out, Aria. Let me teach this bitch some manners,’ Sapphire snarled.

‘Not yet, my darling partner. Let me have some fun first,’ Aria said.

‘You are a liar, and I’m going to prove it,’ Kara said, and Sapphire laughed.

‘As a lamb offered for slaughter,’ she said.

‘Slaughter, now there’s something we could do.’

‘But then, there’s the fun of drawing it out.’

‘Ooh, way to make it tough, Saph.’

‘Come on, remember the last time we fed our bloodlust slowly?’

Aria smiled as she remembered the sweet flavour of revenge, the blood on her lips and the flesh under her claws. But she could remember the satisfaction of getting into it, not drawing it out and hearing her prey scream and beg for mercy.

‘…point is proven,’ Sapphire said.

‘Still, I think too fast is too good for this one. I want to take my time,’ Aria said before answering Kara aloud, ‘Then prove it, sweetheart.’ Kara growled, last night’s embarrassment returning to her. Her body trembled with fury: anger at herself for letting it happen, anger at Chase for being a pathetic waste of space and anger at Aria for making her look like a fool. Kara lunged.

Aria raised a brow, sidestepping easily. Kara stumbled and fell.

‘Seriously?’ Aria said before turning to Andrew. ‘Start a list, would you?’ Andrew nodded. She ducked as Kara tried a coward punch, swiping her leg under Kara’s and knocking her flat on her back. Kara coughed as she landed on her shoulders first. Aria rolled her eyes as the woman pounded on her chest.

‘I already know the question to this, but do you do any training other than sex?’

Chase frowned as the pack growled in response, his frown deepening when neither Aria nor Andrew showed any concern. He covered his mouth and briefly looked away as Kara lunged at his mate again, his instincts urging him to protect her. He jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder; he was shocked to see Andrew there.

‘Relax,’ he said, ‘Aria likes to play.’ Andrew quickly removed his hand and moved to leave. A whimper escaped Chase before he could stop it. Andrew paused, peering at him from the corner of his eye. Sighing, he stood beside him but not close enough to touch. Chase relaxed a little, his returning his attention to his mate. Aria laughed as she dodged another lousy punch from the subordinate. Kara screamed in frustration as she shifted into her brown wolf. Aria’s smirk only widened, glad for the change. She rotated her arms to spin her whole body into the air. Chase and Justin stood mesmerised as she shifted mid-air, jaws dropping as her sparkling white wolf towered over Kara’s. Screams and curses filled the air, Amy and Max burst into laughter and Andrew shook his head at his sister’s fanatics. There was no denial now; everyone knew she was an alpha.