WebNovelThe Hunt18.18%

Chapter Fourteen

Loudly sobbing, as she slid her hands and body over Diana to continue healing the wounds, Angelique gripped her soft fur in her hands as she whispered for her thorned vine.

Ignoring the snarling beasts, the crackling lightning, and the raindrops pelting against the ground and her body, Angelique only had one thing in mind.

She sliced a straight line across her palms with the vine. Hissing from the pain, she closed her eyes.

Everything around her went silent. Even Diana's soft breathing had seized, but Angelique was optimistic. The lightning strikes, rain, and Lycans froze. A large force-fill enveloped the area as her pure white blood fell from her opened wounds. Slowly but careful, she placed her palms on Diana's opened mouth.

She patiently waited for her blood to take its course as she healed the small wounds in her palm on her horn. Sitting back on her derrière, she gently hummed a Fae tune that her mother used to lull her to sleep as she passed a hand on top of Diana's bloody mane.


Hearing the loud shout of Carlotta in a subconscious part of her mind, Angelique suddenly gave a high-pitched scream that caused Diana to glow a white color. That was the second time she had used such a dangerous technique: Sulfa or Complete Healing.

Her mother had warned her many times about using such a technique, but at this moment, she only wanted to save her closest friend and protector.

The first time she had tried Sulfa was on a wounded pink rabbit when she was 108 in the Fae Colorful Forest. Its after-effects had placed her in a coma.

The force-fill exploded. Everything in close range was affected by the raging energy, including the Lycans. A small tornado formed around them, the rain falling heavier and lightning ferociously striking everything in its wake. It was a catastrophe.

Angelique screamed louder as she lifted Diana's body from the ground with the white light. Twisting it around her body like waves, she bent her head back with another bellow.

The trees that once stood tall and mighty were gone, the tornado uprooting them all. The area was left barren and desolated. As Angelique slowly brought Diana's body back onto the ground, the wind, lightning, and rain stopped.

An eerie quiet descended in the destroyed area when Diana opened her eyes.

Bending over, Angelique vomited, one of the after-effects of the technique. A wave of nausea and fatigue hit her ten-fold, her hands flying onto her abdomen where the forgotten babe resided.

Suddenly, a large muscular arms wrapped around her waist. She bristled but had no time to confront the person, for the six Lycans who had surprisingly survived the catastrophe quickly rushed towards them.

The power they had witnessed a definite threat to their kind.

Realizing they were Lycans who had affinities, Angelique gasped when the person holding onto her had jumped from behind her to intercept the Lycans.

With speed and agility that looked unrecognizable, the naked and unfamiliar male fought them head-on. Stupendously strong, he had defeated his enemies whose dead bodies surrounded him. Their blood, mangled and decapitated bodies, caused her to vomit once again.

Sensing her distress, the man rushed towards her.

However, he was stopped in his tracks when Diana had hurriedly stood and protectively guarded Angelique. The naked man snarled, his canines and claws showing evidence that he was a Lycan and an intensely strong one.

His eyes were shining a piercing red until it changed into a beautiful golden color.

“Command your horse to stand down, my Queen.”

In a baritone, husky, but familiar voice, Ryanne eyed his suffering Queen before the angry unicorn, who was readying to impale him with her slowly elongating horn.

"Please do not, Diana. You are still weak."

The soft feminine voice, a voice that he had desired to hear for so long after the unreachable but blurry crime on the full moon, stopped the unicorn in its steps. As soon as the unicorn walked back to stand and sit near his Queen, Ryanne rushed towards her.

“Are you okay?”

He murmured while inhaling her sweet scent despite the crude smells of blood and vomit.

Gathering her in his arms, he gazed down at the incredible beauty that he had desired to meet every single day. Removing her wet hair from in front of her face, she suddenly gasped and fought out of his arms with widened ocean blue eyes that shown with immense fear and hatred. He, this naked man, had turned out to be the man who had forcefully claimed her as his lifemate a month and some days ago.

Feeling downtrodden and disturbed by the overpowering emotions in her eyes, he gently placed her on the ground but was unprepared for the hard and terrible slap that graced his cheek by her tiny hands.

Luckily, her energy had seemed to have depleted, or he would have been a sorry corpse similar to the skinned and polarized trees.

Hearing her slight discomfort, as his head had turned with a small crack to the side; Ryanne remained indifferent but alert.

He had deserved such treatment and more, as he felt the blood dripping from the sudden bruise on his lips.

He knew that his Princess had used a certain amount of strength to strike him, for his Lycan side was raging, while his skin quickly reattached itself.

“You dare touch me?! You dare to return after what you did to me?!”

Slowly turning to face her, his red eyes turned back into a smoldering golden shining color. Suddenly, and disregarding his pride, he fell onto his knees in front of her.

That was a similar action he did the day after his blurred crime.

He bowed his head with remorse. The crime he had committed against his Queen had haunted him for days.

He practically begged while his Lycan side whined in agreement.

“Forgive me, my Queen, for what I have done to you.”

Rushing to hide behind her unicorn with tears glistening in her eyes, she growled.

“Stay away from me, you monster!”

Suddenly, he sniffed the air, and she felt the blood in her veins freeze when he suddenly leaped to his feet with a bellow.

“You are with child?! Is it my child?! My offspring?!”

Angelique’s breath hitched in her throat, but she said nothing.

Suddenly, Carlotta appeared behind him with her twin whips. However, a woman dressed in leather clothes had jumped from her hiding place behind tall shrubs to quickly intercepted her. Kicking her onto the ground, she climbed onto her back and grabbed her hands. Placing them behind her back, she had no remorse for Carlotta's painful scream, her face impassive and stare cold. The hold Carlotta had on the twin whips became slacked from the sudden capture. Her face turned red from the uncomfortable position.

“Sire, I am sorry for the late arrival. The carriage is ready for your departure.”

Gasping, Angelique watched as the woman kicked the sizzling whips away and lifted growling Carlotta onto her feet. Stepping away from huffing Diana, she barked.

“Let her go!”

Turning in her direction, the woman who had bowed in her lifemates direction also acknowledged her sudden status.

“My Queen, we have prepared clothes for you.”

Bristling, Angelique was surprised as well as angry.

Whispering for a thin vine to erupt from the ground, the only thing her manna enabled her to create, she circled it around the woman's neck.

“I am not your Queen! Let her go!”

Unaffected by the vine circling tighter around her neck, the woman turned her eyes for confirmation in Ryanne's direction.

“Take the girl and throw her in the carriage. We will be leaving in a moment.”

Nodding, she glanced at the vine, and with her mind, she unwound it around her neck and threw it onto the ground. Controlling the twin whips, she wrapped it around Carlotta's feet and arms. She carried the screaming and shouting girl away from them. The moment she turned around, her facial features changed. Inside, her heart was burning with jealousy and rage, for she had not expected the King to find his lifemate--her future Queen so soon.
