Chapter 26

Khairil headed to the back of the house to breathe fresh air. His mind drifted away when he was threatened by an image kidnapper 3 years ago.

"Who is that boy?" His chin was rubbed even though no beard was growing.

"Of course the boy is a boy and not a girl" denied Khairil again.

The green garden looked calm and tried to get rid of all the clutter playing in his mind.

"Did aira save me?" Khairil guessed confidently.

"Same place, same time and the same character only the way of saving is different" Khairil ruffled his curly hair.

Aira's beautiful face is reflected in the space of her eyes. Her thick black hair adds to her beauty. Khairil falls in love at first glance at Aira after believing that it was Air who saved her from the incident when she was almost kidnapped.