Stay strong Kevin...

We watched A plastic ocean and while we were watching I took down some notes of important details about the movie, but when I saw the bottom of the ocean.

I suddenly felt sorry for the fish that were being blown up by the dynamite to die and were easily caught, the two-hour film showing ended and everyone went home.

I wait in the waiting shed of the jeep and to wait for a jeepney then I went east to get on the tricycle to go home.

I immediately went straight to my room to get some clothes and take a bath. but I saw a woman in a white t-shirt with short hair lilting a lighter into her cigarette in the sink while I am taking a bath. I couldn’t see her very well because other fuzzy sticker had obscured the glass door.

I opened the door loudly but when I opened it, it was gone, she did not run but disappeared like a bubble. I asked myself.