WebNovelThe Hunt35.06%

Chapter Twenty-Seven

A large area in the middle of the Fantasia World

The air surrounding the large but opened patio was refreshing. The large canopy of trees circling it enabled appropriate privacy for the bright sun rays was gently penetrating through the small gaps through their branches. Four large pillars made of a material that looked transparent like glass were in each corner of the patio. The ceiling was a high oval-shaped roof made of the same material.

Pre-historic paintings were plastered inside the ceiling and on the pillars.

The open patio looked old fashioned but regularly maintained.

Marble tiles were its flooring, and it was sparkling. The wind was blowing in one direction to keep the rain, if it falls, from causing a mess and keeping away debris when the leaves fell from the trees.

A wooden round and long table made from an expensive oak tree were in the center. Chairs, a total of six made from the same material, fanned every side.