Chapter One


Hello, everyone. The Hunt is a short story. A simple thought that I developed because I was too bored.

@All rights are reserved.

Anyone who steals this story will face charges. This original and not plagiarized, so I expect no one to steal hard written work.

Please check out my other works on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy it. Again, this is a rapidly thought of story with no planning of plot or whatnot. It is an unplanned story.



The morning sun was glaring over the widespread meadow of beautiful flowers, while the wind was blowing through the towering and large trees of the forest. In the far distance was trickling water. It was a sparkling blue colored lake that flowed into a cave, where small waterfalls formed. Sitting in a small clearing among the softly swaying flowers was a gorgeous specimen: a young maiden. With eyes closed, her sensitive ears were able to hear every single sound miles and miles away.

A beautiful smile split across her face.

The squeaking of tiny and the soft thumps of large animals filled her ears. Her beautiful smile broadened caused dimples to grace the sides of her bow-shaped lips.

She was incredibly happy—elated even.

Natural white-colored waist-length curls, in the form of plaits, ran down her back. Red-colored rouge made from crushed hibiscus petals painted her lips. On her small and cute button nose was a gold nose ring. It represented her class in the Fae Kingdom. Fair white, but healthy pale skin, the sun reflected over her.

It caused her to shine like the many flowers in the meadow.

Wearing a floral-pink dress, it contrasted with her light cream-colored manicured fingers and toenails. A recent discovery the Faes had acquired a century ago. She tilted her head to bask in the warm sun. It cascaded over her like a cloak. Trailing her small hands over the tips of the flowers near her, she hummed a soft and beautiful melody. Brushing her thumb and middle finger together, she dusted the pollen away.

Basking in the calming atmosphere of peace and tranquility, she was contented, as a pleasant sigh left her slightly parted lips.

“Do you not love nature, Commander Li?”

Her voice melodic and soothing; she suddenly spoke when the light footsteps of an approaching individual had slightly overshadowed her person. Despite her carefree persona, she was very alert and observant of her environment.

Chuckling and amused by the Princess's skillful hearing, Commander Li shook his head. A well-trained Knight that she had begged her father to select as the Fae Kingdom Commander, he was fearsome, as well as loyal.

Studying his environment with a somewhat matter-of-fact attitude, he did not appreciate happiness in nature.

“I cannot say that I do, Princess Angelique. It has always been the same thing waking up to every morning.”

Looking and more like searching in the distance, his eyes glazed over as a distant thought crossed his mind. Clearing his throat, he quickly averted his eyes to gaze above the Princess’s head.

“We must return, before his majesty notices your absence, Princess.”

Frowning, for this statement was repeatedly mentioned by the help and Knights accompanying her, Angelique was disturbed. The Princess and High Lady of the Faes; she understood her father’s rules and regulations but disliked his cowardly excuses to prevent her from venturing beyond the castle's protective walls.

“Have word already been sent about my absence?”

“I say, the King has eyes everywhere, Princess. So your absence has already been detected."

“I have not been outside the Fae Kingdom for two hours. I do hope the messenger did not exaggerate my way of travel!”

“I am afraid he has. There are twenty Fae guards in the forest, which his highness has sent together with the returning messenger an hour ago.”

Groaning, she debated.

“How unfair! I do not need any more guards. The shields are up. I am well protected. I am not a bird in a cage."

Slowly standing with Commander Li's help to her feet, she brushed the loose leaves and flower petals from her dress.

Sighing, for he was not obligated to interfere in the Fae Kingdom Royals affairs, Commander Li bowed.

“It is for your safety, Princess.”

Glaring in the direction of another individual, who had spoken and stepped towards them, she dejectedly sighed.

“I only wished he let me stay longer, General Caspian.”

Producing a small gentleman bow, General Caspian smiled.

Stretching her hands for the maid, who was silently standing a safe distance from her, Angelique murmured.

“Bring my head covering, please, Sunny.”

“Yes, your highness.”

The maid curtsied with a soft murmur while moving closer to gently place the thin and expensive overall to hide Angelique’s hair and face. That was mandatory, for her white hair, although extremely beautiful, made her stand out. She did not want to capture attention when she ventured through the villages towards the castle.

“Let me enjoy one more thing before we leave.”

Suddenly, she rushed away from them to run around in a circle among the beautiful flowers. Giggling to disrupt the anger bubbling inside her heart, she placed a hand on her chest as she enjoyed the wind blowing on her skin.

Her laughter was both breathless and light.

A soothing sound, she soared the hearts of the many soldiers' insight and out of sight. Lifting their moods in an instant, she, this gorgeous young woman, was the Fae of life. Every single thing that came in contact with her felt safe, soothed, calm, and protected.

Surrounding her was a light of peace and beauty. Every person, including the children and babes of the villages in her kingdom, hearts would soar in excitement to grace her presence.

Suddenly, a disgruntled and frightened farmer, whose scrunched face displayed discomfort and fear, raced from the forest towards the small cluster of people. He bellowed with tears in his eyes.

"Your highness... Your highness... Your highness!"

Abruptly stopping her blissful circles, when she heard his cries, Angelique’s heart pinched in her chest as she awaited his person.

Upon arriving an appropriate distance away from the Princess, for Commander Li had stopped his advancement, he leaned on his knees to catch his breath.

Tears pricked his eyes as he watched the confused people.

Settling his eyes on the dancing ones of the Princess, he fell to his knees. Bawling while placing his head on the ground, he was incredibly distressed.

“Your highness… Your highness… Your highness! I beg you, please; you must help my family… You must help my village!”

A bit unsettled by the man’s loud sobbing, Angelique dismissed Commander Li’s protective stance and wary glance.

Rushing towards the shaking man, she gasped when she saw blood was on the edge of his clothes and shoes. Bending to pull the frantically bowing man to his feet by firmly grasping his hands, her eyes were frantic.

The two nameless Knights standing next to Commander Li and General Caspian were instantly on guard with their hands on the hilt of their swords. Sunny was like a statue, her eyes reflecting her fear as she waited and prepared for any bad news.

“No need for doing this, good sir. What is the matter? What happened?”

With tears in his eyes and grasping her soft and dainty hands; the man rambled, his eyes only able to see her blue ones because she had covered her face.

“The villagers...everyone...the Lycans, your highness…they have invaded!”

“How can this be? Where is your family?”

“My wife and child are hiding in a small underground passage a small distance from here, your highness. But…the villagers are in danger! Please, you have to save them!”

Frantically, the man muttered, while tears fell from his eyes like rain.

Gasping, she turned with worried and dancing eyes in Commander Li's direction.

“Gather the men—all of them, including those the King has sent, Commander Li, and secure the safety of the remaining villagers.”

Bowing, Commander Li marched towards the forest. With a loud whistle, Commander Li called the Fae King men's attention hiding in the forest.