Power of Connection

Dear Jesus,

"Well, I guess break's over. Let's head back inside before your Mom thinks we've been kidnapped," I said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Who was that?" John asked.

"My bestie, Kathlyn Taylor. You met her during the love feast, remember?"

"Oh! I do." Then I thought I heard him mumble, "She's the pretty one." Maybe I was imagining that. So I forced myself not to ask him what he said. It was a much greater struggle not to think too deeply about it. I mean, it could have just been my imagination, right?

Five minutes later, I was trying to clean the center chandelier. John, who I discovered has a phobia for heights, was helping me to steady the stool I climbed on. Thank God Mommy Sarah had given me jeans to wear. If not, the dusty chandelier would have stayed in its dusty glory.

The small bell above the entry door jingled, signifying that someone had entered. We weren't supposed to have any customers today cos we weren't officially opened.