The Visit

Dear Jesus,

It's late afternoon as I write to you.

I didn't go to school.

I won't be going until maybe when the school calls us to come get the customized suit and tie we would wear on our Valedictory Service day. I was able to take my yearbook picture after the last paper of SCE.

Not going to school is currently a blessing in perfect disguise for me. I mean, if all this fake news issue had happened while I was still daily going to school, maybe I would have been stripped down to the skeletal remains of myself. *Shudders at the thought*

Our results will be released in a fortnight. I pray for the best, though I must admit I am a little bit anxious.

I'm anxious because I have to get an high score to be considered when I apply into McChyenne College.

I choose to cast my cares upon you. It's not easy, but I'll try.