Dear Jesus,
How can a person see you and not be changed?
How can a person meet with you and not be transformed?
It's simply impossible.
The past year was the beginning of years for me. In this new year, I believe you will see me through, yet again. I'm excited, even a little nervous.
This is a blank slate. Full of time and opportunities unravelled.
In life, I've come to learn that time and tide waits for no man.
It is best one spends the little time one has with you, Jesus. That is the most profitable venture any man can embark upon, the best thing that anyone can invest one's time in.
Instead of worrying about the future, I choose to rest on you who holds my life and tomorrow in your hands.
We just got back from the cross-over vigil few minutes ago.
It's still very dark. The time is 3:00am as I write to you, with the light bulb of my room as lighting.