

Inside John's room,Deborah sat on the ground, close to the bed.

With the trunk in front of her.

She opened it and began to check for something.

Just as she was checking, she came across the drawing of Reed,which planted a smile on her face.

Memories began to flood her head,as she remembered the first day they laid eyes on each other.

She was happy.

She felt like looking at the remaining drawings, because she didn't have the time to do it last time.

But before she could, she spotted what she was looking for,inside the trunk.

"Oh!,there it is", she said,dropping the drawings down.

She placed her hand inside the trunk,and brought out an old book of hers,which her grandfather gave to her so many years ago.

It was hard for her to get it from John then.

But,she had told him that she wanted to write a story in it,just like him.

So it was done.

Deborah smiled,having found her old book.

" Am so excited.

I've got the book now,..all that remains is the planning.