It has been a month since the Novel Blue Soul Blood encountered a member of the Order of the Infinite Darkness - Vincent, and Matilde. The Pernach is now in the possession of the Novel Blue Soul Blood. They hide it in a safe place. Matilde has taken the dagger made up of jade which is according to Vincent, can kill immortals. Morgan has no idea where the Pernach is. All he knows is that it could be in the possession of Vincent or in the possession of the Novel Blue Soul Blood. He also has no idea about the dagger that Matilde took. Morgan continues to hunt down Oracle for the Was.
The students return to school after the field trip at Lola Corazon. Many students are mingling with each other. Most of the topics are about their experiences during the field trip. In the fourth year classroom, the students discuss the same topic. Joed, Ken, Glenn, Yuta, Mateo, Santiago, Melboy and Andoy are excitedly telling their experiences. Mateo speaks. “It was really fun out there.”