WebNovelThe Hunt15.58%

Chapter Twelve

Falling on their one knee as the unconscious man did, they relayed more disinterested news that had Pearle alert but not very distressed.

“The Lycans have broken through the barriers and our defenses. They are attacking the villagers, my Queen.”

Lifting the slightly weak Angelique to her feet, Pearle barked, her brown eyes colder than usual. She needed a reason to escort the Princess into the hands of her most trusted ally so that her plans would proceed further.

“Take this."

She threw her royal seal near their feet. It was a simple circular object with an ice sword intertwined with vines drawn on its surface.

Sternly, she continued.

"Use it to order the experienced mages from any of the untouched villages to set up another shield. If they..."

Instantly, Pearle held her tongue, the threat she had wanted to speak out dying in her throat. It was on the lines of, 'if they do not comply, kill them all,' harsh words that the Princess would question. Sharing a small glance with Angelique, she begrudgingly added.

"Make sure the shields are stable."

"Yes, My Queen."

In sync, the men answered. Standing back to their feet, one carefully picked up the royal seal from the ground. After all, it was a precious object.

Angelique frowned, the pause and glance Pearle had done suspicious and confusing.

'What was she about to say?'

She pondered as she watched the men bow in agreement and left through a portal. However, she could not voice out her curiosity because Pearle had gently grasped onto her shoulders.

“Listen to me, and listen well, Princess. I do not know how the Lycans found us, but I will help you escape, okay?”

Skeptical, Angelique suddenly sagged when she felt a shock wave of energy pulsed into her body from Pearle's hands. Quickly, she felt incredibly rejuvenated. Gazing with questioning eyes at Pearle, she murmured.

“How did you do that?”

“There is no time. You must go.”

Ignoring her, Pearle dragged her towards the opened doors of the bedroom, but Angelique was adamant.

“Where? What about you?"

‘What a nuisance this new Queen will be.’

Grumbling in her thoughts, Pearle gritted her teeth, her mask of pretense almost cracking into pieces. She wanted the girl out of her hair before she revealed the ugly side of herself.

“Do not worry about me. Your well-being is more important.”

Lifting her hands to form a somewhat large portal in the bedroom doorway, Pearle pursed her lips when Angelique shouted.

“No, wait!”

But it was too late because she had pushed her into the portal with no regard for her delicate situation. Stumbling into a foreign room, Angelique turned back around to come face to face with an unfamiliar wall. The portal had instantly disappeared as soon as she materialized in the room. It was odd.

Suddenly, a static enveloped the air.

Sensing a presence behind her, she swiftly turned around to find Carlotta had appeared from another door in the foreign room. She had a small bag on her shoulder.

With panic-stricken eyes, she rushed towards her.

“I am glad the Queen sent you here, your highness. We need to leave.”

“What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

Edging her on, as she quickly took her hand in hers, Carlotta murmured.

“There is no time to explain.”

Feeling uncomfortable but compliant, Angelique allowed her to pull her through the wall? Her eyes widened when they materialized into a tiny space.

“What? Please enlighten me about this place. And more about you. Can I trust you?"

Bowing to Angelique, Carlotta began to explain, her voice slightly shaking as she searched the walls for something with the dull lighting from the single bulb hanging from the ceiling.

"As I have already introduced myself to your highness, I am Carlotta, a young apprentice mage who resides in a large community between the Water Nymph and Sprites Kingdom. I am an orphan. That is because, a century ago, the Sprites Kingdom and its allies attacked our villages. They turned us into slaves, forced us to comply with their every wish. A few decades ago, the Queen captured my master, the most powerful mage in our community, and forced him to teach the apprentice mages how to form shields. I came here as a maid to save him, but it was too late."

Angelique gasped.

"Is he dead?"

"Yes. The Queen killed him to keep her secrets at bay."

The news stunned Angelique. Was Carlotta speaking of the same Pearle who treated her kindly? A sudden noise enveloped the small area. A hidden door flew open when Carlotta had pushed a concaving block.

In awe, Angelique questioned.

“What is this placed used for?”

“It teleports a Fantasia Creature from one Kingdom to another or wherever the seeker wishes. My master called it 'GateWay'. It is fast travel, but risky because it can teleport you to other worlds. Thus, the Supremes banned it themselves after the Exiled Lycan King War."

Expressively, Carlotta explained. Beckoning amused Angelique with a follow-me motion, she hurriedly added.

"We must leave before it closes."

Quickly nodding, Angelique rushed behind her through the portal to materialize in a wide-open plain. Raising an eyebrow, she basked in the light atmosphere of a bright mid-afternoon. She was confused about the change in her environment.

“Where are we?”

“There is no time for more explanations, your highness. We need to hurry.”

Briskly nodding as she patiently followed behind a worried Carlotta; Angelique’s mind suddenly remembered Diana.

“Where is Diana, my unicorn?”

“She is waiting for us at the end of the trail, your highness. I brought her through the 'GateWay' as well. She is safe.”

Simply nodding with a breath of relief, she soon tensed with widened eyes.

“Why did Pearle enslave your people?”

Slightly glancing in her direction, Carlotta's eyes watered.

"We were too powerful. Our existence endangered her crown."

Aghast by this second revelation, Angelique felt incredibly puzzled.

“If your master died, why not run away?”

“I wanted to save you, your highness. I sensed your innocence and ignorance of our world."

Taken aback by her words, Angelique frowned.

“Save me? From who?"

"From the Cold Sprites Queen, your highness. She is dangerous.”

A sudden sound coming from behind them captured her attention.

"We are being followed. We need to hurry."

Wrapping her hand around stunned Angelique’s, she pulled her towards an unfamiliar path.

Soon, and with that thought in mind, Angelique and Carlotta stepped into a beautiful meadow that appeared similar to the one she had materialized into on the first day she arrived. But they did not stand to admire the scenery. Instead, Carlotta brought her towards a stream where Diana stood patiently waiting.


Excitedly screaming, Angelique rushed towards her unicorn. Wrapping her arms around her large head, she buried her head in her soft fur.

“I have missed you so much!”

Placing her nose close to her abdomen, Diana suddenly began to sniff around. That caused Angelique to bristle. She pulled away when something felt amiss.

You smell of wet dog, my pet. What happened? I did not smell such a burning scent from you before.

Taking steady steps closer to her, Angelique sighed.

Kissing her on the head, she closed her eyes.

I am with child.


Beating her hoofs against the ground, for she found the news a bit unsettling; Diana felt tears pricking her eyes.

The Lycan from the other day...he took away my innocence, and now... I carry his offspring.

Burying her head above Angelique's shoulder, Diana remained silent. She felt devastated. However, her attention wavered, and her ears perked up when she detected loud growls, stooping sounds, and rattling of leaves. It was the Lycans, and they were rushing in their direction.

“It seems the Queen has seen through my plan. Your highness, quickly, you must saddle your unicorn and run far away from here.”

Rushing into action, as she gently lifted herself off the ground with the help of her plants, Angelique looked in Carlotta’s direction.

“What about you?”

Bowing her head, she credulously answered.

“My work of rescuing you from the Queen is done, your highness. I will stall the Lycans and promise to reappear soon, but for now, you must go.”

At that moment, the Lycans jumped into the clearing, their hackles raised and fur erected. Snarling, their eyes gleamed with dark promises as they dragged their large paws on the ground.