Chapter 2

The long-awaited day has arrived after entering 6th grade. My friend and nazreen have to run the UPSR. The moment I am most afraid of.

"Goodluck you" but nazreen was hollowed out, that's why everyone is studying, I'm still walking to enjoy the beauty of the garden at the school.

"Study la naz later can not answer kang" annis continued to pull my hand and study with them all.


Nazreen went in and kept looking for a table with my name. From earlier I was looking but i don't found my table.

Mathematical paper was distributed. Nazreen looked blankly at the paper, didn't touch the pound. I saw everyone on standby because nazreen was told that this kind of spider is why ?.


Everyone raised their hands to start answering the question. Nazreen was still docking the paper.

'do i care about this exam'

The 2 hours I was given I spent with tido hihihi. Lek arr nazreen is stupid if he doesn't sleep right. Nazreen got up while correcting my body.

"Hiyarhhhhhh" my hand reached out to the back.

"Woii your hand is included in my nose ngok" nazreen continued to pull my hand.loya my throat weyy.annis brushed my hand roughly.

"I'm sorry haha I didn't have time to cover earlier" nazreen laughed like a crazy person.

"Woii, let's go back later, my mother is noisy aa" nazreen could only smile.

"Yes, my mother said I want to cook my favorite food" said Annis too. Nazreen? Go first.

"Wait for us!" Annis and Azali shouted.

Why did i go first?because i do not have a mother and my mother died last year, I'm jelous to see my friends talking about their mother.

Today nazreen, azali and annis went back on foot because even though our house is far away. We went through a big pipe in the middle of the field.

"Hati² weyy licin ni" nazreen said while leading them.

'a little jer again'

My feet got faster when the end was already identified. But bad luck befell me.


"HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA" azali and annis each ² laughed at me. Nazreen quickly climbed on the pipe again.

Euwww amused doh.tak amused real pounds but I'm afraid there are woii leeches.

"That's it going very fast" Azali scolded me.

"Aahhh hurry up, my shoes are full of mud, do you understand?" Nazreen snapped and hated.

"I don't understand" they laughed. Hell has a friend.

"Abah, will we eat kfc later?" Aliya asked.

"Yes, but you have to wait for Nazreen and your brother to come back first" Aliya just nodded and hugged the harness.

"Abah aliya want to ask?" Abah continued to look at me slowly ². All wrong aliya want to ask a question.

"Assalamualaikum abah" nazreen shouted loudly from outside the house. Aliya quickly came out.

"Why are you screaming and screaming like a crazy person" Aliya was angry with me.

"Don't say nazreen like that is not good" said abah softly. Aliya chuckled. What is more nazreen is that.

"Didn't you go to school today?" Nazreen asked when she saw Aliya coming out first.

"Aliya went to this school, her spirit aliya was left earlier, she brought her body jer" abah was already giggling with laughter.

"Ouh spirit ehh meh I tried this test" nazreen continued to open the shoes covered in mud and displayed in front of his nose.

"You're dirty, aren't you?" Aliya continued to slap my shoulder.

"Abah, as far as I know, people can't see the spirit that can pound open hijab, right?" Yes nazreen see aliya already looks like it was hit by the bomb.

"Already!do not tease your sister nazreen.look at her red face,she is angry with you" nazreenshowed my face in front of her.

"It look like someone is blushing huh?" Nazreen kept teasing.


Perghh the most poisonous slap handle. My head is not dizzy but that's my neck is a little dislocated.

"Want more?"nazreen nodded quickly as I ran into the bathroom. I already threw measles to the side.

"Iss abah look at nazreen,she always makes aliya angry with him" aliya continued to hit towards abah quickly.

"Abah has been looking at it for a long time since he was little" aliya chuckled and entered the room.

"Haish what do you want to be with them later" said abah slowly.

Nazreen kept coming out when she arrived at KFC not a new reason to see but a reason to check sitting in an old car ².

"Naz and aliya come in first to order what is appropriate" Mr. Ikhwan continued to hand over the RM100 note to aliya.

"Aii aii captain Ikhwan" nazreen and aliya continued to run in until aliya bumped into a man.


"Akak why you sit there dirty lah" said nazreen while supporting aliya get up.

"Where are your eyes?" Aliya asked in a firm tone.

"You who hit me first must want to blame me again" said the man with round eyes.

"You must be sitting at this door?" Aliya said firmly.

"Do you like the door your father made?" The man said arrogantly.

"That's our father there" said Nazreen slowly. Aliya smiled triumphantly. The man smiled broadly.

"It's over, we want to go," Aliya said while trying to pass.

"Taxes have to be paid" said the man while holding out his hand. Nazreen was already starting to smoke aliya continued to gently pat her sister's back.

"Do you want to see the gorilla cub go berserk?" Said Aliya with a warning.

"Huh I'm not afraid he doesn't have anyone who dares to scold me" the ripple sounded right.

"Long, what are you doing here?" Came another inman who was more or less nazreen. Maybe 2 years older than nazreen.

"Ouh your brother yer? Tell him not to make this door like his property is ok" said aliya in a restrained tone².

"Ouh like that KFC belongs to our family we have a brother" aliya was plastered. Surprised for a moment.

"Ouhh if that's the case, please respect your customer?" Said aliya again. Brother to the boy already felt.

"It's been a long time since I want to fight, I've been ruthless in my legs waiting for this?"

"Err sorry my sister err my name is aliya" aliya continued to introduce herself.

"I am adril cousin khairil" said adril in a teasing tone.

"You don't have to climb the leaves, you and my sister are still learning how to play football, right?" Said nazreen then took the money from aliya and pushed adril's body aside.

Adril, aliya and khairil silently did not object.

'I told you the gorilla kid is raging'

"Don't let me go first bye" aliya continued to walk away.

Adril continued to wave towards aliya. Khairil saw his cousin who was daydreaming. Adril smiled to himself until he reached his father's car.