Fitting or Not!

The tension could be felt by others, as the waitress came through the dividers and saw them. She stays quiet as she posed out the food on time, and went away as soon as possible.

All the food was laid out on the table. Still, no one had touched anything. Tong Yue-Yan can feel the intensity of the conversation.

Tong Yue-Yan thought that maybe it would be a safer idea for her to behave more mature and said, “Ye-Ye, it’s ok, we should forget about it altogether. Tian-Xu is correct.” She stated as she gave him a sweet innocent smile.

“It wasn’t entirely Miss Lee’s fault, and we just received a few misunderstanding. My aunt was overreacting. Let’s forget about it, and not cause any more problems.” She said as she tried to loosen the tension in the air.

Grandfather Yang felt like Tong Yue-Yan is indeed such a good child. She put in a few kind words and said that it wasn’t entirely Lee Yin-Yin’s fault, and she too was to blame for the misunderstanding as well.