Chapter 15: Problems and More Problems

Drake must have known revealing his heritage wouldn’t have gone over well with Aria. Andrew watched as Aria trembled, and Drake struggled to remain upright under the weight of her glare. He gazed between the two as he would a tennis match, unsure where to look for the explosion. The others were quite the same, Chase and Justin more so.

‘They have never met royalty before though; they’ve met two in the space of two hours. It can be overwhelming, especially when one royal is Serenity,’ James said.

‘What was he thinking?’ Andrew said, refocusing his attention on Drake. ‘Four years is a long time to keep this secret, particularly when it’s put the team in danger on three dozen occasions.’ Neither Andrew nor Aria minded that the team kept secrets, but once a secret endangered them; they must know so the team could decide how to protect themselves best.

Andrew shook his head when James answered with an annoyed growl. He patted Drake on the shoulder as he said, ‘Nice knowing you, brother.’

‘Gee, thanks,’ Drake sarcastically replied as he moved away. Andrew shuddered when Aria’s glare turned to him. He held up his hands as he gave her a wide berth, breathing a sigh of relief when she turned her fiery gaze to Serenity.

‘You knew about this?’ Aria asked.

‘Yes, but I honestly thought you knew,’ Serenity replied. ‘Aria, I would have told you if I knew Viola or Drake kept this secret.’

‘Serenity,’ Drake shouted, ‘you know why Mother decided to keep our lineage secret.’

‘Yes, but not at the expense of harming those closest to you,’ she replied.

‘How long have you known about this?’ Aria asked.

‘Since I was 65-years-old. My father made the charm that allows Drake to walk under the sun; he introduced me to Viola when he gave her the ornament.’

‘Mother was pregnant with me at the time, wasn’t she?’ Drake asked.

‘Very pregnant; she was due to give birth to Drake sometime within that month.’

‘Aria and I would barely be a month old,’ Andrew said.

‘Andrew,’ Aria hissed, and he backed out of the conversation. ‘Drake, are you the reason why we had vampire attacks the last few years?’

‘Yes, but let me explain.’

‘This better be good since you constantly put the entire team in danger.’

Drake held up his hands in surrender as he started explaining, ‘Before I was born, the Dracula clan was flourishing, expanding as a family and as partisans. My family never had strict rules over the other vampire clans or covens, letting them handle themselves throughout the thousands of years, but since the first war, they’ve been getting more and more engaged. My grandfather, the head of our family, he wanted to bring back the hierarchy to form an army in preparation of the third war—’

‘Wait, your grandfather knew of the third war? How?’ Andrew asked.

‘Indeed. Not even I knew until Aria told me about it,’ Serenity agreed, and then paused. ‘Wait a minute; your grandfather was the one who commissioned your charm.’

‘Yes. I don’t know how he knew; not even Mother knows how, but he did. He was getting close to completing his accession to the throne when one of our turned cousins decided to take it for themselves. He killed everyone besides Mother, who had yet to give birth to me. My father died in securing her escape and—’

‘And my father died trying to rescue as many as he could while I escorted Viola to safety, I remember the massacre,’ Serenity finished.

‘Yes. Only three members of the Dracula clan are alive; my deranged cousin, my mother and I. My cousin still hunts us; he needs to kill us to claim the throne. Mother wanted me to keep this a secret in case if the news spread, he’ll find me,’ Drake said. ‘Aria, he found me and nearly killed me with my change. After losing my father, she wasn’t about to lose me too.’ Andrew relaxed as he felt Aria’s anger dialled down to a simmer, a solemn understanding washing over both of them. Aria glanced at him and he to her, silently conversing with expressions alone. Her eyes flickered gold now and then, alerting Andrew that Drake wasn’t going to get off scot-free and neither was he as he figured out. Andrew swallowed nervously and lowered his head, both submitting and apologising with the action.

Aria sighed as she tilted her head back and placed her hands on her hips as she sighed. She didn’t like Drake’s news, but she couldn’t do much about it now. All she could do was prepare for next time.

‘Aria, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you after the first attack, but Mother—’

‘It’s okay, Drake,’ Aria interrupted. ‘I understand her reasoning, but you are right, you should have told me.’ Drake sighed and nodded, glad to have that off his chest but knows he’s not out of trouble yet.

Chase and Justin watched all this happened, missing critical details to make sense what’s being discussed. Chase frowned as Aria moved forward to place her forehead against Drake’s. Justin grew angry as Chase looked away from them; from the lack of details to being ignored to Chase getting hurt, he had enough.

‘Yeah, this is not okay,’ he said.

‘Justin, maybe you should let this go until later,’ Declan said. ‘Drake, that was an inopportune moment to reveal your lineage, wasn’t it?’

‘I needed to tell her, my cousin is getting more desperate and I don’t know why,’ Drake said. ‘There’s just too much going on, and for the most of it, Mother isn’t telling me.’

‘Okay, stopping the train right here,’ Justin yelled. ‘None of this is going any further until someone explains some things.’ Aria and Andrew raised a brow as Chase looked at him shocked. Andrew placed a hand on Declan’s chest, stopping him from speaking as Aria walked up to Justin.

‘Alright, Beta,’ Aria’s tone was heavy with sarcasm, Justin tensing as she stood uncomfortably close, ‘what would you like to know?’ Justin gulped at sheer power radiating from her, his knees trembling with the urge to kneel. Chase didn’t have the strength to fight it, he sat on a bench press, but his body continued to shake. Chase flushed with embarrassment at Declan’s eye roll, focusing on Justin trying to regain his posture. He could see Aria wasn’t falling for it, though. She found it hilarious.

‘Let start with the “turned vampire” business, could you elaborate on that?’ Justin asked. Aria was surprised by the question: that information was common knowledge. She glanced at Andrew, and he looked just as surprised.

‘You two didn’t learn this?’ Serenity asked. Chase and Justin shook their heads.

‘Well, there are several sorts of vampires,’ Aria started.

‘First are your purebloods or ancients as they preferred to be called, pretty much the nobility of the vampiredom,’ Andrew said. ‘These vampires are born and stay human until the age of seventeen, where they go through a sort of transformation.’

‘And that isn’t pleasant either,’ Drake said. ‘The child falls sick, constantly in and out consciousness all day, drenched in sweat and feverish. Other symptoms can vary from child to child, but what the body is doing determines whether to die or transform. If it’s death, the body will crumble into ash. If it’s transformation, it’s a different kettle of fish altogether. The cells and tissues don’t die per se, but transform in a different sort of living… The biology of it all is still a mystery, even to us ancients. Watch the 2014 film, Lucy; it’ll explain the cells’ transformation better than I can.’

‘The so-called “turned vampires” are made by these ancients,’ Aria said. ‘Turned vampires have several levels themselves, mostly depending on the powers they inherit from their creators or skills that are latent as humans. Some of the vampires decide to stick with their creators as family members. Hence the phrase “turned cousin”, but most tend to either join covens away from ancient clans or stick to themselves.’

‘The last two are rare, but one has been picking up lately,’ Drake said. ‘They’re called Blár Aska—which translates into Blue Ashes from Old Norse—and Revenants. Both are destructive in their own ways. Blár Ask is created by incompetent ancients who abandon the changeling during their transformation. If they don’t get enough blood, they become bloodthirsty: solely focused on quenching their thirst but never achieving satisfaction—their easily recognisable: translucent skin, crazed, bloodshot eyes and a mouthful of fangs. The only thing you have to be careful of is never let them bite you, inhale or swallow the ash when they’re killed. You’ll easily turn you into one no matter what race you are. These are the ones that have been picking up lately.’

‘Brilliant, just what we need,’ Andrew muttered, and James growled in agreement.

‘At least it’s not revenants,’ Serenity said. ‘They aren’t what they’re word suggests either; they are made, but the conditions have to be right. They get their name from their physical appearance: walking skeletons with very little skin or muscle. Uncommonly rare but extremely deadly. The only saving grace is that revenants can’t create more revenants.’

‘When was the last revenant sighting?’ Andrew asked, curious.

‘A little over fifty years ago, I think,’ Drake replied.

‘Anything else you wanted to know?’ Aria asked Justin.

‘What is Drake exactly? You were going to say something before he interrupted.’

‘Yeah, really not the best timing, mate,’ Andrew said as he sat on a rowing machine next to Drake.

‘I’m hybrid of vampire and wolf, more vampire than wolf, which explains my earlier behaviour. Technically speaking, I’m still a newborn with an uneven blood mix. My bloodlust is dangerously high, and so far, Aria is the only one able to control it—control me,’ Drake explained, ignoring Andrew’s jab.

‘Control you?’

‘To put it simply, he submits to me. It’s difficult to explain. Vampires aren’t like us; they don’t have inner animals or second forms, but at the same time, their bloodlust almost acts as an inner beast. When Drake found us at White Warriors, he was half-starved. His body wasn’t prepared to handle his transition as well as his bloodlust, and Kaage knew that. He somehow found me through instinct alone, and we weren’t even there for more than two months when he did,’ Aria answered.

‘Actually, now that we know about the Dracula thing,’ Andrew said as he turned to Drake, ‘how can you submit to Aria when you’re a one-quarter wolf and half royalty. You could easily outpower her, but she constantly has you on your knees. How is that possible?’

‘…that’s an excellent question. Even if Aria was royalty, her control over me would be very little. Not as much power she has now,’ Drake replied, gazing at Aria curiously.

‘Don’t look at me; I wouldn’t know,’ she said with a shrug.

‘But werewolves never had any royalty, which brings me to my next question, what war are you talking about?’ Justin said. Aria looked to the floor, linking her hands behind her neck as she sighed.

‘…how do you want to answer?’ Andrew asked.

‘Do you even want to tell them?’ Michael said.

‘Tell us what?’

‘Have you two heard of the Blood Curse?’ Aria asked. Chase and Justin glanced at each other, confused in the change in subject.

‘Yes, but what does that have to do with anything? Chase didn’t reject you like that,’ Justin replied.

‘Ari, you don’t have to tell them this,’ Drake said.

‘There’s a second curse that very few are aware of; it doesn’t even have a proper name,’ Aria said as she sat on a treadmill. ‘It’s where, uh, the rejector doesn’t say their rank or pack name along with their given and surnames. The bond doesn’t break but rather twists, squeezing as much energy as possible from the rejected… How did Ethan describe me? He said something quite accurate.’ Chase and Justin tense, horrified at her words. They paled to a sickly degree at Declan’s answer.

‘Something akin to what Mr Henderson and Mr Burns looked like after the High Priest Imhotep killed them to rejuvenate his body.’

‘…not sure that phrasing is any better, Dee,’ Andrew said, and Declan shrugged.

Chase gasped as Justin froze, tears swelling and rolling down their cheeks. Justin turned away while Chase hung his head, linking his fingers behind his head. He bit his lip to keep from sobbing outright, ignoring the low growl and shuffling in the room. Chase jerked when a hand hesitantly brushed the back of his hand, sparks shooting over his skin as it settled more firmly. He looked up as Aria knelt, closing his eyes as she cupped his face to brush the tears away. She didn’t say anything, and neither did he for a while, just gazing into each other’s eyes and enjoying how the sparks danced across their skin.

‘I’m sorry,’ Chase finally said. ‘I’m so sorry.’

‘…can you tell me why?’ Aria asked. She had a reasonably good idea already, but she needed to hear him say it. Aria needed to hear how far back it went and how bad it got so she could help him properly. She stayed silent as she watched him struggle with himself, his courage rising and falling like a yoyo. She sighed when the string broke, and Chase shook his head. Aria had to remind herself that some abuse victims take longer to open up than others, but she couldn’t help feel a little disappointed. Aria moved to stand and was surprised as Chase gripped onto her hand, his baby blue eyes pleading for her to stay. She inhaled sharply at the expression, torn about what to do: leaving him to sit and wallow in his misery or staying by his side and comforting him. Aria weighed the pros and cons and decided on the latter, knowing it’ll help their mating bond in the long run.

Aria glanced at Andrew, who had grown stiff at their proximity but didn’t dare comment. His frown froze, however, when his eyes caught hers, finding her determination and resolve there.

‘No,’ he said. ‘They didn’t deserve to know anything of what we discussed already, let alone that!’ Chase flinched at the insinuation, even if he didn’t know the related topic.

‘Justin did ask, Andrew.’

‘Then let him wonder.’


‘No. What we should be discussing is why we’re here in the first place.’

‘Andrew!’ Aria shouted both verbally and mentally, mirrors and window glass rattling at the volume. They stared at each other, neither backing down until Andrew’s face softened. He sighed and waved his hand, leaning against Drake and looked away from them. Aria sighed as she untangled Chase’s hands hers, ignoring his protests. She stood in front of them, hands back on her hips as she cleared her throat to gain Justin’s attention.

Once she had it, she said, ‘Andrew is right—in a way. I will not answer everything today; you’ll need to earn that right again.’ Chase whimpered, and Justin flinched, their regret as visible as sunlight. ‘But I will answer your question, Justin, so you’re not caught unaware. Werewolves do have royalty. They haven’t been seen in two centuries because a series of wars, the third one beginning sometime next year—’

‘—We think next year—’

‘—and the Moon Goddess tasked me in finding our royals before it starts, typically before our twenty-first,’ Aria continued smoothly from Andrew’s interruption.

Justin’s mouth opened and closed for a moment before he managed to ask, ‘Moon Goddess? Tasked? When? How? And why your twenty-first?’

‘When I died of that cursed rejection,’ Aria whispered, not answering any more of his vague questions.

‘Remember,’ Chase mumbled, ‘she was dead for over an hour.’ Justin looked away as the memory fit him, his heart aching right along with Chase’s.

‘Can we please get back to the previous topic now?’ Andrew said. Aria glared at him but didn’t argue.

‘Yeah, why are we meeting in here and not in Chase’s office?’ Declan asked.

‘And call me to silence our conversation to outside ears?’ Serenity added.

‘I didn’t want to discuss this in Chase’s office because I have a high suspicion it could be bugged,’ Aria replied.

‘Bugged? Like listening devices scattered around the office bugged?’ Ian asked, and Aria nodded. Serenity frowned, walking towards her with purposely slow steps.

‘I’ll ask again, what have you gotten yourself into?’

Aria looked at Chase with a silent question, and he nodded.

‘Don’t interrupt me until I’m finished,’ she said and continued when everyone nodded. ‘Two weeks ago, rogues attacked Blood Moon. He lost…close to fifty members, was it?’

‘Forty-seven to be exact,’ Justin replied, not looking at anyone.

‘Not surprised. Your patrol was dead asleep when I came in; I even waited around for fifteen minutes to see if they would catch my scent,’ Drake muttered, and Declan rolled his eyes. Amy and Max shared a furious snarl while Michael and Ian shared a look of disbelief. Chase flinched at the news, tensing when Aria growled at the interruption.

‘He called Declan the day before yesterday looking for help—’

‘Then why not go through the warrior channels? They’re more equipped to handle this, especially with a pack so close to the rogue line,’ Serenity interrupted. Aria sighed and gave her a look, not saying anything until she put the pieces together. ‘He’s not the alpha, is he?’ Aria shook her head, and Declan shouted, scaring Winter a little as he marched away from her. Chase flinched, his posture curling more and more as the alpha shouted profanity at him.

‘Alright, that’s enough, Dee,’ Andrew said.

‘We should get out of here before the warriors learn this,’ Ian said.

‘Someone already knows, Ian,’ Aria said. Everyone looked at her, most looking confused but Serenity, Drake and Andrew were resigned.

‘What are you talking about?’ Justin asked. Aria peered at her older brother, sighing at his whitened complexion. She glanced down at Chase, finding the same look mirrored at her.

‘You’re safe for now,’ Aria reassured them, and they relaxed slightly, ‘but the problem is you shouldn’t have been able to get away with this for as long you have. You both know that warriors are capable of feeling the power of an alpha when they step onto their territory, what you probably don’t know is when an alpha passes down his title, the warriors can feel the power shift. We felt that for you, Chase, and the higher-ups confirmed it.’

‘The most pressing problem is that someone is covering for your father, Chase, and getting away with it,’ Andrew said quickly before Serenity could state the obvious.

‘Wait, if he’s not the alpha, then what power shift did you feel?’ Michael asked.

‘Jack would have timed it with another alpha handing his title down. Only the commander, the council and the elders know the hand down list,’ Andrew answered.

‘…there is another possibility,’ Drake said hesitantly.

‘What? Don’t tell me it’s a worse possibility than this,’ Declan said, his tone abrupt and harsh.

‘Actually, it adds on to this theory.’

‘Spit it out then,’ Aria said firmly.

‘Chase’s father could have timed it with an alpha dying,’ Drake said. A frigid silence descended the room, dread filling them as understanding came with his words.

‘Did…not think of that,’ Andrew said after a while.

‘That’s worse, that’s definitely worse,’ Declan said.

‘How come with you two, it’s problems on top of more problems?’ Michael asked, pointing between Aria and Andrew.

‘We’re lucky…I guess,’ Andrew replied with a shrug.

‘If this is true then…’

‘Then one or more of the higher members is conspiring with the rogues,’ Aria finished Amy’s thought. ‘That’s, ah… The first time in four years and I’m speechless.’

‘They would need to have prior knowledge of an attack before for that to happen,’ Winter said.

‘If this theory is even true in the first place, which alpha was killed to make the entirety of the warriors believe Chase is an alpha?’ Max asked the million-dollar question.

‘Take your pick. We’ve lost so many packs already,’ Michael said.

‘We need help for both theories,’ Andrew said.

‘We need the truth and fast,’ Aria agreed but sighed when she turned to Declan. ‘Dee, I can understand your worry. If you want to take your members and leave, no one will stop you, but I am staying.’

‘But, Aria—’

‘If she stays, so do we,’ Drake interrupted Justin. ‘The three of us can train the pack.’

‘Dee, I think we should stick to the plan,’ Winter said as she rubbed his arm.

‘You think so, baby?’

‘I do. Without the rest of Aria’s team, she needs all the help she can get.’

‘…okay, we stick to the plan, but you keep us in the loop, Aria. None of your usual heroics.’

‘Ha! Fat chance of that happening,’ Andrew laughed, causing Chase and Justin to frown.

‘You’re not calling your team?’ Serenity asked.

‘Not until I know more, no,’ Aria replied.

‘Then I’ll do what I can from my end,’ Serenity said.

‘No,’ Aria immediately said. ‘Seren, thank you for offering, but I can’t get you involved any further than I already have.’

‘Well, tough luck there, sister. You can either like it or lump it, but I am helping, and you are not changing my mind.’

Aria had her hand raised to reaffirm her point, but then flicked it as she said, ‘You know what, fine. Like I can change your mind anyway.’

‘No, you cannot. Besides, you’re on thin ice with the commander and the elders already; you will need all the help you can get.’

Dread filled Chase and Justin, glancing at each other worriedly at the news.

‘Ari, if you’re going to get in trouble because of us then—’

‘You don’t get to use her nickname, you lost that right,’ Amy growled as she and Max took a threatening step forward. On pure instinct, Aria stepped back in front of Justin and Chase when she growled back. The machines and equipment shook with its force, mirrors and photos frames rattling and lights flickering. Everyone either stepped or leaned back in shock, Drake and Andrew included. They’ve never heard her growl like that before and never with so much power behind it.

‘I decide what they get to call me,’ Aria said, her teeth bared and claws out. Her body shivered as Sapphire snarled inside her, pacing the length of the view screen, prepared to protect her mate and brother if need be.

‘O-Okay,’ Amy surrendered, holding her hands up as she kneeled.

Aria relaxed and turned to addressed her brother, ‘You don’t need to worry about getting me in trouble, Justin. I’ve been in trouble with the higher-ups since day one.’

‘Why?’ Chase asked.

‘They don’t like female alphas for one thing,’ Drake replied.

‘Her personality is a different issue altogether,’ Andrew added.

‘I suppose telling Elder Marshall to go fuck himself didn’t win me any brownie points,’ Aria said like it was no big deal. Chase and Justin were dumbfounded though, glancing at each other half amused and half horrified.

‘…there could be one elder you could trust,’ Serenity said slowly.

‘Elder Suzanne?’ Drake asked.

‘She’s the oldest of the three elders and a friend. She’s been receiving some flak from the other two elders and half the council; they want her out,’ Serenity said.

‘What sort of ‘out’?’ Aria asked. Serenity merely looked at her, her expression saying she didn’t know, and she didn’t want to find out.

Aria sighed and nodded before she said, ‘Alright, but make sure before you tell her. I never met with the elder before and thinking back, that might have been on purpose.’

‘I’ll be vigilant.’

‘Thank you.’

‘We should tell Coach too. He’s Hart’s right hand; he could watch him and dig into things we can’t while we’re here,’ Andrew suggested.

‘I’ll think about it,’ Aria said, and Declan sighed.

‘This is going to be a long week,’ he grumbled. ‘If you four are going to keep strategising, we are going for breakfast. You can catch us up forwards. Your Majesty, I would like to thank you for sparing one of your magicians, my doctor appreciates the assistance.’

‘Anton was happy to assist him, Alpha Declan, as am I,’ Serenity replied, giving a slight bow her head to him. Aria smirked at his flustered appearance, bowing as well before ushering his members out of the gym.

‘He’s…got a point there,’ Drake said.

‘Yes, even I haven’t had breakfast yet,’ Serenity agreed before turning to Aria. ‘You have my magicians if you need them, all you have to do is call.’

‘I may take you up on that offer,’ Aria said.

‘I’ll get in contact with Suzanne soon and let you know what’s happening. Keep me updated on your end, please?’

‘I’ll speak with you soon,’ Aria promised.

‘See you later, boys,’ Serenity said as she summoned a portal and stepping through it.

‘Bye, Seren,’ they yelled. Serenity waved before she closed the portal. An awkward silence filled the air. Aria sighed as she slipped on her ring and her warrior mark disappeared.

‘That went well,’ Andrew said, and Aria glared at him. He squeaked and stumbled back as she marched forward. Chase and Justin watched as she backed him into a wall, growling lowly as she did.

‘Tell me honestly, brother, should I expect the rest of the team anytime soon?’

‘N-No. I only called Drake because of your reaction to your nightmare.’

‘I know that, but you still did it behind my back! How do I know if Jesse, Ash, Livy or Abby don’t walk in any minute?’

‘Alpha, I promise, I only called Drake. You can check my call logs if you want,’ Andrew said. Chase stood as Aria hammered into Andrew; her radiating power caused his body to sing with untapped energy. Suddenly, he could handle his abuse for several more years.

‘…I don’t need to see your logs, I hear the promise in your voice, but if you do that again, I promise I won’t go easy next time,’ Aria said. She snarled one last time before storming out, the door slamming behind her.