Tears dripped from my chin

I walked into the apartment, the lights on surprised me, I expected him to sleep at this hour. My breathing rate is accelerating and without thinking about it at all I'm heading to the bathroom. But within millimeters of the doorknob, I could hear my father opening the door from inside.

I popped into the first room I saw open in front of me. Every breath of mine is sharp, my breath, trembling while I watch him come out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I put my hand in my mouth to shut it up. I was very likely to miss a scream.

My eyes started tearing automatically knowing what my next move should be. My former room now looked harmless. 3,2,1 go!!! I jumped out and opened the bathroom, breaking in without causing any sound that could betray me.

The hand that covered my mouth, I only let it go when it was time to brush my teeth. There in the dark with the monster out lurking, gathering forces to hit and curse me again, and his swearing is what hurts me the most from his hits.

There was a time when I was convinced that I had indeed murdered my mother. Of course now I know that this is not likely to be my fault, it's nobody's fault, it just happened. I brushed my teeth so violently and hastily that my gums are completely desensitized.

I turned the faucet on to the lowest flow to rinse the taste as quietly as I could. Tears keep running from my eyes, slumping watering my cheeks. I didn't know if there's an escape route out of here right now. He's probably going to hit me again.

Maybe this time will be the last, maybe this time he'll kill me. Tears dripped from my chin. I'm going down and curling up on the bathroom floor. It's freezing. Why am I going through this? Who have I hurt? I hold my thighs tight to my chest and move back and forth fast.

He's going to hit me again, I'm not going to be able to survive, I'm not strong enough to face him. The voices inside my head deafening and the noise that the TV made outside came to be added to the babel.

I lifted up my pathetic figure and frantically rubbed my face with the sleeves of the shirt I was wearing, the tears were swept away. Now he's distracted, maybe I can slip away. I walked three circles around the dark room to calm down. I'm ready, let's go!

Adrenaline's flowing too much through my veins. Made me think I'm going to explode any minute. The door opened and I walked wall to wall in the hallway. But no, that's not enough for me. He got up and approached me, another open door there!!!

I'm standing behind it waiting for him to pass me and go to the bathroom so I can finally get out of this hell of a place. His steps were approaching. Pat, pat, pat, his feet sinked into the soft carpet of the hallway, leaving wet footprints since he didn't bother to dry them earlier.

I was there, behind the door, watching his every move waiting for my moment of salvation. But it never came. Instead of going ahead into the bathroom like I thought, he touched the doorknob in his room. The door that was my refuge at the time.

He pushed her backwards and walked in with dynamism. I trembled against the wall, became one with it and kept watching. The trembling grew stronger and stronger, turned on the light and went into the closet next to me. Oh, my God! If he looked next to him right now in the next few minutes, I'll be dead.

I held my breath while he was looking for clothes. He turned his back and desperately with my neck burning for a while oxygen, I released the air I suppressed only to lock even more oxygen into my lungs. We were so close he could feel my breath, pounding on his shoulder.

At least I could feel his.