WebNovelThe Hunt74.03%

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Abruptly bowing, the Protector removed a small cellphone from the pocket of his khakis pants. Pressing a few buttons, he placed it towards his mouth. Speaking in a low-key tone of voice, the expression on his face was lively and explanatory.

Slightly raising his head, the leader, who was dying with a million questions, inquired.

“May I be so brave, your royal highness, to ask something of importance?”

Sighing heavily, for he understood the man's curiosity, Ryanne raised a hand in front of his wary face.

“There is no need since the meeting that I will soon hold will explain everything. Until then, please remember my commission.”

Resisting his refute by biting his lips, the leader bowed.

“I understand, your royal highness.”

“Now that you do, please lead the way towards the castle.”

One last glance at Angelique, the foreign tribal woman, and unicorn, the leader curtly nodded.

“Please follow us, your royal highness.”
