WebNovelThe Hunt81.82%

Chapter Sixty-Three

“The Princess body was adjusting to the new environment, Queen Mother. Her reason for fainting is because she is exhausted.”

Nodding, as the doctor spoke, Aurora was elated.

Lowering his voice as if someone was eavesdropping, the doctor added further.

“But her exhaustion is because of two things. May I freely speak of this?”

“Proceed with your words.”

“Twins—an unheard-of thing in the Fantasia World is what her highness carries.”

Lost for words, Aurora and Angelique shared a look filled with surprise.

“Do not speak of this to no other, not even your family.”

Bowing, the doctor assertively and obediently nodded.

“I will do as you say, Queen Mother.”

Satisfied with his answer, she dismissed him.

“You may leave.”

Bowing once again, the doctor left the room.

Turning in Angelique’s direction, she saw that she had fainted once more, but from the shock.

Carefully fixing her person in the bed, she tucked her in.