I can understand it's hard.

Orpheus: That's a good idea.

Erica: I'd love to, if your parents agree.

Euridice: Absolutely!

Not having time to sit the food in my stomach Nadia grabbed me and we went to her room.

Nadia: I urgently had to get out of there. I really can't bear to talk about this anymore.

Erica: I can understand, it's hard..

Nadia: So, what do you want to start reading from? Is there anything you don't understand and you want me to help you?

We started with chemistry. Although Nadia is a class older than me, I was able to help her with some of her questions. I felt quite productive and much more efficient working in a team with her. And I wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Nadia: Erica, you're awesome! You managed to get me to understand even what the professor of my private lesson couldn't explain to me. We're both going to succeed tomorrow in class!