When the time came for the Shu Clan residents and their two new companions to return to finally return to their hine in Fengrao, the sky above them was dark as grey clouds loomed over head.
"Hey, Lánhuā, why do you still have that flower on your forehead?" Mázhe questioned as he looked at the female who was back in her normal blue robes as her face clear of the make up from the previous day save for the red orchid on her forehead.
"I don't know, it wasn't coming off when I was washing my face so I just gave up," she replied as their group and the Shèng Clan disciples waited for the carriages that would take thne back to their respective estates.
"Oh, did we not tell you?" mused the woman in pink as she walked up from behind them, "The huadian of Bùxiǔ Garden are not able to be removed unless they are formally exiled from the sect."