Chapter Seven

“You know what to do. Word of the King's decision will come in a month. I hope your plans go smooth.”

A smile lit her face. Lifting a hand, she twirled it in the air.

“There is no reason to doubt me, my love.”

A portal of transparent ice soon opened in front of them.

Standing on her tiptoes to bestow a light goodbye kiss on his kissable lips, she sweetly murmured.

“Remember me when you are at the execution site, okay?"

Without answering her question or acknowledging her light kiss, Duke Carillon walked and disappeared into the portal.

Confidently smirking, the Cold Sprites Queen gazed at the empty place the portal once stood.

‘It was nice knowing that interesting fellow.’

Contemplating, she placed a hand on top of her lips.

Turning her eyes on the cowering woman, she barked.

“Take me to the Princess.”

Every single where hurt?

Dazed and confused, Angelique awoke to a bright morning. Gazing around her, she hissed when a shocking pain enveloped her head. Instantly, yesterday's events rushed through her mind.

Touching her shivering and naked person, she sobbed, for the man, the beast, had destroyed her innocence. Feeling and hissing in pain, when a throbbing occurred on her neck from the beast's bite, a sob caught in her throat, for dried blood painted the palm of her hands. Exposed and in an unfamiliar area, she felt vulnerable. Struggling to stand, Angelique quickly grabbed onto the nearest branch, for her wobbling legs were threatening to throw her down. Leaning against the bark of the tree, she realized her body was still weak.

Sobbing, she recapped the moment she woke up with the groaning man next to her. When he had looked in her direction, she had pinpointed his widened golden eyes that shown brighter than the sun. She remembered the aggrieved fear and remorse in his beautiful eyes. He had rushed towards her dazed self and grasped onto her shaking hands.

He appeared disoriented and confused and had quickly caught onto the horrendous act he had committed.

Fervently, he begged for forgiveness, for something he could not remember. Promising to return, to rectify his wrongs, he gazed around the forest in confusion. Beyond hurt, Angelique snapped with eyes burning with rage and retaliated by punching, kicking, biting, and scratching wherever she could touch on his body.

She had threatened him with her life by grasping a piece of wood and aiming towards her chest to force him to leave.

He had obediently nodded with widened eyes of fright but left with his promise clear as day. However, she had no reason for his pity or to wait for his return.

As soon as he had left and unable to decipher her very own body, she had fallen unconscious yet again.

Looking around her, Angelique realized that she had remained in the same spot where the man had left her utterly broken and scarred.

Angelique felt something had incredibly changed ever since she had looked into the golden eyes of the man. She was afraid of the loss she felt when he had left her yesterday.

This strong and powerful Lycan stole her innocence, yet she felt a small connection with him.

Dispelling such emotions with gritted teeth, she continued to sob.

As if summoned by someone, a Sprites servant suddenly appeared through a portal. With an impassive face, the servant placed a warm knee-length cloak upon her shoulders.

Coughing, for her throat, was incredibly sore; Angelique crooked out.

“Who are you?”

Gazing down at her with broken eyes that caused a shiver of fear to cascade down her back, the servant remained silent. Angelique hugged the clothes tighter around herself.

“Princess Angelique, what happened?”

Bristling, when she heard her name, after every single thing that had occurred yesterday, Angelique's eyes glistened when it was the Cold Sprites Queen. She was her mother's closest ally and best friend and had appeared in front of her through another portal.

Gorgeously and elegantly dressed with a golden crown on her head, the Cold Sprites Queen looked worried. Tears ran down Angelique's face as she squeezed further into her-self. Her breath hitched in her throat. So focused on her misery, she had missed the mild conversation between the Cold Sprites Queen and her servant.

“She must be in shock."

Glaring in the chattering woman's direction, the Cold Sprites Queen hushed and dismissed her.

The woman only went walking through the portal with a respectful bow.

The Cold Sprites Queen took the shivering Princess in her hands.

“We are in private now. Speak, my dear.”

Glancing up with watery eyes at the motherly smiling Cold Sprites Queen standing in front of her, after a few minutes of breathing in and out, Angelique whimpered.


“Slowly, dear, there is no reason to rush your words.”

Breathing heavily, Angelique slowly calmed down, but her heart was in turmoil.

“The Lycans invaded the Fae kingdom.”

“Oh, dear. I do not know what to say. The King did not inform us of this.”

Shaking her head with more tears filling her eyes, Angelique pulled her arms tighter around herself.

“The King has fled.”

“Oh my. Then why are you here, Princess, on unidentified land? Should you not be running those Lycans out of the Fae Kingdom? You are the High Lady and our future Queen, after all.”

“I... The King personally sent out an order that I should leave the Fae Land.”

“This is surprising.”

Humming, the Cold Sprites Queen was not bothered by the news.

“There was this beast...a Lycan. He attacked both me and my unicorn, but I managed to save her before he could kill her, but...he...he..."

“Did he touch you, Princess?”

Sobbing, when she remembered what the man had done to her, Angelique quivered in fear.

"Oh, no."

Groaning, the Cold Sprites Queen quickly buried her head in Angelique’s soft curls to hide the relieved emotion from the fragile girl. Staring up at the sky with a broken look in her eyes, Angelique whimpered.

“He took my innocence, and…he left, but promised to return and right his wrong? I do not know why this is happening to me.”

Mock sympathy, as she slowly drew her-self away from her; the Cold Sprites Queen suggested in a calm and assertive tone.

“You are not safe here. Please come with me. I will keep you safe until your father returns.”

Crying full-fledged sobs after hearing the comforting declaration, Angelique quickly bopped her head. Using the little courage she had left, she placed a hand in the outstretched one of the Cold Sprites Queen.

“Thank you. I will go with you.”

Brushing the dirt from her face with the edge of the cloth, the Cold Sprites Queen smiled. Suddenly, and before she could say no more, the same servant appeared through a portal with horrible news in front of them.

Hastily bowing, she relayed.

“We found a unicorn not far from here, my Queen. It is injured, on the verge of death."

Gasping, Angelique wrapped the cloak tighter around her body. Pulling herself from the incredibly irritated Cold Sprites Queen, she stepped in front of the stilled bowed woman.

"Show the way."