Jingle Bells

Dear Jesus,

It's Christmas! How fast time flies.

Okay, I'll confess.

I'm so guilty for not writing to you all this while, and I'm sorry.

Yes, today was hectic, but I promised myself that I would not miss writing at least a birthday card to you today.

So, here it goes:


To Jesus, my love,

I don't have words to thank you enough for humbling yourself and coming down to this wretched world to save us.

I don't have words to praise you enough for coming just as it was prophesied in scripture.

I don't have anything in my hands to give you, no gold, myrhh or frankincense to offer as the Magi did.

But I do have one thing:

My heart.

Let it be an acceptable birthday gift from me to you today.


Yours eternally,



I hope you like it. I'm not so much of a poet. Ha ha!

Today was so Ah-May-Zin!!!