WebNovelThe Hunt22.08%

Chapter Seventeen

Lost in thought, as he trekked through a familiar trail, Ryanne pursed his lips. The Cold Sprites Queen and her comrade, the Water Nymph Queen, strategies were always the same. For centuries, he had kept an eye open for their rebellion against the Fae Kingdom but never would have imagined his lifemate would be the Princess of the Fae Kingdom or become entangled in their mess.

That was distressing to him, but he refused to allow his emotions to cloud his reasoning.

He is the most powerful, strongest, and dangerous King for a reason. Living in the Fantasia World for centuries, he needed to be and think practical.

"I forgot to mention sire."

Commander Crystal's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"What is it?"

"It is the matter with the Royals, sire.”

Ryanne groaned when he heard this. He waved a hand in the air for Crystal to continue.

"The Lycans attack upon the Fae Kingdom has developed disbelief and lack of faith in the treaty. The cowardly act of the Fae King bringing unnecessary uproar. Every Royal is on edge, as they doubt your leadership. The Queen Mother has scheduled a council meeting to be held in two weeks to dispel their anxieties and further worry. They are bluntly accusing you of such mishaps, sire. They…"

"That is quite enough about the Royals, Commander Crystal."

Ryanne dismissed the matter, for he need not hear more. He knew of the Royals' hatred and the shaky treaty.

"I respect your wish, sire."

Silence descended around them.

Soon they arrived in another large but bountiful area where the still-standing carriage was. The only difference was the many groaning and wounded Lycans surrounding it.

"Fetch the physician."

"I will do as you say, sire."

Bowing, Crystal rushed away from him.

Hearing her footsteps receding, Ryanne breathed a heavy sigh of relief, for he had been holding it ever since they had left the destroyed area.

His sixth sense was clear.

There would be trouble brewing soon.

There was no doubt about it, for his affinity, as the only surviving golden-eyed, as well as multi eye colored Lycan, was to sense and depict danger and misfortune.

The color of his eyes also changed with his mood.

Distressed now, it was a lovely shade of green.

Ryanne looked up at the sky, knowing that other members, most likely from the other Five Kingdoms and the Cold Sprites Queen herself, were involved in such an uprising with his longtime friend, Rolando Pierre, but he could be wrong.

'What exactly are they planning?'

Deep in thoughts, he suddenly felt a soft pat on his back.

Slowly turning around to find one of the attendants nervously shaking in their boots, he glowered, for they had disturbed his thoughts.

He slowly bit out, a vein popping in his forehead.

"What is it?"

His green eyes changed a shocking yellow.

Bowing in the appropriate manner of an insignificant servant to high authority, the attendant finally spoke after a few loud inhalations of breaths.

"Your carriage awaits you, sire."

Simply nodding, Ryanne walked in the direction the man was pointing. It was a magnificent carriage made of pure gold. With four strong and muscular black horses pulling such an esteemed royal carriage, it was outwardly significant for his journey to the doorstep of the Cold Sprites Queen Kingdom.

It described that he came to speak business and not trouble.

Shifting into his beast would have been too vulgar and mean harm, something Rolando had already performed for him. Stopping, when a sudden thought came to mind, he turned his head slightly to the right, where the attendant followed patiently and attentively.

"Prepare a set of clothes for me."

Bowing, the man instantly murmured.

"Indeed, sire."

Wordlessly nodding with great approval, Ryanne proceeded towards the carriage, his heart beating against his chest.

Dismissing the number of ‘sires’ and the many bowing of heads, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he was sitting on the soft seats inside it.

His eyes also returned to its soft golden color.

"Sire, I have brought your clothes."

Ryanne wordlessly took the expensive fabric from the attendant's hand and placed it on the empty seat near him.

"Inform Commander Crystal of my departure. Assist the wounded ones with the physician as well."

"Your wish is my command, sire."

Bowing, the attendant murmured before high tailing out of his intimidating King's presence.

Sighing heavily, as he watched the attendant scurry away like a mouse, Ryanne patted the roof of the carriage. Soon it started moving, the horses’ hoofs hitting the ground getting faster as the wheels glide smoothly across the tidy track.

Removing the robe from his form, he quickly adorned the simple white button shirt and black slacks, an outfit that was customary in his kingdom.

Gazing out of the carriage that was moving effortlessly alright, but not fast; he sighed and whispered to himself.

"A car would go faster than this thing. Why is the Fae Kingdom and its allied Kingdoms still revolving in the olden days?"

Gazing at the beautiful forestry, meadows, lakes, and other beautiful sights the carriage passed by, he understood why they never evolved from using nature as a number one source of life because it was simply too divine.

The moment Angelique disappeared from the presence of her lifemate, she felt empty, half of her feeling misplaced, but she did not ponder over it for too long because hatred quickly won over.

Breathing heavily in and out, she swiftly turned in the direction of the unfamiliar Water Nymph. Simply curtsying with appropriate respect, she turned her back and disappeared into another Water Portal before Angelique could ask her anything.

Frowning, she gazed at Diana, who had bent her head onto the sweet and succulent flowers to enjoy a hearty meal.

"Where are we?"

She questioned while observing the area the Water Nymph had brought and left her.

It was a gigantic waterfall surrounded by beautiful stone shapes, flowers, and a green-colored lake. The rays from the sun sparkled as it passed through the tall and large canopy trees onto the glistening water. A curtain of thin vines and sweet-smelling flowers separated the lake from where she stood.

It looked ethereal, outwardly impressive.

Beautiful and lovely birds and butterflies enveloped the area.

The calming singing of the birds lifted her mood. Their frivolous presence brought life to the place.

Gasping, when she saw many Water Nymphs jumping from the high hill above the waterfall down into the basin, she gushed at their beautiful skins sparkling under the calming sunlight. Their giggles and laughing caused a vibrant smile to split her lips.

Known for being carefree and quaint creatures, Water Nymphs loved the calm and warm water.

She was amazed, for she had never come in contact with the peculiar creatures.

As if sensing her eyes on their persons, the Water Nymphs turned in her direction. With innocent and curious shining green eyes, they shamefully looked. Some drew closer to inspect her, while others remained in place. Their hair was a glorious blue color, and it fell down their body like veils to hide their nakedness.

Lovely smiles graced their lips when they had sighted her unicorn--an extinct species save Diana in the Fantasia World. They had never seen such a creature before. Those who were unwilling to follow their counterparts drew closer, for the Princess beauty had also taken their breath away.

Diana snorted when one of the Water Nymphs dashed water onto her back with a loud giggle, but she did not lift her head from her meal to observe the culprit.

"I see our most recreational place has captured your attention, Princess Angelique, High Lady of the Fae kingdom, and Light Fae of Life: my future Queen."

A sweet and kind voice disrupted her concentration.