[VII] Date: 3rd September 2034


TARGET: Takara "Shinigami' Oshiro

Born: 22, September 2012

Identification Number: n/a

Details: n/a

Not much was known about this new target, I had just been told he is a very big threat to society and that I would be the one to end his tyranny. Oshiro is the first son of Hanzo Oshiro. The former president of the Oshiro clan who somehow happens to be missing all of a sudden. Ever since the appearance of the Masks, the criminal organizations that have been in control of the Port have been quiet about it and that's not something they usually do especially if the people they happen to be finding dead are affiliates to the mafia or their potential associates. Someone's behind-the-scenes pulling the strings and arming these psychopaths with enough weaponry and power to start a war. But who are they fighting?

She thought all about this while going through Takara's file, it was blue and surprisingly thin for the son of a mob boss. He was rather clean besides a few parking tickets. Takara had a little brother, Sasaki but he had been missing for as long as his older brother and there were the apparent sighting of him throughout the different parts of the city but he didn't stay anywhere long enough for her to get to him and his moves weren't spontaneous and she had heard that he was last spotted heading Westward... Sasaki had no associates there and it was a rather dangerous place for those who weren't known by the locals. The Westward Misfits gang were in control of that area and they kept the law there but they were notorious for supplying ordinary people with military-grade weaponry at the right price. Uncle Sam was their boss and even though they happened to be the most violent of the cartels. They were rather professional and they had good morals they kept to, which made them seem a little respectable in her eyes but nonetheless they were criminals and it was their job to kill them. Without being seen or implicating the contractor...

Her name was Naomi Caelan, Perez but many of her teammates called her Captain Knight. The leader of the Blue Ticks Counteract Task Force = BTCTF. Blue Ticks was a specialized mental enhancer that allows people to use all 100% of their mental ability resulting in what they called the perfect human or as society named it Ticks. This was discovered in the events of the 3rd war where soldiers were fuelled with the Blue Ticks formula and sent into the battlefield to force their minds to adapt to this new power but the end result was devastating. 90% of all soldiers experimented on would usually go into a killing frenzy and die eventually... Once it was public that these things were happening to the soldiers, humanity took a stand against the government for their cruelty to humans and that ended the war with the old government being overthrown with the Hollow Point Mafia taking control over what the government had in Port Blazefall. But there were those that survived and without any need to fight anymore they were left stranded, hopelessly and that began a very dark time for all returning soldiers. With all that power there wasn't a way they could fit into society. Many were left stranded and was a dark age for the returning veterans, having these newfound abilities that made them seem like outcasts to the world those that didn't die or killing themselves joined gangs to survive and most are the best in contract killers. So the newfound system had to make a way to protect society from these super-powered menaces so and that is how the BTCTF was formed. They have specialized a private military group consisting of 10 elite soldiers who all have unique abilities and complete control over their abilities and were given full authority to complete any mission at any means. Naomi's ability is called All Seeing Eyes and it allows her to know the details of her targets from the first sight. The only problem is that she had to be face to face with the target at least once for it to work. So for people like Takara Oshiro, it was hard tracking him down if she had never met him personally. She shifted her glasses up as it was actually causing strain to her eyes. She didn't need to wear them, like most of her physical and mental abilities, they were all way above good. These glasses just gave her motivation. They belonged to someone very special to her and every time she put them on it gave her strength and courage to carry on walking this path of light. The light she watched the previous owner of these glasses carry so valiantly. If it was for that person, she probably would've been another casualty of war. The endless bloody conflict that humanity has waged for so long because of their greed and inability to accept change.

The memories of the war flash rapidly through her mind with thousands of dead bodies piling underneath her as they fade away. She is standing in the center of a mass of dead bodies and she is sinking. Blood and black mist descend from the sky as a glowing hand reaches out to her. Blood appears all around her as it begins to rise to her neck and the dead bodies all come back to life... Their eyes are pure black and streams of blood gush out of their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. They are pulling her down and chanting in sync.

"You are failed, Naomi... Come Lay with the dead... Where you are supposed to be... Naomi, Failed Naomi..."

The blood keeps rising over her till it is above her head. She tries to reach for the hand but it's inches away, the harder she tries. The more the blood drowns her and just as she closes her eyes and starts to drown. She hears the voice of someone calling her name... Naomi... Naomi...

"Captain Perez, the pack awaits your orders..." said a man smoking a cigarette while standing against the frame of the door, she hadn't heard it open and she knew Private Kistner had been there for a while. He was trying too hard to hide his concern. He was one of the soldiers who had been part of her group ever since it began and to her, she was her closest friend.

The green and brown in Naomi's eyes began to fade away and her eyes turned a glossy black with her iris turning pure white. Her powers had just activated and she was staring into the collective thoughts of all the people who had spotted Sasaki. She closes her eyes and she begins to have a nose bleed. That means she found the information she needed and for obtaining that information, her body paid the price.

"Get everyone into a squad of three. The alpha squad will go to the Westward Districts and try to find Sasaki. The beta squad will head to the Northerner's Neighborhoods and try to find any more on the Oshiro's movements and hopefully reveal Hanzo's location... You are with me Private on Charlie squad, We are the only two people who will be in the main assault unit as Channing will work comms and keep all 3 squads connected..." and as she finishes her commands to Kistner, she vomits blood into the trashcan right next to her, she got used to the torture that came with her abilities but she knew that this meant something else. There were other people who had power, an intensely dangerous amount of power, and that her vomiting meant that they were using those powers and it was causing a ripple effect on the entire city... She needed to find them soon...

"A-Assault unit, but Captain what's so serious we need to find in the South?" Kistner says in total surprise. He wasn't skilled in combat situations because of the unpredictability of his power and the danger it posed. He knew that whenever they were teamed up that this was a very important mission. The assassination was more of their specialty, to be honest, but she was the only one who knew why.

Naomi turns away from him and walks to the window and stares out into the location of the city that was brightly lit on the horizon as the rain began to get worse. A storm was brewing silently and would descend on them soon...

"The heart of this city is growing blacker than it has EVER been... A devastating bloodbath is about to begin and the victims are already piling up... We have only 24 hours to prevent it..." she turned around and handed Kistner, a syringe of a light blue liquid that sparkled like a diamond. The special formula is needed to activate Kistner's frightening Blue Ticked Ability. Hell Hound.

The room remained completely silent as the storm began to rage. The heavy showers had emptied the streets of Port Blazefall as everyone would hide away and search for safety from the rain. This storm was a declaration of war and in all the directions, Generals of their armies stood staring each other down violently. This city has been chosen as their battlefield and the eerie hauls of wind played out its ominous cries of the warriors who were preparing for battle. A SIGN... That this was the trumpets of war that echoed throughout the land. That they were the only ones who had deciphered the secret invitation. The players have their eyes set on the Bloody Throne and the game had finally begun. The game that everyone would be forced to play, Their rewards would only be death and the losses were the same. This how the greatest bloodbath the Port has ever seen, started. The Game Of Masks... With the revelation of the Death God that was chasing the slippery Koi, challenging The hunt of the OWL and creating the enemy, the broken knight chasing the light would be forced to fight. But most importantly the birth of the Numbered King, The Manifestation of chaos and the destruction, who chains would be removed from where they kept him trapped and who will rise from the abyss and claim the throne... And bring the entire world to its knees... Where Their Worlds Meet, The Bloodbath Began...