
Dear Jesus,

My eyes shot open from my dreamless sleeping state. The room was dark, much darker than normal. Still lying on my bed, I turned and checked the neon green lights of my alarm. It was just 12:56am.

Something wasn't right. I could sense it, but I didn't know what.

As I sat up in bed, It came, like the whamming of a baseball bat, full force, on me. Hot, searing pain like that of pins spread through the cavity of my tummy.

I gasped at the intensity of the pain. It was so sudden that I involuntarily clenched my teeth tightly, missing biting my tongue by a tiny inch.

Now I know what gnashing of teeth means, and I must say, it's a horrible action. All vestiges of grogginesss was flung out my window.


The pain increased, spreading like claws and tendrils of strangling vines through my entire body. I felt like I would die. I had to remind myself to breathe.